Chapter fourteen

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Heya my wonderful readers,
Really wanted to get this chapter out so here you go. Hope you all like it and I'm always open to suggestions on what you want to see and stuff. Idk if there are mistakes as I haven't checked it over, I was just aching to publish it. So Yh enjoy.
Love you guys lots xx


That night I didn't touch myself. The yearning was so unbearable I went down to the training rooms in the middle of the night and worked it out of my system. My hand were shaky when they clasped over the hilt of the knife and my throws were off.

This wasn't helping.

Instead I stumbled back to my room and rummaged through my draw for my vibrator. Like I said, I'm not technically 'touching myself' I'm using something else to do it for me. I lied back, my head on my pillows and tentatively lowered my arm down to my pussy letting the vibrator hover over my throbbing heat. The first touch to my clit made my back arch and I took in a hitched breath. I rubbed it over my clit as I leaned my hips into the movement. My mind raced to Loki, as if it was his hands caressing me and making me squirm. I thought of the things he would whisper in my ear. The praises that fuelled my passion. I let out a few moans as I was reaching my high. I let my head arch to look at the top of the headboard. The missing feeling of The God of Mischief pumping into me, my hips moved as if I was matching his thrusts.

My whimpered moan filled my room as I reached my climax. Collapsing onto my bed, the sheets of my bed felt unfamiliar as if I had entered another universe. My eyes fell closed ever so quickly and in less than a minute I was whisked away in a dream. I mean, you could probably guess what the dream was about.


Breakfast was eerily empty because most of the team were utterly worn out from the mission yesterday. The team got back around three this morning so I hadn't had a chance to ask how it went. I was the only one in the kitchen for a while and moved over to the sofa when Thor walked in, looking the worst I've ever seen him. Even though he still looked ethereal. "Good morning, my lady" Thor drawled as he made his way over to the fridge.

"Good morning, Thor. How was the mission?" I cheerily said back, turning my body to the kitchen to watch him.

"It was tiring if I am to be honest. Don't you worry though, everything is under control now my lady" He peered over his shoulder and threw me a fatigued smile.

"Oh well, I guess that's good" I said less cheerfully turning back to the TV.

I'm not quite sure why Thor didn't tell me about the mission. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and just claim it on the fact that he was too tired to elaborate. I hope it's that.

Shortly after Thor went and sat down at the kitchen table Loki strolled in, a book tucked under his arm. I whipped my head to where he stood and he locked eyes with me. The cold glare he shot me increased with his jaw clenching, his eyes widening and a slight tilt of his head at the sight of red creeping over my cheeks. He knew what I did. I gave it away in my face. My stupid cheeks going red. I quickly looked down touching my face to find out it to cool it down and he carried on walking.

"Ah brother" Thor said with a mouthful of pop tarts. Loki was now apple in hand and standing at the other side of the table from Thor. "How was," Thor graced my name and I sank deeper into the cushions, pretending not to listen, "yesterday? I'm sure you two had lots of fun" He completed with a loud chuckle. I don't know how it was possible but I sank even deeper into the sofa.

"Unfortunately brother, she wasn't exactly well behaved. She has a terrible habit of disobeying orders." Loki said so very casually, yet I could hear the sneer and a hint of anger in his voice without even looking at him.

I stood up almost instantly and turned to face them, my breath words catching in my throat. Both of them trailed their attention to me and we all stood (or sat for Thor's case) silently for what seemed like forever. My glanced darted between the two Gods as I tried to force what I was going to say out of my mouth. Is it hot in here? It's definitely hot in here.

I gave up on trying to say anything and just walked out of the kitchen, my eyes trained onto my feet. My fingers tapping on my legs. My mind gripping onto the knowledge that Loki knows what I did. Knowing him, I have a feeling I won't get off lightly.

As soon as I got to my room, I slammed my back against the door and closed my eyes. Sliding down it with my head in my hands I forced myself to breathe but they came out as struggled whines.

"What is this?" I jolted at the sound of Loki's voice and yanked my head from my hands to find him looking out my window. His figure a shadow in the early morning light.

"What?" I pushed out with my eyes glued to the back of his head. I could already hear my heart pounding in my head.

"What. Is. This." Loki sneered and his arm came out to slightly extend to his side. The object was small in his hand and with closer inspection it was. Holy shit it was my vibrator.

Killer Queen ~ Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now