Chapter thirteen

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Heya everyone,
Sorry for not updating but as you know it's kinda hectic atm. Here's another chapter that may or may not include smut ;).
Hope y'all enjoy,
Love you guys xx


After dinner I made my quick escape, making sure no one could catch me to interrogate me. However, I knew deep down I was trying to avoid Loki. What the hell was I thinking? Hooking up with a mass murderer who will probably just use me for his own gain. Just like every other guy. The latter, that is, I don't think I've ever been mouth fucked by a murderer before.

I ignore my slightly wobbly legs as I take a shower, relishing the hot water trickling down my back. I close my mind from the sensation and all I see are green eyes staring down at my knelt figure in front of him. There's a strange feeling in my stomach and I flick open my eyes. This cannot be happening. This must change. I need to stop anything with Loki before it becomes dangerous and I'm out of my depth.


I wake up tired and somewhat sore. I lean over and rummage around my bed side table for my phone, but my hand latches around something else instead. I relentlessly open my eyes and find that I am holding a letter addressed to me. Well it's addressed to 'Mortal who has tried to kill my twice'. I sigh and slap the note back down onto the table. I have no intention of opening it and reading what he has to say.

I need to clear my head.

After getting dressed and ready for the day, I make my way down to the library, wanting to spend the whole day in there. Reading. Pretending to exist in another world. As soon as I open the door I let out a breath. This is the closest place to being alone I can be. It's quiet too. My little space to relax and dream of what might be.

An hour or two goes by and I get a message saying the others are heading off for a mission. I'm obviously not invited. Shocked but not surprised I carry on indulging in my book.

Another hour or two goes by and my ears perk up at the sound of movement outside the door. Have the team come back already? I decide not to take my chances and dash to the door, my back pressed against the wall next to it, knife in the hand closest to the door. The knob of the door starts to twist and my heart starts to race with it. The door creeks open and without moving my arm snatches up to the persons throat ready to slice the neck of the intruder.

I light finger is pressed onto the edge of the blade pushing my arm down, accompanied by a dark chuckle. I turn my head, locking eyes with Loki. I try to back away from him but he slowly shakes his head ordering me to stop.

And I do.

"That is no way to treat a God" the green eyed beast snickers, stepping over to me. I never noticed how intimidating he could be whilst also being a prick. "You got my letter, did you not?" he questions and I say nothing. "Well, it is evident you have not opened it. Which may I remind you is extremely rude" I scoff at that. Rude? That's rich coming from him.

His eyes darken and his voice lowers as says "Do you want to know what happens to people who defy me?" My eyes widen and I swallow as he steps even closer. So close I can feel his body heat on mine. He feels surprisingly cold. His eyes flutter down my body and garbs a hold of my wrist, slamming me into him. My breath hitches and quickens. He stares right into my eyes and leans forward and hover over my ear. Involuntarily my back pushes into his torso at the feel of his breath on my ear. "They get punished ".

He draws back and I go to swear at him but it gets caught in my throat. He smiles at me and sneers, "On your knees. Now". I do as he says and lower to sit on my heels. He goes to undo his belt and takes out his already hard dick. I swallow at the size, wondering how I took it all the first time. I go to tie my hair up and realise I do not have a hair tie. I look up at him worriedly and all he does is sigh and grabs my hair in one of his hands, lifting it out of my face.

I lower myself onto his throbbing cock, just taking the tip on my mouth. The pressure of my tongue lapping around him earns a shaky breath from the God. I put more of him in my mouth and start swirling my tongue up and down as I move my head up and down on him. He tugs my hair and groans again. But louder. My pussy starts to throb and his delicate noises. In gratification I hum onto his dick making my movements slower and increasing tension of my tongue. His other hand claims its place in my hair as he digs his fingers into my scalp. His hips are now raising and he's starting to let out strenuous moans.

I close my eyes from the overwhelming sense of his cock in my mouth and slowly reach one hand down to my pants. God, I'm already wet. I start to slowly circle my clit wanting release from the need Loki has given me from his own sounds of pleasure.

"Did i say you could touch yourself?" Loki sneers between his panting breaths. My eyes rip open to look at him desperately. He chuckles at my reaction then goes back to pushing my head onto his cock. He's twisting my hair between his fingers and is forgiving me onto him. His tip hits the back of my throat hard and I suppress a gag. Loki throws his head back as he orgasms and the sounds that are released from his mouth makes my pussy throb harder, the urge to touch myself growing more and more. But Loki told me not to and I guess I'm going by his rules at the moment.

As soon as he's finished he tucks himself back into his pants and orders me to get up from my kneeling position. I stand up, both of us slightly panting, the tension between my legs not going away.

Loki looks me straight in the eyes and sternly says, "don't you dare touch yourself tonight," he comes closer and places a finger over my clit, putting the littlest amount of pressure on. "I will know" he whispers in my ear. I close my eyes at him on my clit but the feeling goes away quickly and when I open my eyes he's gone.

Killer Queen ~ Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now