Chapter ten

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I land back at the compound and am greeted with Loki sitting on a bench reading peacefully. He takes no notice of the jet that I've just landed, not even glancing up from his book. I groan and hunch over, holding my slashed side as I emerge from the ship. I grab to the railings to steady myself and shuffle down the ramp of the plane.

I get to the ground and take my hand off the railing. I make it a few paces before a shock of pain hits my side. I scream out in pain, collapsing to the floor. Hitting my head hard. In an instant strong arms are around me, lifting me to my feet.

"I. Can't. Stand" I shout through the agony. There's a ringing in my ears and darkness creeps in at the corners of my eyes. I watch as my vision becomes blurry and the light starts to dim. Then it all goes black.


I awake to the beeping of a machine and distant voices. Lifting my heavy eye lids I soon realise I am in the compound hospital ward. My head spins as my eyes begin to focus. I try to sit up but a dagger of pain shoots up my side. After a few seconds, Bruce walks in with Tony.

"How are you feeling kid?" Tony comes to stand next to me.

"Light-headed and like I've just been sliced open" I say, a hint of sarcasm.

Bruce goes to check the monitor and then turns to me, "You did lose a lot of blood, I'm not surprised".

"Who brought me in, I remember someone picking me up but I don't know who?" Tony hesitates before replying.

"As a matter of fact, reindeer games brought you in in his arms" He tells me.

"I would've thought Loki would just watch me die. I didn't think he'd help me." I exclaim as Nat walks in.

She throws a look at Tony, "Well, Tony thought he was the one who hurt you." As Nat explains what happens I look out the window to the corridor to see Loki with a bruised eye and scrapes on his hand.

"In my defence he is known for killing people and being mischievous" Tony says, his head hanging.

"Okay guys she needs to rest" Bruce says ushering Tony and Nat out.

Bruce is about to shut the door "Hey Bruce, can you send Loki in. Thanks" Bruce answers with a nod and goes over to tell the God.

I watch as Loki stiffens in his seat as he is being talked too. He walks in and stands far away.

"Tony hurt you" I whisper and he rolls his eyes, "and you saved me".

Loki takes three strides towards me, stopping at the end of the bed with his hands behind his back. "I did not save you, mortal".

"Were you the person who brought me here?" I ask smugly.

"Yes-" He speaks through a clenched jaw as I cut him off.

"I think that's pretty saviour like" I say staring into his eyes.

No emotion appeared in his face. No hint of anything but hatred, "If I hadn't picked you up Thor would become angry at me, but oh how I loved to watch you writhe in pain."

"You're sickening" I spit at him.

"Speak for yourself, was it not you who became euphoric when seeing blood drop from my neck?" His words were followed by a smirk as I remove my gaze from his, my face becoming red hot. When I look up he had already left and I was once again alone with my thoughts.

I was stuck in that bed for seven long days. Everyone came to see me and Tony got me a new knife as a 'get well soon' present. It was pretty and looked like more of a decorative piece. The hilt of the dagger was gold with red gems scattered across it. The blade was silver and had my name engraved on it. It was so very elegant.

Aside from that, every morning a new book appeared at my bedside to read. I had a suspicion it was Loki at first, but the way he acted the first day I was in here it couldn't be. Or could it.

Bruce came and discharged me on my eighth day, but told me I couldn't train for another three weeks and I had to put an ointment on the stitches every night. The worst part of that was no training. What on earth was I suppose to do, I can't always be reading.

The next week I spent most of my time in the library reading - ironic, I know. I would still receive a new book every couple of days and I would leave recommendations out for them as well.

The seventh day being out of hospital bed I was in my room watching YouTube. Someone knocks at my door and I shout for them to come in. Nat walks in and says we're having a movie night. Apparently I can't say no. So, I get myself into some comfy joggers and make my way to the living area. I seemed to be one of the last people there and take my place on a sofa next to Sam.

A few minutes pass and in comes Thor talking with Loki who had a book under arm. He held it protectively to his side as he sat down next to his brother, apposite me. I keep my eye on the book trying to remember where I recognise it from. My face twists in concentration and confusion. The brothers are still deep in conversation as Tony sets up the movie. I flicker my gaze to Loki's eyes and for seconds he is still looking at Thor. I'm about to pull myself away but his eyes turn to meet mine. He sees my expression and I gather he knows what I'm thinking about from it. A smile tugs at the sides of his mouth and he raises his finger to his lips, silently shushing me, as he turns back to listen to Thor.

It was Loki all along.

Throughout most of the movie my eyes kept finding themselves to Loki's. He would meet mine or I would turn and meet his.

The first half of the movie he was reading intently but then Thor tore the book from him. Loki's eyes followed the book in Thor's hand cautiously as he placed it at the other end of the sofa. That made me smile. Loki being annoyed. It was kind of funny.

Killer Queen ~ Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now