Chapter eight

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The next morning everyone was extremely hung over, except from myself as I did not drink. I walk into the kitchen to find it empty, apart from Clint sleeping on the couch. He's probably been there all night.

I make myself some toast and walk back to my room. As I'm walking down the hallway to my room Loki is walking straight back at me. We make eye contact for a split second until I reconnect my eyes with the floor. As we pass his hand brushes against mine. Time seems to stop. It feels like our hands linger there but we never stop walking. I look back at him but he does not seem to do the same.

I arrive at my room and eat my breakfast. I spend most of the day in their just chilling and watching some classics.

It is coming to late afternoon and I find it to be a good idea to squeeze some training into my otherwise unproductive day.

I got changed into some suitable gear and made my way down to the training rooms.

I laid out my knives on a table a fair way back from the human shaped target. I picked up the first one, inspecting it. I ran my fingers lightly over the edge of the blade and smiled. This is what I enjoyed doing.

I threw the knife at the chest of the target, flicking my wrist to get the perfect hand movement. It had aligned dead centre in the victims chest.

I spent around fifteen minutes hurling my blades at the target until I ran out.

I went over to the gun rack and picked out an M1911 pistol and walked back over to the already lacerated target. I loaded the gun and raised it ready to shoot, until I heard someone standing behind me. It was a slight movement, nearly undetectable but I heard it.

I swivelled where I stood and kept the gun high. I was met with a pair of green eyes stood by the entrance to the room. "Loki" I whispered, barely noticeable.

"Oh no, please carry on. I was enjoying the show" Loki sneered as he wafted a hand, directing me to shoot the target.

Without hesitation I turned around to where the targets were and placed about five shots in the hearts and heads of all three targets.

I faced Loki again and bowed sarcastically, the gun still in my hand. I slowly rose from the bow and unfolded my arm to point the gun at him. I smirked at him and he returned the look with a shocked and confused look.

He didn't see that coming.

A small grin appeared on my face and I swung the pistol in my hand, inviting him to take it from me. He stared at me in confusion. I darted my eyes to the gun and then back to him, raising my eyebrows as if to tell him 'this isn't a trick'. With that, he took a few weary steps towards me, not removing his piercing stare. My heart started to pound in my head as I felt my palms become sticky.

Through his brows I could see his eyes start to glow and a smirk widen across his face. Once he got close enough to me, he removed the gun from my hand and his eyes from me and began to study the gun. He ran his fingers across the shape and indents of the pistol. He looked so serene as his eyes wandered over the weapon. I looked into his eyes, trying to find some sort of meaning behind his movements. It was deadly silent. He tilted the gun from hand to hand.

All of a sudden he shot his head up and met my glare. It seemed like he roamed my thoughts as he stared into my eyes for seconds. He extended the hand with the gun in it to give it back to me. I reached out a hand to take it but he didn't let go. Instead he pulled me close, our hands touching as they both held the gun. He stared down at me with a serious yet playful grin. Lowering his head so that our foreheads were nearly touching he whispered.

"Teach me"

I felt his breath tickle my nose and it sent shivers down my spine. Why would I say yes? I despised the man. I went to refuse but I was unable to talk. Barely able to move. It was like he was holding me captive in his eyes.

All I was able to produce was a barely noticeable tilt of my head forward which was meant to be a bigger movement in the form of a nod. He still got the idea though. I had agreed.

He took a step back, releasing his grip on the gun. My wide eyes still locked onto his as I took a few steps back towards the table.

I turned around and instantly felt him close. I looked up and he was standing next to me, waiting for me to speak.

He actually wants to know how to shoot.

I grabbed the other gun on the table and handed it to him. He accepted it with a curt nod.

I showed him how to hold a gun properly and how to aim. This was done with very few words. Only because I was physically stunned and couldn't form sentences.

His form was immaculate and the way he held the gun was exquisite.

He turned to me and watched my movements as I took a shot at the target. He repeated after me and hit the target.

Right in the centre.

Damn he was good. I showed him how to load a gun quickly and he followed in suit. He really was a fast learner.

I was teaching for about an half an hour and he was getting pretty good. Almost all of his shots were dead on and I decided we should move onto knives.

As I headed over to wear I had put my blade collection I heard a sneer come from him. I frowned at him with a perplexed look.

With a small swish of his hand three knives appeared there. It was beautiful. I was to entranced in the glistening blade that I was unaware of what he was going to do next. Without hesitation he hurled the blade towards me and hit all the targets behind me in the head. I whipped my head round to see what he had done and then stared at him absolutely baffled.

He smirked as he wandered towards me, my heart starting to race again. He grabbed my arms and turned me to face the targets. Our bodies were so close I could feel his body heat latching onto me. his breath chilling my neck. He took my hand in his and placed one of his blades in my palm. He lightly hugged my fingers around the knife and held his hands there.

He leaned down to my ear. "I should be the one teaching you when it comes to knives".

I moved where I stood to face him, our bodies very nearly touching. I looked into his eyes. Something about them made me sorrowful. It was as if looking into them told me everything I needed to know about the God stood in front of me.

I blinked and then he was gone.

Had I imagined it.

Surely not.

Five seconds later Thor entered the training room with a worried look on his face.

"Oh my lady thank god you are here" He said, I slight pant in his voice.

I didn't move. The knife still in my hand and my eyes still focussed on where Loki last stood.

"Are you okay?" Thor asked. He spoke my name and broke me out of the trance.

I blinked rapidly and turned my head to look at him. "Ye- Yes, I am perfectly fine" I replied with a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes.

Thor visibly relaxed as he spoke "Well that's good, we are ordering dinner soon. Tony chose shawarma again"

"Not shawarma again. Okay I'll be up in a sec" I said, starting to back all the equipment away.

"Well I shall see you soon" Thor exclaimed with a wave and a smile before leaving you alone in the training room.

Your mind was still flipping and so was your heart.

Killer Queen ~ Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now