Chapter three

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I was thrown into a glass walled cell that had a bed in one corner, a sink and toilet in the other. I have no idea how long they'd keep me in here. It had already felt like days.

I'm sat with my back on the foot of the bed as I stare aimlessly at the outside, I only hoped I would see again.

Whispers and voices fog my mind and I reach my hands to my hair, pulling at it, trying to escape them. I hear my cell door open and turn my head slowly to the right to look at the figure in the doorway.

It was Thor.

I hop onto my bed, bringing my legs in close and resting my head on my knees and my back against the wall. Thor sits on the opposite side of the bed, looking straight forward. The silence is eerie but comfortable. I decide to break it.

"How long have I been in here?" I ask him.

"It must be three days now my Lady" Thor replies as he turns to face me. "I have come to send my apologies for my brother, Loki" He carries on, "I have no idea what had gotten into him to riel you up and I am sorry for the anguish he caused you"

You wait a bit before speaking, "It's fine really, just showing our guest how high-risk I am" I say meeting his gaze.

"Yes about that, I have kindly asked for you to be removed from your cell as you are doing no harm and you were surely not thinking clear enough in that moment." Thor exclaims, "However, I advise that you keep your distance from Loki, for now" He rises from his seated position and makes his way over to the door. "Someone will let you go in not too long and you will be free to go back to your room my Lady".

"Thank you, Thor. I really appreciate it", I say as I feel the friendship build between us.

"No worries my Lady, anything for a sweet young woman like yourself" The God replies as he makes his way out, shutting the door behind him.

It was not long before a guard came to release me from my cell and I was warned if I acted up again I would be in there longer.

I took my time getting to my room. Watching the sun pour in through the floor to ceiling windows. The rays soaking into my skin.

I finally got to my room and as I got a grip on the handle I could sense someone standing at the end of the corridor. I slowly rotated my head to the left, to where they were. Lifting my gaze I was met with Loki who stood solemnly at the end of the corridor.

His eyes were widened and brows furrowed. He took in my dishevelled appearance. My hair was knotted and my face was stained with salty tears. We stood like that for what seemed like forever until I twisted the handle and stepped inside of my room for the first time in 3 days.

I proceeded to not come out of that room for the two days either. I did not want to face the other members of the team when they only see me as a monster worthy of no respect.

Thor came to see me. That was thoughtful.

He would bring me food and sometimes stay to chat. It was nice. Knowing at least one person cared. Knowing at least one person wasn't scared.

Sometimes I think why they keep me here and don't ship me off to some mental facility. It's funny really. I'm a liability. Yet they still seem to let me train them and the new recruits Lately there hasn't been anyone new to train. So I spend my time training myself. Training myself to become even better than I already am. I mostly work on my slight of hand at the moment. It seems to be harder than you think.

It was 3rd day I had spent in my room and I wanted to get out, clear my head. So that's what I did.

I took a walk around the secluded parts of the building, being careful not to bump into someone I didn't want to. Most of the tower is empty so I had no trouble there.

After about an hour of wandering aimlessly, I came across the library and decided to go and read for a bit.

I hadn't stepped foot in their for ages and it was one of my favourite places to be.

I grabbed the first book on the pile and slumped down the wall underneath the window. It was starting to get dark outside so I turned on one of the desk lights. This made my area illuminated and the rest of the large room encompassed by darkness.

It was becoming hard to focus on the book. I found myself reading the same line over and over again.

That was until I looked up and through the bookshelves I saw that the library door was opened. Only a bit, but wide enough for me to notice. I placed my book down and rose from where I sat.

I hadn't brought any weaponry with me so my senses immediately heightened. I crept round the corner of the bookshelf, my feet gliding across the wood as if I was floating. As I got to the door I poked my head out into the corridor and no one was there. Maybe I had just forgotten to shut it all the way. I hastily shut the door and made my way back to where I had been reading.

My book was gone.

I specifically remember placing it on the ground before going to investigate the open door. My mind went racing. My eyes started to scower the section of the library in search of my missing book. I searched under the desks and the piles of books sprawled over them. Nothing. There was nothing. No sign of my book.

I decided to give up after about twenty minutes of looking and head back to my room. I had made it about half way there when I heard someone shout my name. It was Thor exclaiming that dinner was ready if I would like to join. I gave him a swift nod and turned to make my way to the kitchen.

To my surprise most people were already there which made it ten times more awkward as I walked with my head down to sit next to Thor on the couch. As I reached him he smiled and made more room for me.

I hadn't noticed that Loki had arrived. He lounged on an arm chair diagonally right to me, reading a book.

Reading my book.

Oh my God he was reading my book.

My face went red with fury as I stared at his smug face. He didn't look up from the book but I could tell he knew I was watching him, anger in my eyes.

"Is everything all right my Lady?" Thor asked pulling my attention away from the thief.

"Um- umm, yes everything is brilliant. Why'd you ask?" I reply with a wobbling smile.

Thor looked at me for a couple of seconds before answering, "It's just you look a bit, red that's all"

"Oh do I" I say, my cheeks becoming redder, "Please may you excuse me".

I swiftly stood up and made my way out of the kitchen, forcing myself not to look Loki's way.

Killer Queen ~ Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now