The Pale Bluebell

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When we arrived Ciel helped me out of the carriage, our arms entwined as he leads me inside as Sebastian follows close behind us. We entered the ball room, the beautiful sound of instruments echoed through the room. I was hesitant, noticing a vase of bluebells had been placed in the center of each table that circled the edges of the ball room. Ciel glances at me "are you ready?" He asks and I take a deep breath and nod. We step into the ballroom completely and Ciel leads me over to a far table, Sebastian places the vase on a different table, seeming slightly disgusted by the display and choice of flower. I sit down gently and Ciel pulls his chair over to me so he could sit next to me. Sebastian stands in the corner to observe as Ciel smiles slightly "if you feel up to dancing we can try at some point" he tells me and I giggle "are you sure?" I ask him asked he glances away "yeah. I at least want to try" he huffs in slight embarrassment. An obnoxious laugh causes us to turn our attention to a boy who seemed to be Ciel's age. He had blond hair and bright blue eyes though they were a bit paler than Ciel's. Ciel seemed irritated but he entwined his fingers with mine as the boy walked up to us "Ciel! How good it is to see you!" He exclaimed, Ciel narrowed his eye "Earl trancy..." he mumbled. The boy chuckled "can't you just call me alois? And who might this be? Didnt your fiancé die?" He asks, rather bluntly which I took offensively "his late fiancé was my sister, I'll have you know" I huff in irritation, ciel rolls his eye "leave her alone, your here for me" he says. Alois giggles "correct! Mind if I take him for a moment? No? Thanks!" Alois says to me, grabbing ciel by the wrist and pulling him away. Our fingers slip out of their hold on each other and I'm left sitting there alone, watching Ciel being dragged away.

I hadn't even said anything. I frowned slightly and looked down at my dress. Sebastian growls slight from behind me and I look up. A man, similar to sebastian with his hair and attire stood infront of me, though he wore glasses and had golden eyes "you must be Lady Y/N midford, correct?" He asks and I nod "I apologize for my master's lack of manners, that was quote rude of him. If you need anything just ask" the man says, sebastian is now beside me, a dark smile on his face "no need for that, Faustus. I have everything under control" he says, the man adjusts his glasses and turns "enjoy the party" he says before walking off. Now I felt very alone. Sebastian sighs "sorry my lady. I just don't want you getting involved with that man, he isn't one I would recommend conversing with" he tells me, setting a glass of water on the table beside me. I shrug lightly "it's fine..." I say, picking up the glass and taking a drink of the clear liquid after it was placed at my side. Soon a flash of blue caught my eye and Ciel stood infront of me, holding out his hand "care for a dance, Lady Y/N?" He asks gently. I set the glass down and carefully take his hand, he's gentle with me as he leads me onto the dance floor. His grip is light as we position ourselves, it's almost as if he's afraid I'll break. We waltz slowly, making sure neither of us trips or hurts the other, it was peaceful, though the events of yesterday still nagged at my mind. I wanted to say something but I didn't, instead I went with some subtle "have you been practicing?" I ask him, he chuckles "yes, I was able to convince myself that I would need this skill in the future" he explains. I nod as he spins me gently before pulling me back into his chest "you look lovely tonight, Y/N" he tells me, I crack a small and gentle smile, I was unwell and looked like a dying Rose yet he still thinks I look nice? "Thank you, and might I say you look rather cute" I respond, this makes us share a small laugh.

Once the dance is over he takes me back to my seat and helps me to sit down "I'll be right back, an old friend of mine is here and I would like to greet him, do you mind waiting here for a few minutes?" He asks me, always trying to be the gentleman. I shake my head at his request "I'll be fine, Sebastian will be here so there is no need to worry" I assure him, he nods and walks off. I'm alone again. That's until the boy from before walks over to me, a bluebell in his hands "hello again! Sorry about earlier, I got a bit carried away. So your Lady Y/N Midford?" He asks, I nod "it's nice to meet you, Lord Trancy" I say, bowing my head slightly before straightening once again. He smiles "it's nice to meet you as well! You know..." he leans close to me and I'm suddenly a bit uncomfortable, I could hear Sebastian growl under his breath, trying to control himself as this scene plays out. Alois slides the bluebell in the cuff between my ear and my hair "bluebells suit you" he finishes with a sly smirk on his face before he straightens "I hope you enjoy the party, Y/N! Please come by the manor whenever you'd like" he tells me, I force a small smile "Thank you, Lord Trancy" I respond, acting grateful. He giggles "please, call me Alois! I must get going now, have a wonderful night" he says, his energy becoming bubbly as he walks off.

I slide the bluebell from my hair and stare down at its pale blue-ish lavender color. Sebastian seemed to relax behind me but not before asking if I was alright, which I simply replied with "I'm not sure..." as I stared at the healthy flower.

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