The White Daisy

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2nd POV

For most of the day you spent your time in the garden, spending time with Mey-rin, finny, and bard. Now you were in the library which had no windows so it was lit by candles. You ran your fingers over the spines of the books as you walked past, looking for an interesting book. You stopped, noticing something white on the shelf to your left out of the corner of your eye. You turned to see what it was and noticed it was a freshly cut white daisy, you didn't understand why it was there or who had put it there but you decided to leave it, continuing on. After a few more minutes of scanning you saw another one, this made you uneasy. Why were there daisy's laying around in a library? You drew in a shaky breath and began making your way through the rows of shelves, trying to figure out where the exit was. This library was huge and seemed like a maze. You looked around upon noticing the large room becoming darker by the second, candles began going out on a whim and your heart rate increased as the whispers began, it sounded as if they were coming from every direction.

You looked around, seeing the shadows begin to move now, shrinking or becoming bigger as they danced around. You felt tired and you began to panic, your breathing getting harder as you continued to search for the exit. In situations like this you would curl up in a corner when you were younger, waiting until someone would come and find you and tell you it was ok, but this time you weren't even sure if you could escape. Claustrophobia picked away at you as you felt the world spin, you stopped trying to regain your breathe even if you hadn't been running. You noticed a shadow, becoming brave and moving towards you, you took a step back and bumped into something causing you to turn quickly. Fear filling you until you realized who it was "lady Y/N? Are you alright? Why have the candles gone out, the master has been worried about you. He has been unable to find you" the butler says, relief filled you as he moved closer to him almost as if you were a child "I'm scared..." you muttered. He seemed to realize what you meant and picked you up bridal style "apoligies my lady, I couldn't get here fast enough. The master is waiting, I'll ready you some tea once I take you to the young lord" he tells you, and you nod and he walks into the darkness. The shadows slid around the two of you as the whispers continued, you hadn't noticed before but there was a larger darkness that trailed sebastian now and it seemed as if his ruby eyes were glowing slightly.

You didn't say anything as you did feel safe in his arms. Soon the two of you were out of the library and you felt relieved to see the sun's light piercing through the windows as the sun was just a few hours away from being hidden. Sebastian seemed to have his usual smile plastered on his face, the one you assumed had no malicious intent behind it. "How did you find me?" You asked curiously, he chuckled and glanced down at you in his arms "why, what kind of butler would I be if I couldn't find my master's new future wife" he says, rhetorically. His words made a light blush dust your S/C cheeks as you glanced away, Ciel's future wife...Y/N Katherine hadn't thought of it that way. Soon you both entered Ciel's chambers and Sebastian sets you down gently and you straighten only for Ciel to envolpe you in a tight hug, though he was careful not to hurt you too much, Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the two of you before leaving the room to get the tea. You hugged Ciel back before he took your hand and lead you to the bed, you sat down with him beside me "I couldn't find seem shaken, what happened?" He asked. You hesitated before telling him about what happened in the library, he sighed when you finished, his sapphire eye holding concern "well, at least your alright" he said, you smiled gently "thank you for having Sebastian look for me...I'm sorry for disappearing" you said but he shook his head "no need to apoligize, your safety is all that matters" he tells you. You hadn't told him about Sebastian's darkness since you didn't want to scare him or make him worried.

Soon Sebastian returned with the tea but excused himself to go make dinner. Ciel and I cuddled in bed for awhile, talking about small things like events and work and such. The tea had calmed you, since it was Rose tea. It was strange, you loved rose tea and it always seemed to relax you whenever you drank it. Soon your E/Y eyes began to blurr as you felt tired, Ciel pulled you closer as you fell asleep to him promising he'd wake you for dinner.

Ciel's POV

I watched her drift off and I frowned slightly, glancing across the room at the vase of daisies on my window sill. I sighed but didn't move, staying close to her. I did regret what I had done but I learned some new information on the subject. I stared at her sleeping form, gently running a hand through her H/L H/C hair before holding her oncell again, drawing in her flowery scent as my thoughts wandered to Lizzy who had smelled of sugar and Vanilla. It was strange, I loved Lizzy but...I felt more attached to Y/N. Is that how love works? I was confused but I didn't question anything further as I listened to her quiet breathing that sounded a bit sickly at times as it would shake a bit. She was getting better and I was glad. Though, I might have to ask Finny to stop putting flowers in her room...

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