The Purple Rose

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I hung my legs over the edge of the bed and stared at her "hello, lady Y/N. I'm here to help you get changed" she spoke softly and I nodded. She shut the door behind her and opened the wardrobe "why do you wear a bandage?" I asked curiously, her movements faltered but she picked out a dark purple dress "it's nothing to worry about, my lady" she says, walking over to me and helping me to change. I stare at myself in the mirror, I was going to protest as the woman slid a purple rose into my H/C hair but I thought better of it. She smiled gently "right this way" she says, I turn and follow her out of the room and down the manor's hallways until we stop at two large double doors, she opens them and steps to the side. I walk in, it was a large dinning room, purple rose bouquets when in a line down the table. I swear I'm going to burn this mansion to the ground. Alois sat at the head of the table, Claude standing stoic behind him, I casually walked over to them and Alois smiled "Y/N! Please, sit!" He says brightly, I hesitantly sit down in the seat to his right "I hope Claude wasn't too rough! Apologies for this but it seems the job hasn't been complete yet" he says giggly, I glance at him with narrow eyes "your the one who killed Elizabeth, aren't you? Or rather, your butler?" I huff, he laughs "why of course! It is my goal to make Ciel mine after all!" He says "but I have taken a liking to you, so I won't kill you...yet" he smirks darkly. My crystal E/C gaze moves away from him "how long do you plan on keeping me here?" I asked, I heard Alois lean back in his chair and giggle "well, I have invited Ciel over for dinner tomorrow night so that we may discuss things. Other than that I'm going to keep you until Ciel takes you back or I decide to kill you" he explains, the sun was beginning to sink and Alois clasped his hands together "now then, I think it's time we had our own dinner!" He says with bubbly energy. Claude walks off leaving us alone before he returns with food, I glance at the Royal purple roses that decorated the table. They were pretty but I could very faintly hear the voices as they whispered. Claude set the food down infront of us and Alois began to eat, I followed reluctantly "I'm guessing purple is your favorite color?" I commented, taking a bit of the F/F. He glanced at me "I enjoy the color, yes. Though blues and reds are also favorites of mine" he says, my attempt at small talk seemed to work a bit since he answered.

2nd POV

Once you had finished you excused yourself and we're lead back to your room by Hannah whom Claude had called for. It was dark now and the only thing lighting your room were the candles that had been placed. You swiped the vanilla petals off the pillow and glanced and around to look at the other flowers as Hannah prepared a nightgown for you. Three of the vases held the dark purple roses from before and you frowned "Hannah? Could you please remove the flowers? They make me uncomfortable" you said gently, she glanced over at you and turned, bowing slightly "right away, my lady" she says, resting your nightgown on the bed before beginning to take out all of the vases and flowers in your room. You changed as she did so and once she was finished you slipped into bed. Soon the room is dark and Hannah had gone. Gentle moonlight filtered through the windows as you laid on your side, staring out at the starlit sky. What were you going to do if Ciel wasn't able to get you back? Would you join your sister? You sighed quietly. 

After awhile you couldn't sleep so you quietly slipped out of bed and made your way onto the balcony. The air was chilled, signaling the start of Autumn. You breathed in the cool air and placed your hands on the rails gently, staring out over the garden below as the moon turned everything white or silver. Suddenly you felt as if you weren't alone and a voice spoke from behind you at the open balcony doors "what are you doing out of bed, my lady?" A deep and monotone voice asked. You didn't have to look to know it was Claude "I couldn't sleep. Is there an issue?" You asked, still starring out over the garden, he was quiet a moment before you felt his presence behind you and some rustling before you felt a warm coat over your shoulders "no, but if your going to be out here you must take precautions. His highness would be upset if you caught a cold" he says, his voice sounded from right behind you. You glanced down at your shoulders and noticed he had rested his uniform coat over your shoulders, you hesitated but pulled it over you more, you felt warmer as Claude's lingering body heat the coat had obtained seep through you. You hesitated once again "thank you..." you said, you could feel his golden eyes on you before you heard him walking away "if you need anything just call for me or hannah. Please return to bed soon, I'll come by in the morning to retrieve the coat" you hear him said a before it's quiet and you were officially alone.

After a little longer you went inside, folding the article of clothing and resting it on a nearby chair before sliding into bed. You noticed a fresh purple rose on the nightstand beside the bed, it wasn't there at first so you assumed Claude had left it. You turned over to face away from it before finally falling asleep, your last thought of Ciel.

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