The Vanilla flower

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I'm not exactly sure if vanilla flowers smell that way but...anime logic-


I laid in bed, I had finished my bath and I had closed the curtains to assure myself I would not be watched and so that the sunlight wouldn't annoy me since it was still day. I began to drift off to sleep but I forced my eyes open upon noticing something weird. I smelled Vanilla and I turned over, seeing Vanilla flowers on my bedside table. They weren't there before. Now this wasn't my imagination. I sat up as the smell got stronger, I sipped out of bed, taking the flowers and peeking throught one of the curtain's openings, but there was nothing. I placed the flowers in a drawer like I had done with the daffodils. I laid back down but the scent still lingered and soon I was asleep.

I heard someone walk in and heard sebastian's voice "Lady Y/'s time you awoke, it's lunch time" he says as he opens the curtains. I huff "close them, I don't like when their open" I mutter and sit up, he glances back at me with a curious look before obeying and closing them. "The master is already downstairs and is awaiting your arrival, I'll leave you to get dressed" he says, turning and leaving the room. I sigh and jump out of bed, changing into a cream white dress with pale pink patterns stitched into the dress, I glance over at the drawer that held the flowers but shook my head and made my way to the dining room. It took me a few minutes since I had never been here before but I finally found it and walked in, sitting beside Ciel who seemed less tired than before. He glances at me "you smell like Vanilla..." he muttered, I looked at him nervously "yeah...more flowers are appearing" I say, rubbing the back of my neck. He sighs "that's not a good thing..." he mumbles before returning to eating, Sebastian sets his food down infront of me and I begin to eat, once I'm finish I shift nervously "Sebastian...have you noticed any spiders in the house?" You asked, the demon butler glances at you and smiles gently "excuse me, one moment please..." he says before leaving the room. I could hear him shouting as he runs down the hall "Claude! Your a dead insect when I find you!" I heard him say, I didn't know who Claude was but that made me giggle, Ciel seemed slightly amused but also a bit upset "if Claude is here then...damnit..." he mumbles, glancing at you before standing "I'll be in the study if you need me, if any more weird things happen just call for Sebastain" he says and I nod.

I make my way around the smaller mansion and finally get to the Library. It wasn't as big as the other but it was still a bit big, I stayed near the doors just in case I were to get lost, and unlike the other library this one had windows. Sunlight seeped through, warming me gently as I smiled. Autumn would be coming soon so I would have to enjoy the warm weather as much as possible. As I searched along the rows of books I felt a presence looming behind me "hello again, Lady Y/N" a smooth voice says from behind me, I'm frozen in place as the voice sounded familiar, my crystal eyes widened slightly as I didn't dare move. He towers above me as he stares down at me with those golden eyes, so his name was Claude...I tensed as I felt his hands wrap around my wrists, pulling the hand reaching for a book down. I trembled gently in his grasp "such a shame...I still cant figure out your favorite flower since you seem to like none of the ones I have given you" he whispers close to my ear as I close my eyes tightly. Why can't I look for a book in peace? Heck, why can't I live in peace? I needed to call for sebastian but I doubt he would get here in time, this man seemed to be a demon as well "w-what do you want" I mumble, feeling his breath through the shoulder of my dress "it's not necessarily what I want, it's what my master wants" he answers. It's quiet a moment but I open my mouth to shout for Sebastain only for Claude to wrap a gloved hand around it, his other hand was now holding my wrists behind my back and I struggled against him. I noticed he had a vanilla flower in one of his chest pockets and realized he smelled of Vanilla as well. Curse my senses, the smell of Rose anything calmed me while the smell of Vanilla anything made me tired. Soon my eyes began to closeand my vision blurred. I stopped struggling and went limp in his grip. He picked me up bridal style and everything went black from there.

I woke with a start but I was gently pushed back down, I glanced around and saw Claude beside me "apoligies, my lady. I had orders to follow" he says and I huff, turning around in the bed to face away from him "I'm in the Trancy manor, aren't I?" I ask, bringing the sheets up to my mouth as I could feel Claude stand "yes, his highness has requested your presence after you have awoken, I'll be sending Hannah in to help you change" he says, his voice was duller than before but I preffered that, even if I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I hummed in affirmation and once I heard him leave in sat up, looking around the room. I wanted to scream, there were at least 6 bouquets of flowers in my room, I could just barely hear the whispering and I shuddered. This was perfect torture, I'm surprised that after just finding out that flowers are the cause of these whispers I haven't developed anthophobia. I sighed and noticed some vanilla flower petals had been dropped on my pillow, that meant I could have been out for hours, though it was only sunset. I sighed and slid my hand over my nose before I heard a knock at the door and a woman with long lavender hair stepped in, she had a bandage over her eye. She must be hannah.

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