The black funeral and The grey dinner

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Click on the arrow or swipe to see the dress that's hidden by the video. Yes we are starting off sad, I apologize ;-; and I may not have gotten the Midford family's personalities, I know little of them so I'll try my best whenever I put them in the book.


I sat in the front row of the chapel, the crying of my mother and father mixing in withe the priest's voice and the sobs of others, but they were only a whisper in my ears. Edward sat beside me, holding in his pain as he tried to be strong. It was worse for me, though. Everything around me was dark and blotted out as I stared at the floor with void E/C eyes. The pain in my chest was unbearable as my fingers trembled lightly, I shut my eyes tightly as the voices in my head screamed at me and the darkness closed in. Soon I felt arms wrap around me and I opened my eyes, at first I thought it was Lizzy but it was Edward, trying to comfort me before I fell into a panic attack. It was too crowded in here, everyone was sad and I missed the laughter Lizzy would bring. My heart beat had slowed as Edward pulled me closer to him "it's alright Y/N. Once it's over we'll be able to go outside. Just hang in there" he whispers to me. I nod, feeling all too overwhelmed, finally the sadness that had built up in me became to much and I began to cry, Edward hugging me tighter. Gentle sobs wracked my body as tears slid down my face.

Soon the doors burst open and everyone turned. Ciel walked in, holding a pink bonnet that I recognized as Lizzy's. He walked up to the coffin and placed it on her head, he had a straight face but I could straighten every bit of his sadness through his eyes. He whispered something to her before turning and walking over to me, Edward released me as Ciel kneeled infront of me "Y/N...don't be sad. Lizzy would want you to smile" he tells me, I look down at him and smile only slightly but it was sad and forced. He wiped my tears before standing and walking back outside, not speaking to mother and father before he disappeared behind the doors once more.

Once we all finally returned home I went straight to my room. Paula had joined us at the funeral and was following after me but I slammed the door shut in her face before she could walk in. I curled up in bed and began to cry into my pillow. She had been gone for only two days and I felt as if I had cried a river. I missed her laughter and her smile, the mansion would never be the same without her. Soon a maid knocked on the door, informing me it was dinner time but I didn't answer and after three failed attempts she finally left, leaving me to drown in my sadness. The darkness from before closed in once again and I felt claustrophobic and quite ill from being so upset for the past two days. I curled up tighter under the sheets and soon Edward was knocking on my door, failing as well and after a few attempts he left to. Soon my years stopped falling and I stared at the wall, my eyes void of life and soon I fell asleep.

Six days had passed and I never left my room unless it was to get water or a book but I would return and not come out afterwards. I was losing weight and my sadness had turned to illness. It was evening once again and this time Edward kicked the door down, startling me but soon I went back to being lifeless. He stared at me "Y/N! You must eat, you need to stop moping and fix yourself" he says dragging me from out of bed. I was wearing a white nightgown which wasn't appropriate for dinner but at this rate I didn't care. I was forced into the dining room and sat in a chair, Edward sitting beside me. Father sat at the he head of the table, mother beside him as they both ate quietly. I stared at my food, uninterested until I heard mother speak "Y/N...we have something we need to discuss with you..." she says but trails off, glancing at father who sighs "dear, I know it's only been eight days since Lizzy's death, but we think it's best if things try to go back to normal-" He states but I interrupt "even if they never will?" I grumbled. Mother stared at me "don't interrupt, young lady. Listen to your our father" she huffs, father cleared his throat and placed his hand over mother's before continuing "and with that being will now become engaged with Lord Phantomhive" he says. This makes me freeze and glare down the table at them "what!?" I shout, mother stands "Y/N-" she's cut off as Edward sighs "mother..." he says but I interject "Lizzy just died and you have the audacity to make me Ciel's new fiancé!? I miss Lizzy, I miss her laughter, I miss her smile and here you are thinking that this is ok and that everything can go back to normal?!" I shout. Mother glares at me "Y/N Katherine Midford, dont you dare raise your voice at us" she hisses. Father and Edward exchange worried glances before father sighs "enough. Y/N, our decision is final, we have already informed the Earl. He wishes that you go and stay at his manor for a little while" Father says, I'm unable to argue as I growl in annoyance and turn, marching out of the room. Tears blurred my vision.

Was I replacing Lizzy? Does Ciel even like me like that? The darkness returned and my heart tightened as a wave of loneliness hit me. I know they were sad as well and I probably shouldn't have acted that way but...Lizzy. Paula was in my room, already packing my things with a sad smile on her face, it son distorted into a look of worry as I collapsed on my bed, my grasp tightening on the sheets as I cried. Paula sat beside me and rubbed my back gently to comfort me, I could feel the sadness radiating off of her as she didn't say anything.

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