Bokutos birthday

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Bokuto pov
I woke up to get ready for morning practice,after getting ready I head downstairs and see Akaashi standing outside my door already waiting for me.

I step outside and we start walking having occasional small talk but mostly just comfortable silence.

When we got to the front of the school Akaashi had said ," happy birthday Bokuto." He had the slightest smile when he said that, you could barely see it but it was there.

My heart melted as I heard those words come out of his beautiful face...wait what am I thinking, I internally scream a myself ,when I remember I have to say something back to him," thank you Agaashii!!" I exclaim trying not to scream because it is still early. "No problem." He says as we continue walking into school.

"You should be able to write to your soulmate today right?" ,Now that he mentions it he's right it is my 17th birthday.

"OH" I say as I grab out a pen, "I don't know what to put."

"Maybe put hi or something like that to introduce yourself,"

"AGAASHIII YOU'RE SO SMART" I say forgetting how early it is, but before I can apologize the club door opens and reveals one of the team managers immediately shushing me.

"sorry" I whispered now stepping into the room and getting changed.

Akaashi pov
When we step into the room and start to get changed I averted my eyes from bokuto. If I were to dare look at him I would become a blushing mess and if I did that it would become a whole thing which I don't want it too, especially because it's his birthday.

Once I successfully get changed without becoming a tomato we walk to the gym and see that we are one of the first to arrive.

Time skip to after morning practice

Third person pov
Bokuto was now in class tapping his arm with a pen thinking about what to write,when he decided on what to draw.

He smiled to himself after a while concluding that his soulmate isn't 17 yet, he was a little sad because he would have to wait but he knew it was all going to be worth it in the end.

Akaashi felt his soulmate writing on his arm and smiled glad that he had one but ,felt a little bad knowing he couldn't write back to them.

He traced over the place he felt the tingle to see what his soulmate was drawing and what do you know it's a small heart on his inner wrist. He had a super small smile on his face knowing that his soulmate cared for him,it made him feel nice.

Time skip to afternoon practice
Still third person pov

As soon as Bokuto and Akaashi walked into the gym they heard party poppers going off and saw the gym only slightly decorated (so it wouldn't be hard to clean up)

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOKUTO" everyone said including Akaashi. At that moment Bokuto burst into happy tears ,"THANK YOUUU!!" He said wiping the tears from his face.

For the rest of practice they talked with Bokuto and celebrated his birthday.

With the Kuroo and Kenma 
Third person pov

"I just felt my soulmate," Kenma said unamused
"Really?" Kuroo exclaimed ,"same but they drew something really small,ugh I hate having a birthday in November (T▽T;)"

"oh! That reminds me today is Bokuto's birthday,hold on ima text him."
"Okay"Kenma muttered focused on his game

"Wait your birthday is in like a month right?"


"Ughhh you're so lucky I have to wait two months,it's so unfair!"

"Kuro it's not my fault,I never asked to be born-." Kenma stopped himself realizing how it sounded,he slowly looked up from his game to see Kuroo glaring at him with a concerned/angry look.

Kenma gave him an apologetic look and then looked back down feeling the tears form.

Kuroo had known about Kenma's thoughts and past.... 'attempts'. So for Kenma to say something like that, well it's just concerning.

He felt kuroo's hand on his waist pulling him closer Kenma blushed at this act but covered his face with his hair.

Kenma felt kinda bad because his soulmate not even ten minutes ago drew something on him,but Kuroo was warm so he didn't want him to let go so he asked to stay the night.

For the rest of the night Kuroo whispered sweet nothings to Kenma so he could calm down and tell him what he meant.

After a lot of crying and hugging they both decided to get a little sleep so they cuddled up next to each other like other nights Kenma had stayed over.

They both fell asleep getting about 2 hours of sleep before having to wake up, but it was okay because they had each other and that was enough.

Heyyy😎 (word count 874) okay so hi I'm Bug (I use any pronouns)nice to meet you. This is the first chapter to the soulmate AU. Um sorry this chapter is like really rushed because I really want to get this book out plus I like writing this ship :) AnYwAyS thank you for reading the next chapters with be better written and well done. So yk stay safe and ...I love you. ()❤️

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