BoKen oneshot cause why not

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(Sorry)btw this is after time-skip they all live together so yeah

Kenma pov

I was staring at myself in the mirror touching my tear stained face. 'Maybe I should workout more' I hate how big I am. I grab at my waist and think about purging my thoughts till there's nothing left but then I remind myself that Bokuto should be home soon, Akaashi was visiting his family and Kuroo was recruiting people for his volleyball team so it would be unfair to them for me to do that.

I just got done with a stream, a twelve hour one to be exact, I hadn't seen any of them since yesterday and I'm just so exhausted. When I tried to look for them they were all busy and of course the thoughts started to sink in.

"You know they hate you"

"they just feel bad for you"

"they're avoiding you on purpose"

before I know it I'm crying even harder than I was before. I walk out of my gaming room and into the living room, I pull on one of Bokuto's sweatshirts that I see on the floor. I slowly drag my feet over to the couch, when I reach the couch I pull myself on it.

I curl into a ball and start rocking back and forth trying my hardest to not think. Maybe an hour later I heard the door open but I couldn't bring myself to look at who ever it was.
I instantly feel Bokuto's strong arms around me, I take in his scent of dried sweat and what he calls 'the manliest cologne'.

A little while later after me telling him about my thoughts and how much I love him and that I don't want him to leave me because of how ugly and pathetic I am... he reassured me that he was there because he wanted to be and that he 'loved me so much' and that I was 'one of the prettiest people he knows' just him saying this made me feel a little better.

He ran a bath for me and him while I took a shower(he took a shower at the gym), he hopped in after helping me in. His hands ever so gentle on my skin as he washed away my sadness, giving me sweet pecks on the area's he just washed. We got out of the bath and he gave me a kiss on my head before blow drying and brushing my hair. He patted me dry and got me changed into one of his sweaters and a pair of my boxers,he was wearing Kuroo's sweater and his own sweat pants.

He made dinner,me being reluctant to eat it,not because it was bad but because it was food and I didn't feel like at all, but Bokuto being Bokuto begged me to at least eat a little and I couldn't say no to his face,,but mostly because he said he was gonna call Kuroo and last time I didn't eat it got a bit.. uh let's say.. messy.

For the rest of the night we cuddled in bed listening to my favorite music(*ahem* mitski *ahem*) while Bokuto was,badly but cutely, humming along. I'm really lucky to have him in my life and I love him so, so much, I couldn't imagine my life without him.

| y'all doing, new name btw it's bug now and I use any pronouns so yeah:-).I'm back uh sorry for yk not posting in like forever I had to deal with a lot of stuff lmao but I'm back so yeah, I'm still working on the Kuroo chapter that I deleted :,-).,,I'm sorry this is kinda like a vent chapter but  I hope you like it, it's a little rushed but I hope it's okay, AnYwAyS I love you make sure you drink water and eat some food I know it's hard sometimes and that's okay because it's going to get better,trust me :-) ❤️❤️❤️ALSO YOU PEOPLE ARE ALL SO COOL AND PATIENT WITH ME THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT ON  THIS BOOK I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH ❤️‼️(word count: 700)
BoKen brain rot |

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