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Specific headcannon: Kenma silently cried on the couch for a couple hours after watching 'INSIDE by Bo Burnahm' because of how much they related to it (Kenma Decided to watch it right after a stream and when no one was home... it was a bad idea)

what song from INSIDE  do they relate to

-Bokutos says he doesn't relate to any but he does like 'Welcome to the Internet' because he likes all of the different noises

-Akaashi relates to 'Don't Wanna Know'  because..well..it's kinda self explanatory if you listen to the song

-Kuroo says 'well I mean I sorta relate to it and I love how it's upbeat but you still get the message like "oh wow you don't have to call me out like that."' He's referring to the song 'Shit'

- Kenma says that they don't have one but deep down they understand and relate to the song 'goodbye' the most

The times they go to bed

-It really depends on the day but Bokuto has to have someone in bed with him to actually fall asleep. He is usually the first asleep

-kuroo lays down with Bokuto until he knows that he's asleep then he gets Akaashi and pulls him to bed, then he tries to bring Kenma to bed (it doesn't usually work lmao)

-Akaashi overworks himself a lot so he accidentally falls asleep in his chair most of the time. Akaashi gets tucked in with Bokuto while Kuroo tries to get Kenma to sleep

-Kenma usually stays up late editing their videos/streams or they try to find new games they can play, most of the time after Kuroo gives up on making them sleep they just cry, they cry for a multitude of reasons and they do this until they're so tired they can barely keep their eyes open, Kuroo always comes back and makes sure to put them in bed with the others and he cuddles up to them to make Kenma feel comforted.

What the others do when one is sad


Kenma simply sits/cuddles with him in silence, maybe one of the two will bring up a topic that they will talk about for a little but it eventually dies down and turn into a calm and soothing silence.

Kuroo will end up making him some food and/or tea ,depending on if he's hungry or not but on more occasions then one he is hungry, and will let Akaashi talk/vent about his day sometimes commenting on the stuff that happened

Bokuto will give mass amount of cuddles and will run him a nice warm bubble bath so that Akaashi isn't quite as tense anymore, he will also give him his sweatshirt or something like that just to let him know that he's there for him


Kuroo will try to make him feel better by cracking some jokes or just talking about some weird parts his day, this will undoubtedly make him feel better btw

Akaashi will shower Bokuto with compliments and will just show a bunch of affection towards him until he feels better

Kenma will offer to play a game together with them like Minecraft, Mario cart etc. and they will purposely lose to make Bokuto feel better (as soon as Bokuto does feel better Kenma will immediately go back to unrelentingly defeating him.)


Akaashi will give them a massage in the places they have the most built up tension and he will put on some classical music because he knows it calms both him at Kenma down. He will also give some really good advice on the current issue Kenma is dealing with

Bokuto smothers them with soft kisses on their face, neck, collar bone, chest, stomach etc. and he will run his hands through their hair, he will most likely hum a tune to a song Kenma really likes. He also makes sure that Kenma has ate, showered, changed clothes etc. as he knows that they sometimes forget to do these things because they are often stuck in their own thoughts.

Kuroo will give a lot of compliments and will give a very long explanation on why each compliment is true(this man could write a whole essay on how much he loves Kenma and how perfect they are) he also brings up happy memories they had together from when they were kids


Kenma will lay with him and tell him that it's okay to feel how he feels and that if he needs to talk to someone that they're there forever and always, kuroo always breaks down at this because he just likes the reassurance that he is loved by people and that they're not just there out of pity

Bokuto suggests going for a drive, getting food and eating in the car while they blast music, kuroo agrees and feels better almost as soon as he is in the car with him, both of them stick to diet of no fast food so when they do get it they both feel amazing. Bokuto also does the air guitar while kuroo does the fake drums, both of them scream the lyrics while doing so.

Akaashi puts on some slow romantic music and slow dances with him, Kuroo appreciates this because of the memory of their first date. after they had dinner together and a few drinks they came home a little late (Bokuto and Kenma are already asleep) and slow danced in the living room, no music playing, just the sound of their matched up even breathing and their heartbeats. Akaashi also whispers some words of encouragement during this moment like "it's going to be okay" and "your doing your best, and your best is amazing."

In the end they all decide to have a dog pile of cuddling with eachother covering in pillows and blankets, simply embracing eachother in sweet silence with the occasional comment or two..

WHey my name is sock(he/they/she/it) now, I still like bug tho so feel free to use either. Thank you for reading this and thank you for your kind comments. I have found the motivation to write again and I am writing like three different chapters rn, so while waiting for those please enjoy these head cannons of mine :> I love you <33 (word count 1071)

P.s. I'm sorry if there are any misspells, I made this pretty late lmaoo

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