Chapter 18:Why did I do this?

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Hello everyone...long time no see~

I'm sorry I couldn't write any of my stories cause I was busy...
But here I am....

After lots of you tell me with who you want Allex with I finally took my decision.I won't tell you this now but you'll find out soon....

Okay let's start~❤

"See you later."I waved at Ella.It's my first day to job after the accident.I'm so happy,not only for this but cause of the memories of Saturday's date.

"Yeah see you Allex"She waved at me too and went to find Namjoon.I need to find Jimin.I walked till the room he's usually at and opened the door.There he is.

"Good morning."I told Jimin as I approached him.After days I'm now back to my job.

"Morning..."He said with a weird expression.He doesn't seem okay.I don't really know why but something must have happened.

"Everything's alright?"I asked him but he didn't reply.I'm sure something's bothering him.I did his make up while looking in his eyes the most of the time but he wouldn't look at me.What if I did something to disappoint him?I really can't understand."Jimin are you okay?"I asked him again after I finished with his make up but he just looked at me without giving me an answer."Did I do something?"I wondered.He looked around and suddenly stood up grabbing my wrist.He pushed me against the wall and put his arms next to my head imprisoning me between them!"W-w-what??!"I asked with my eyes widened.He's so close,I'm nervous but I'm also scared!

"Allex..."He looked into my eyes."Do you like someone?"He asked me seriously.

"I-I...told you the other time you asked me that I don't..."I said looking down.I can't lie while looking in his eyes.

"Look in my eyes and tell me the truth.....Please."I looked at him not because he told me to but because he pleased me to.What's really bothering him?

I unconsciously held his head with my hands and talked."I....I-I like someone....but I can't tell you who this person is."I said with a trembling voice.If only he knew who the person is.I put my hands on my chest feeling my heart beating faster than any other time.

"Is this person Hoseok?"I was left surprised after these words of his.Why would he think that I like Hoseok?

",Hoseok is just a dear friend.I really like him but as a friend.I don't want to lose this relationship between me and him.It's really precious to me.He's not the person I have love feelings for."I smiled thinking about how precious Hoseok is to me.

"Oh...I see...then who is he?"He said while bringing his face closer to mine.How can I respond to this question?

"I-I-I can't tell you..."I said looking away.

"Please Allex!I need to know!"Why Jimin?Don't do this to me!

"If I'll tell you you might hate me!"I raised my voice even if I didn't want to.

"Why would I ever hate you?Allex why can't you tell me?!"

"Because it's you!"The first thing I regretted this moment I confessed is that I can't even keep myself calm.Jimin's look just says everything right now.What did I just say?

"W-what?"His eyes widened in wonder and full of surprise.Does he hate me now?Does he think weird of me now?I can't handle this anymore.

I pushed him and ran away from him.I can't stop running.Water folded in my eyes.Tears again.I can't see clearly.What have I done?Now that everything was okay I said what I shouldn't say.Why am I such an idiot?And the best I can do is cry?That's the best I can do?What a weak person am I!

I leaned against the wall.Some people saw me but they didn't talk.I feel so miserable.

"Allex!"This voice that's calling my name.

" he can't see me!"I whispered myself and started running again.

"Allex wait!!"He shouted but I can't stop.I can't let him see me crying."Gotcha!"He said as he back hugged me to stop me from running.

"Let me..go."I said between sobs.

"Why are you crying Allex?"He asked me with a sweet,caring voice.

"I fell down and hurt myself.I'm such a crybaby after all.But I'm okay,don't worry."How can I lie to him?What kind of friend am I?

"Tell me the truth..."He whispered near my ear.He is my friend....I should tell him.

".....Jimin knows...that I like him..."

"How?"He turned me around making me look at him?

"I told him....I...I'm such an idiot."I said and tears kept falling.

"Just try to calm down can cry...."He said and hugged me tightly.My head on his chest.I didn't hold it in.I cried till there were no more tears to shed....





After some minutes of crying he helped me walk till the cafeteria where we sat down to relax a little.

"I'm sorry..."I whispered and he held my hands.

"Don't apologize....just tell me what happened."He said and I nodded tentatively.

"Well...Jimin didn't seem well and I asked him why since I was worried....but then...then he kept asking me who I like....and because of my nervousness I accidentally told him...Ugh I'm so stupid!"I admitted.Hoseok sighed and then looked at me again.

"It's okay.We'll find a way to solve this."When he assured me that he can help me I felt so warm inside.Tears started falling again.Not because of regret this time....because of happiness.Yeah because I know such a wonderful person like him.

"Thank you..."I said and smiled.This smile is his beautiful heart shaped on my face.This smile is only for him.

"Smiling suits you better hehe."He smiled too and I laughed a little.

"You too..."I said and smiled widely.This happy moment will probably be forgotten but what comes after the light can't be....

Well this was quick...

I hope you liked it though...

See you next time~

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