Chapter 12: No Matter The Cost

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That morning, the gang woke up feeling quite relaxed and filled with hope. Everyone except Hawkodile, at least.

He was finally able to fall asleep an hour prior to when everyone woke up. His cheeks were stained with tears. He was wrapped in a small blanket, leaning on the wall.

No one noticed him, though. They were too focused on their mission for later today.

"Alright, do you think we have enough supplies to cheer up the citizens?" Unikitty asked.

"Yup! I made sure of it!" Dr. Fox responded.

"Maybe we should message Gizmo and ask her what Frown is up to." Richard suggested.

"Good idea. We'll do that before we leave." Unikitty stated.

Puppycorn was sifting through Dr. Fox's backpack, looking for something. Unikitty approached him. "Whatcha doing, lil' bro?"

He immediately hid the bag behind his back. "Nothing."

Unikitty raised an eyebrow.

Puppycorn smiled, hoping to hide the fact that he was lying.

The truth was, he was looking for candy that Dr. Fox might have grabbed. He was starving, and was really craving something sweet.

Unikitty shrugged and flew off. At that point, she didn't care what Puppycorn was doing.

Hawkodile groggily woke up soon after. Unikitty noticed him immediately.

"Mornin', Hawk!" She greeted, hovering over to her friend.

"Oh, hi, princess." He replied. He then yawned and stretched his arms out wide.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." She said, giggling. "You excited for later today?"

"Later today? What's so special about later today?"

"That's when we're going to cheer up the citizens, ya goobus!" She replied. He froze. "What?"

"We were talking about it last night! Did you forget?"

There was too much on his mind, he didn't even pay attention to what they were talking about then. And that wasn't his biggest problem at the moment.

"I guess so..." He said. "But, do you really want to cheer up the citizens today? I mean, it feels like we just got back from the castle! Don't you want a break before you help them?"

"What are you talking about?" Unikitty asked. "The sooner we help the citizens, the sooner we can expand The Resistance, and the sooner everything'll go back to normal!"

"But what if we run into Frown? We don't want to fight him. So, maybe we should do it tomorrow. Or maybe even next week. That'll give us plenty of time to prepare for if that happens."

Unikitty blinked. "You're really thinking about planning instead of fighting? That's, like, the least Hawkodile-iest thing you've ever said."

"I'm just trying to keep us all alive and safe."

Unikitty cocked her head to one side. "Alive?"

His eyes went wide. "Uh, nevermind."

"Well, we've already planned on helping the citizens today, and we don't have much time before Frown does something drastic." She stated. "We need to act fast. So, we're going to cheer up the citizens today, whether you like it or not." She turned her back and flew away from him, a little upset.

"Pssh, what's his problem?" She said to herself once she got enough distance from her bodyguard. "Planning before fighting? That doesn't sound like him at all. Meh, he'll come to his sense soon."

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