Chapter 19: A Good (Or Bad) Choice

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"Sis!" Puppycorn called, running down the hallway. "Sis! Are you there?"

"I love them, even if the don't love me..." Unikitty sobbed.

Puppycorn stopped after reaching a certain door. He opened it, seeing his older sister in a small, dark cage.

Her fur was blue. Her face was covered by her paws. She was still crying.

"Sis! It's you! It's really you!" Puppycorn exclaimed.

Unikitty didn't respond to his voice. "Frown is right... they do hate me..."

"Sis?" He said, confused. Why wasn't she listening to him?

She continued crying.


She didn't respond.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked. He leaped forward, trying to touch her (forgetting the fact that she was in a cage).

But, to his surprise, he fell right through the cage. In fact, he went right through his sister as well. He ended up on the other side.

"What the..." He tried to touch the cage. It flickered.

He walked right through the image, then stared at it, confused. "What...?"

"It's not real, dummy." A voice scoffed from behind him. He spun around and saw Frown standing at the doorway.

"M- M- Master Frown!" Puppycorn exclaimed, jumping back.


"Where is my sister?" The pup then asked, his voice a bit quieter.

"Certainly not here. That thing behind you right there is a hologram." Frown pointed to it.

"A holo-what?" He repeated, confused.

"Nevermind. But, that right there is actual live feedback from your sister's cell."


Frown walked closer to Puppycorn. "That's what she looks like right now."


"Yup. She looks torn up, doesn't she?"

Puppycorn just stared.

"Stuck in a cell all day long... alone... with no one to love her..."

"Why are you doing this to her?" Puppycorn asked, turning to face Frown.

"Why should I not? She's my archenemy. And she's such a terrible person that she deserves it, anyways."

Puppycorn, his eyes welling up with tears, jumped forward and started attacking Frown. "You're such a big jerk!" He yelled. "You took my sister away, then you trapped her in a cell! You know she hates being alone, but you did it anyways!"

"Well, of course I did." He said, pushing Puppycorn away. "She's my archenemy."

"But that doesn't mean you have to do that!" He argued, pointing to the hologram of his sister. "Since when has doing something like this mattered to you? Before this, all you ever tried to do was make us have a bad day. But now, you're taking it too far!"

"Too far?" Frown chuckled. "Real Doom Lords do even crazier stuff than this all the time. Just e thankful I haven't killed her yet."

"Killed her...?" Puppycorn repeated those words. He didn't realize it before, but as long as Unikitty was in Frown's possession, he could do whatever he wanted with her. That included killing her.

The Birthday That Ended It All - A Unikitty! AUWhere stories live. Discover now