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Princess POV

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I was walking down the street while chewing some gum

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I was walking down the street while chewing some gum.Men was looking at me, ugly bitches was looking me up and down.Everybody was getting thrown the middle finger.I walked in my local corner store.
"Hey Princess" ! Bruce the manger said
"Wassupp Bruce"
"You look nice"
"I know"
"What you finna get your usual hot chips and sweet tea" ?
"No take me to the back"
"Why" ?
"Don't you sell illegal shit back their" ?
"Keep your voice down, follow me"
I smirked and followed Bruce to the back.
"What you want" ?
"Pure acid" ?
"Pure fuckin acid"
"What you need acid for if you don't mind me asking"
"Actually I do mind you asking, mind your fuckjn business Bruce"
"I'm sorry, I just rather know what my customers need these particular things for"
"Yeen got no right to know what a customer needs thangs for"
"Alright , fine here's the bucket of acid, I won't fight you on this"
"But I will fight you, now how much do I need to pay you" ?
He grins and seizes me.
"Maybe a quick fuck will do just fine"
I glared at him.
"Ok, I wanna ride you like a cow girl"
"Ooooh okay miss thang"
"Take your fuckin clothes off bitch"
He quickly gets naked.
"Danm Bruce yo dick ain't even that big"
"It's fuckable stop complaining"
"If you say so"
"Come on pretty princess, ride this dick"
"Actually I have a better idea"
"Ooh what" ?
I snatched the bucket of acid and threw it all over his body , including his face.
His flesh was melting as blood gushed and oozed.I grabbed another bucket of acid and some more bullets for my guns.His screams slowly faded until he died.I glanced back at him.
"Instead of me fuckin you, the acid did"
I laughed , closed and locked the back door.I shot at the security camera.And I grabbed some hot flamin cheetohs and heeded out the door.I put everything in the trunk of my car and sped off down the street to Diana's house.Prince gave me her address.My phone started ringing.My bestie Domonique was calling.
"Heyyyyy" she said
"Hey , what's going on" ?
"Penthouse party tonight at my place, it starts at 8"
"Oh alright, I'll see if I can come"
"Are you gonna bring your new boyfriend...whats his name"?
"Were technically just seeing each other , but his name is Prince"
"Yesss that's it, I can't wait to meet him"
"Oh because...he is the boyfriend of my best friend...and I think ...I should have every right to meet him, you met my husband Brandon, I mean it's only fair right, is their a problem here that I'm missing" ?
"You said boyfriend again when I simply just told you like 5 seconds ago that were just seeing each other , meaning we are just talking , we're not official"
"Oh I'm sorry...bestie..but also I'm still kind of offended by you asking me why did I want to meet him, I'm your best friend you know you can trust me , and besides I'm a married woman"
"So your saying if you wasn't a married woman you would try and talk to my man" ?
"No! No way , that's not what I said"
"Thats what you were implying tho"
"No I swear I wasn't Princess"
"Next time choose your words carefully, because people end up ditches when they don't, but I'll see you at the penthouse party tonight"
I hung up.
Domoniques POV
I frowned in confusion.
"What the hell"
My husband Brandon comes out the bathroom and into the bedroom.
"Who was that you were talking to on the phone"?
"Oh my bestie Princess"
"You know that ain't your bestie , you hang out with Sophie more"
"Well both of them are my besties"
"You've talked a lot of shit about Princess behind her back ...and yet you still say that's your best friend"
"Because she do and say some silly stuff sometimes"
"Yeah alright, so was Sophie coming to the party" ?
"Duh" ! I said smiling
"See your whole vibe changes when you talk about her"
I rolled my eyes "Lemme go and set the living room up"
"I need to finish up a project from work, and I'll be down their to help"
Brandon snacks my lips, I headed downstairs.
Prince POV
I was laid back in the bed looking at Princess pictures on Instagram.
I wish you were next to me right now, so I can hold you, touch you, feel you,love you, cover your body with kisses until I can't no more.I just want you here with me, my beautiful baby girl.
Princess POV
I was approaching Diana's home.I hopped out the car , grabbed the bucket of acid and strutted towards her house.I broke into it within a heartbeat.I didn't see her nowhere in sight.I walked upstairs.I could hear Beyoncé drunk in love song playing in the bathroom.I had a pistol in my back pocket.I opened the door.
I immediately shot her straight in the tits.Blood splatters all over the pure white bathroom walls.
She tried standing up and I shot her straight in her shit, she walks in agony and pain as she falls back into the tub, which looked like slow motion.I dashed the bucket of acid in the bathtub , she was screaming hysterically and splashing the water trying to get out, but she wasn't going nowhere.Her flesh was falling off, like fresh meat on a bone.I just sat on the toilet while I watched her die.Her screams slowed down, she slowly died as her dead body just laid in the water , blood and acid.And I threw her Alexa pill in the bathtub , her body immediately begin to electrocute, she was shaking uncontrollably..I slipped my gun in my pocket and I picked up the bucket of acid and I strutted out the house like the baddest bitch.

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