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Princess POV
"Baby wake up"
I was waking up from a nap, I yawned and stretched.
"Hm" ?
"Look at the news" Prince said
I rubbed my eyes and glared at the tv.
"What's going on" ?
"Jaylens body was found"
"Oh goodness"
"But don't worry, we were wearing gloves anyways, nothing will ever trace back to us"
"Well with all this tracking and technology, of course they found his ass"
"Mhm, I guess we knew sooner or later it was gonna happen"
"Yeah....just so we be in the clear, maybe we can figure out a way to frame someone for his murder"
"Who do you have in mind" ?
"Caroline....her cousin Cayla ...who we haven't met at , Tyrone and ugly ass Tissa'n...who we also haven't met yet, we have many options here"
"We briefly seen Cayla and Tissa'n at the funeral"
"Yeah but tonight we will officially meet them, maybe we can try and read them and see what kind of people they are, that can help us indicate who we want to frame"
"Mhm, exactly"
I suddenly got a incoming call from Caroline.
"Oh God Caroline is calling"
I answered.
"Hello" ?
"Omg Jaylen is dead! He is dead! His body was found buried in Angels grave" !!
"Oh My Gosh"!!!!
"I know , this is literally a nightmare, and it's crazy because I had thought he killed Angel" !
"Maybe he killed himself , because he killed her, and did it out of guilt"
"No , he couldn't have buried himself if he was dead"
I had Caroline on speaker, we wanted to buss out with laughter, we tried to hold in our laughter.
"Oh yeah of course not, gosh I can't think straight, who do you think did this" ?
"I don't know , but I really wanna find out, this is really getting out of hand"
"It really is Caroline"
"I bet the same person that killed Angel, killed Jaylen"
"He was buried inside her grave, of course it's the same person"
"Oh duh ...Ugh I cant think straight either , I feel like I'm going crazy , gosh can you and Prince come over to my house" ?
"Sure , we will be right over"
"thanks so much, I need all the support I can get"
"Of course , keep your head up"
Me and Prince slipped on some outfits and headed to Caroline's place.
"Well this was a turn of events , we might get to meet Cayla and her boyfriend Tissa'n before the fair"
"Maybe" Prince said

"Well this was a turn of events , we might get to meet Cayla and her boyfriend Tissa'n before the fair" "Maybe" Prince said

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In about 20 mins we arrived at Caroline's house, we pulled up in her driveway and parked

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In about 20 mins we arrived at Caroline's house, we pulled up in her driveway and parked.We seen like two other cars parked in the yard.
"Oh look more cars" I said with a grin
"Mhmmm" Prince said
We hopped out the car , I knocked on the door.I heard chatter coming from inside the house.Tyrone opens the door.
"Hi , thanks for coming"
"Yes of course"
"Hey man good to see you" Prince said
"You too man" Tyrone said
They dapped.Me and Prince walked in.
"Princess! Prince your finally here"
Me and Prince hugged Caroline.
"Yess, I'm so sorry about Jaylen"
"Thank you" she said with a sniffle
I seen 3 other people.
"So Princess and Prince, this is my cousin Cayla and her boyfriend Tissa'n , and this is Tissa'ns best friend Jack"
"Hey" I said to everyone
"Hi" Prince said
"Hello" Cayla said
I tried shaking her hand , but she looked away and Tissa'n shook my hand instead.I glanced and seized her.Prince glances at me.I glanced back.
"Nice to meet y'all " Tissa'n said
"You too" Prince said
"I was making some coffee for everyone" Caroline said
"I brought some macaroons" Cayla said
"Oh , I've always wanted to taste one, are they good" ?
Cayla said.
Caroline passed everybody some coffee and we each took one macaroon.
"Mmm these are good" I said smiling
"I got them fresh all the way from Milan , Italy" Cayla said
"Ohhhh nice" Prince said
"Cayla and her boyfriend Tissa'n has traveled all over the world" Caroline said
"That's nice" I said as I took a bite of the macaroon
"We have some finger sandwiches in the fridge, do you anybody want some" ?
"Yes please" Prince said
"Me too" I said smiling
Prince took another macaroon.I glanced at him and chuckled.
"Poor Jaylen, I really wonder who killed him" Cayla said
"Ugh ...and the fact that his body was buried with Angel , is literally the most saddest thing ever" Caroline said
"Well whoever did that knew Jaylen loved Angel" Cayla said
"Yeah...but so many people did, even Angel herself knew, so anybody could have killed them both"
"Maybe a jealous woman or man" Jack said
"Ohhhhh yeah most definitely" Tissa'n said
"Oh I know what I wanted to say come you and Prince wasn't at the reception..." ? Cayla asked
"We were gonna come , but then something personal came up, and we lost track of time, we wanted to apologize Caroline"
"Oh it's okay! I completely understand" ! Caroline said
"Well your supposed to be her friends ...she needed your ultimate support, and y'all weren't their" Cayla said
"Cayla no, I said it was alright, a least they came to the funeral"
"Real friends would go to the funeral and reception if you ask me" Cayla said
"Babe stop" Tissa'n said
"Um excuse me , why the fuck are you so pressed Cayla" ?! I snapped
"Because Caroline is my cousin , and I really care about her" ! Cayla said
"Well you were at the reception right" ?
"Of course" !
"Okay then, SDFU and cry about it" !
"Excuse me" ?!
Cayla hops up,
I hopped up.
Prince holds me back.Tissa'n grabs Cayla.
"I wanna see you hit me" !!
"I ain't scared of you" ! Cayla said
"And I danmmmmm sure ain't scared of you" !
"Cayla stop" !!!Tissa'n said
"Baby calm down" Prince said
"Please everybody just stop" ! Caroline said
Everybody glanced at her.
Caroline's POV
"I really just wanted this moment to be very peaceful, now I said it was okay that they weren't at the reception, it's just a reception, they came to the service and the burial , paid their respects, that's all that matters, so if you ask me that's very supportive, Princess and Prince has been their for me ,so Cayla please don't come here and make them into the bad guys...okay"
"I'm sorry Caroline" Cayla said
"Please can everyone just sit down and we continue to chat, drink coffee and eat snacks"
"I'm sorry" Princess said
"It's okay love" I said smiling
Everybody slowly sat down.
Caylas POV
I glared at Princess, she glared at me.
Tyrone walks out with the finger sandwiches.
"Did I miss something" ?
"Oh Tyrone, bring the sandwiches and hush" Caroline said
Everybody took two finger sandwiches.
"I really hope we can find out who killed Angel and Jaylen, because I'm tired of stressing" Caroline said
"It's gonna be okay, we will find out sooner or later"
"Were we still gonna go to the LA fair tonight" ? Jack asked
"Sure Jack, I need to do something fun to take my mind off us all this mess" Caroline said
Jack nods and grins.
"Ooh I love fairs"
"Same, the rides be so much fun" Caroline said
"don't forget about the food" Prince said
"that's number one" Tyrone said
"What time yall tryna go" ? Tissa'n asked
"Probably around 4" Caroline said

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