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Prince POV +THE HOUSE+ ✨💋
"We already know the cops ain't finna do shit, and you already know we finna take matters in our own hand , like always, this is our baby, and the only people that truly care about him is us, those white ass cops can care less about our black baby , so fuck them, fuck that, and let's plan this shit out"
"RIGHT , so that lady said her name was Yana, but I don't think that was her real name"Princess said
"No it definitely wasn't, but I know a way we can find out who she is"
"I can transfer those photos we took with her onto my laptop, hack into the system, and do some face scanning and boom , all her information will come up"
"OMG that's perfect, let's do it right now, but danm baby I ain't know you knew how to do that high tech shit...that's sexy"
I smirked "Mhm , I know enough"
I ran upstairs to grab my laptop.I snatched it and flew back downstairs and sat on the table.
"Alright Lemme see your phone"
Princess hands me her phone.
"I'm gonna transfer the photos, but I actually only need one"
"We need to find out who was that man too"
"We will"
I plugged a cord in the phone and to the laptop, and quickly transferred one of the photos.
"It says transfer complete, now I need to work my magic "
"Do your thang babe" !!
Princess POV
The door bell suddenly rings.I jumped, I was nervous AF.
"Who is it" ?!
"It's Prim and Avery" !! Prim said
"Are you serious, this bitch didn't even call me ahead of time, she just poppin up at someone's door Outta the blue moon"
"Oh my God this isn't a good time for them to be here"
"It really isn't"
The door bell ring again.
"Cousinnnnnn I know ya in dere, I see those two big rich cars sitting in the driveway"
"Danm, I really don't wanna open the door"
"Okay fuck em, leave em stranded"
The door bell rings multiple of times.It was ringing in my ear.And I'm already upset and angry about my child.
I ran to the door and swung it open.They jumped.
"Danm I'm sorry cousin, I was just tryna get you to come to the door, but apparently it worked" Prim said
Avery laughs.
"You didn't even call me ahead of time and ask me was it okay if y'all can come, so stupid and inconsiderate"
"Geez , I'm sorry , I just really wanted to see my big cousin"
"No I got shit goin on right now"
"What kind of shit" ?
"My son Golden was kidnapped at his bday party at Chuck E. Cheese" !!!!
"My li baby cousin" ?!
Prim shouts
"Oh shit" ! Avery said
"Did you call the police" ?!
"Of course I did, they saying they investigating or whatever"
"Well they better do their job and bring my Li cousin home, gosh I'm so sorry"
"Thanks,I'm a literal train wreck right now"
"Of course you are, and btw where the hell is your husband Prince"??
"He busy"
"Oh well you just gonna leave us standing out here in the hot son with our bags" ?
"Bags?! Ion see no bags" !
"They in the car"
Prince comes to the door.
"Hey Prince" ! Prim said
"Hey good looking" Avery said
"This ain't a good time for y'all to be here, my son is gone, and we can't have the extra stress on our hands"
"Well hello to you too, but like we need somewhere to stay for the week since we on vacation , and we tryna save all the money we can, Cuz we ain't well off like y'all, and hotels be too expensive"
"I know ya using broke down ass was gon try this trick, always wanna save money and stay at peoples house n shit" !
"Please cousin just for a week, we leave Sunday"
"HOLD ON?! Her husband lives here too, and I have a say so in this situation, so here's what's gonna happen yall either pay us $700 at the door are get the fuck off the property and find a hotel" Prince said
"$700" ?! Avery said
"Oh my Gosh" ! Prim said
"It's 7 days in a week, so $700 , it's quite common sense"
"Cousin" Prim said
"My husband said what he said Prim, do not cousin me"
"But we family" she said
"I don't give a fuck! you worsm AF, and I heard when you get into peoples houses you be acting like yo broke down ass don't never know how to leave Cuz you get too fuckin comfortable, but news flash , that shit not finna happen in this house, Cuz I'll drag both of y'all ass out and throw y'all shit in the street before some like that happen"
" I really gotta pay $700"?!
"that's what the fuck I said, If you gon stay for a week, Cuz ain't nothin for free in this bitch" Prince said
"Y'all rich as hell tho" Avery said
"We might be rich, but ain't nobody gon make a fool outta us and use us, oh no not the Adams family" !
"Alright me and Avery will spilt the money, I'll give $400 and she will give $300"
"Alright good, cash app it to us right now before you go grab them bags"
"We only got it in cash" Avery said
"That works too,we just wanna see the funds first"
Prim and Avery reaches into their pockets , opens their wallets and hands us the money.
"If y'all can give $700 , y'all definitely got more money, y'all slick ass"
"Well yah we staying here in ATL for a week, but like I said we tryna save our money so we didn't have to go to a hotel , and I know I had family here , so yep I was gonna come here"
I rolled my eyes so hard.
"Thanks for letting us stay here" Prim said
"Yeah thanks so much" ! Avery said
"Go get y'all bags, and we will discuss the ground rules" Prince said
"You ain't finna help us get these bags strong man" ? Prim said
Prince ignores them , and walks back in the house.
"He so rude" Prim said
"He is angry , and so am I, we have business to take care of of , we tryna find our son, ain't nobody had time for y'all worsom ass today"
"You knew I was coming, but I understand, I know this shit hard right now"
Prim and Avery walks to the car and grab their bags.They walks in the house.
"Now Lemme tell you something , don't y'all ever show up at our house without calling ever again, because I promise y'all with not get let in"
"We understand, we sorry, we was just desperate" Prim said
Prince walks up.
"So first thing first stay out of our way , don't go in the kitchen , we will fix the meals, don't bring no extra people in the house , because that will be suicide for everybody"
I chimed in.
"clean up after yourselves, but that should be common sense for adults, don't leave no crumbs, specks , and stains on my shit, are you will get kicked out on sight, don't dirty on our guest bed room and bath, don't stank it up, don't have lights and TVs on all night, only we can do that shit, and don't go in the swimming pool without our permission, GOT IT" ?!
Prim and Avery nodded quickly.
"Do you understand" ?! Prince said
"Understood"! Avery said
"Sir yes sir" ! Prim said
"This is not a fuckin game, break one rule and your out this fuckin house forever, you will not be getting comfortable and making yourselves at home in this house, consider this ...hotel in hell" I said
"We understand" Prim said with seriousness
She knew we was dead serious.
Prims POV
"I need to get back to something" Prince said
He gets on his laptop.
"Lemme show y'all the guest room" Princess said
I nodded and smiled.We followed her upstairs.She led us down a long hallway and we turned left and went down another hallway.She opens a room door.
"Here's your room"
Me and Avery walks in with excitement,
"Wow this is beautiful, you have such a gorgeous home"
"Thank you" Princess said
"This better than a hotel" Avery said
Avery lays down on the bed.
"Oooooh this feels like cotton, it's so soft , I'm in love" She said
Prim falls on the bed "Ooh that feels good" !
Princess rolls her eyes.
"Here's some towels and rags"
"Thanks miss thang" I said smiling
"Mhm, oh and one more rule , and this is a big one"
"What" ?
"No sex, not on our beds, y'all wanna have sex y'all should have booked a hotel"
"OMG cousin, we will wash the sheets"
"Alright get the fuck out"
"Okay okay! No sex"
She frowns and glares at me , then she walks out and closes the door.
"Danm your cousin mean and strict" Avery said
"She's always been funny acting"
"And that li husband of hers, Ooh I can't stand him"
"Yeah he think he so smart and all that, but he probably alright once you really get to know him, and besides his son just got kidnapped , him and Princess is under a lot of stress right now"
"Yeah child, this is a mess, maybe we should have booked a hotel"
"No Avery I wanted to come here and see if I can get close to Princess, me and her don't really do each other like that, and I was hoping we can try and create some sort of cousin bond, Cuz I missed her"
"Didn't you use to act funny with her when y'all was kids" ?
"Yeah but that's when we was kids, as we got older I begin to change my ways, we actually used to hang out sometimes back in New York,I remember when we use to always get free ice cream cones and go ice skating for Christmas"
"Aw sounds like y'all started to get close"
I nodded and sighed. "Hopefully we can get like that again"
Avery nods and grins.
Princess POV
"I found her, her real name is Jewels Miller, she is a sex offender, she can't be around no kids, she tried kidnapping some boy , some years ago and went to jail for 10 years" Prince said
I gasped.
Prince took pictures of the information.
"Omg, do you see anything about the man" ??
"Lemme look her up in the police records"
Prince POV
I typed in Jewels Miller.
"Oh here's her mug shot"!
"Yep that's her , she just looks younger and her hair was short and brown" Princess said
"Lòok it's a man mug shot right next to hers"
"that's probably the man she was with" she said
"His name is Teddy Foster , he is also a sex offender, and he is her boyfriend, he went to jail for 10 years too and it looks like before Jewels kidnapped the boy she was pregnant and lost her child through a miscarriage, she was having a boy , she named him Elijah Foster"
"Oh my gosh well that explains why she kidnapping kids, Cuz she couldn't have any"
"And check this , it says says Jewels and Teddy are both abusive , drug addicts and are highly dangerous"
"They ain't highly dangerous nothin, were highly fuckin dangerous, we're fuckin serial killers"
Jewels POV

"Oh here's her mug shot"!"Yep that's her , she just looks younger  and her hair was short and brown" Princess said "Lòok it's a man mug shot right next to hers" "that's probably the man she was with" she said "His name is Teddy Foster , he is also...

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I walked in a small baby room, that was filled with blue baby boy decorations, and the walls was painted blue.Baby toys was on the floor, and coloring books was on the table.Golden was tied up to a small bed.I slowly took the bag off his head,Teddy walks in with a smile, he was holding a big brown bear.Golden has tears in his eyes.
"I want mommy and daddy"
"We're your new mommy and daddy silly" I said smiling
He glares at us "no"
"Yes, and your name isn't Golden anymore, it's Elijah Foster, you will be named after your dad"
"I brought you a big Teddy bear son, here"
Elijah pouts and snatches his head away.
"No" he says
Teddy lays the bear next to Elijah.
"You can snuggle him whenever you like"
"Do you like cupcakes" ?
Elijah slowly nods.
"Well mommy baked some delicious cupcakes for her little baby"
I kissed his cheeks.
"We love you so much Elijah, we're gonna have so much fun" Teddy said
"We will buy you any toy you like , and get you some nice clothes, would you like that" ? I said with a smile
Elijah glares at me.
"I want mommy and daddy"
"We're your mommy and daddy Elijah" I said with firmness
I gave a quick smile.
"Ill bring your cupcake, then I'll fix dinner"
I glanced at Teddy and walked out.
"Play with your teddy bear son"
Teddy follows behind me.I grabbed a store brought cupcake out of a lil Debbies box and headed back in the room.
"Here's your cupcake, it's delicious and fresh baked out of the oven"
I fed Elijah the cupcake.
"Eat up"
He takes a small bite.
"Good boy"
I kissed his forehead.
"Mommy loves you so much"
He takes another bite.
"if i untie you will you be a good boy" ?
He nods.
"Okay good" !
Teddy unties him.He sits up and glares at me and Teddy.
"Another bite"
"Okay baby I'll let you hold it this time, Imma go order some pizza for dinner, when I come back , it's gonna be bath time"
He nods slowly.
"Good boy" Teddy said
Me and Teddy walks out.
Goldens POV
I glanced at the door with a frown,

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