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Caroline's POV

        Me and my cousin Cayla was  in the spa room laying on the beds

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Me and my cousin Cayla was in the spa room laying on the beds.She was gonna be room mating with me for a while, since Angel is gone, she's coming all the way from Washington.She has been so supportive and helpful.I don't know what I'll do without her.
"Cayla I just wanna say thank you for being here for me"
"You don't need to thank me, times are rough for you right now, and besides your my best cousin , I will do anything for you"
"Gosh you are amazing"
"Your amazing too cousin"
I smiled.
"So I didn't get to meet your friends Princess and Prince, I glanced at them at the funeral, but we didn't speak, I was hoping to speak to them at the reception"
"Ohhh yeah I know, I really wanted them to come, but they couldn't make it because of some personal reasons"
"Well they should have,because that doesn't sound so supportive to me"
"I know, but sometimes things come up, It's life Cayla"
"Humph...I guess"
"Well the LA carnival is happening this Friday , maybe you can come and meet them then, and you can bring your boyfriend Tissa'n too"
"Oh yeah okay, I forgot all about that was coming up"
"Yeah, but I've been so worried about Jaylen lately, he hasn't been returning my calls or texting me back"
"What do you think is going on"??
"I don't know, it's hella weird , I'm used to him responding back fast"
"The last we saw him was at the burial"
"Yeah and the last message he sent me was saying that he was on his way to the reception"
"Do you wanna stop by his house? Maybe he sick"
"Okay we can do that, let's finish up this spa"
Cayla nods.
Prince POV
I was chillin at the bar drinking and looking up at the news.
"Polices are still looking for the criminals that robbed the New York bank back in September , the two people were caught on the security cameras , but they were wearing ski masks but by the looks of the body shapes and demeanors , the detectives has discovered that this is a man and woman team.It's possible that both of them skipped town and are on the run, so if you see anyone that fit the description, please contact the police ASAP , their will be a 1 million dollar award"
I glared at that tv screen with the craziest expression on my face.
"Danm someone would be the luckiest mf to find those two" I hear a woman say from behind me
"Huh" ?
I glanced back.
"I would love to find those and my husband need some money in our hands"
"Good luck with that, their probably across the country by now"
"Maybe, maybe not , it's crazy how they robbed the whole bank, like they broke the safe n all"
"Yeah, crazy"
"this is like Bonnie & Clyde in modern times"
I chuckled.
"I'm Rocky btw..Rocky Fallon"
"Oh nice to meet you ...I'm ...Brandon"
"Oh nice to meet you Brandon, so why your handsome self all here alone? wait , Lemme guess? bad break up" ?
"People really gotta stop assuming things"
"I'm sorry, was I wrong tho" ?
"So what's wrong" ?
"Does it always have to be something wrong when you sitting in bar"?
"Why can't I just be living my life; free and happy go lucky, why something always gotta be wrong "
"Well my bad, goodness gracious, I didn't mean to step on ya balls"
"It's alright"
"I just thought you was you have a girlfriend" ?
"You happy" ?
"Honestly my relationship is none of your business"
"Okay ...I respect that"
"How's you and your husband sex life" ?
"Excuse me" ?
"See how the tables turn? Now I'm in your business"
She grins "I like you Brandon, you seem like the kind of guy that's hella mean but also have a soft spot when you want to"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I would like to meet your girlfriend tbh, I wonder what's she like"
"Don't worry about ha"
"Unless ...their isn't a girlfriend" ?
She glares at me.
"Oh you think I'm lying" ?
"I didn't say you was"
I drunk down the rest of my alcohol.
"I gotta go"
"Oh already?, I was enjoying talking to you ..Brandon"
I threw my jacket on and walked away.
Caroline's POV
Me and Cayla arrived at Jaylens house.We hopped out her car.
"His car is here" Cayla said
"Good" !
We headed towards the door , I banged on his door.
"Jaylen it's Caroline and Cayla" !!
"Jayyyyy"!! Cayla said
He never came to the door.We knocked again.He still didn't come.
"Let's go around the back and look in his window"
Cayla nods.We walked in the back and peered in his window, but the whole house lights were off.
"Okay that's odd , why is all his lights off" ?
"Maybe he sleep" Cayla said
"Jaylen always keeps his kitchen light on before he goes to bed"
"Well maybe he was so sleepy , that he forgot to turn it on"
"I don't know, I wanna get inside, do you know how to pick locks" ?
"Uh I can try ,I seen this cool trick online that shows people how to get in their house when they accidentally lock their self out"
"Do you know how to do it" ?
"I can try, lemme get my key"
We ran towards the front.
"Okay here goes"
Cayla struggled a bit, but she did it.
"Yes I did it" !
"Good job" !
I opened the door and we walked in.Cayla cuts on the lights.
"Jaylen" !!
"Jaylen" ?! Cayla shouts
"Jay" !!!
"Where the fuck is he " ? Cayla asked
"I don't know , but this is so fuckin weird"
I looked in the kitchen, Cayla looked in the den.He was nowhere to be found.
"Okay well let's look upstairs in the bathroom and his bedroom" Cayla said
I nodded, we ran upstairs.We looked into the bathroom, he wasn't their, and we lastly went in the bed room, he wasn't their,
"OMG where is he" ?!
I was ready to panic and freak out.
"Okay calm down ...don't panic...maybe hes..oh God i don't know" Cayla said
"We need to go to the police station, maybe they can track his phone"
Me and Cayla headed to the police station, when we got their we told them everything we knew, they said they will put out a missing person report , look into it and work on tracking his phone.We said thank you and headed out.
Princess POV
Me and Prince was at home chilling.

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