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        I was sitting on the couch, watching the after math of the purge on the news

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I was sitting on the couch, watching the after math of the purge on the news.
"All of those people dead...this doesn't seem real"
Nikki walks out the kitchen holding two cups of coffee.
"Here bro , I fixed you some coffee"
She hands me my cup.
"Thanks sis"
"Wow, so many deaths" Nikki said
She takes a sip of her coffee.
(Knock knock knock)
"It's 9am , who could that be" ?
"Maybe the mail man" ?
"At 9am" ?
"Sometimes they come at 9"
"I ain't expecting a packages"
"Oh neither am I"
I walked to the door "who is it" ?
"It's Timmy"
I opened the door. "I was worried sick about you all weekend ever since the purge, you never called or texted me back"
"I'm sorry, I was busy"
"Busy doing what ? Purging" ?!
"Timmy don't lie to me , we're you purging"?!
He glares at me. "It's a guy that has been picking on me on the streets ...and I just wanted him to feel...
Timmy's POV
I begin to cry.
"I just wanted ...him to feel the pain that I feel when he say those mean hateful things to me...I know it wasn't right, but I just-
Suddenly Mario hugs me tightly.
"I don't care what you did , I'm just glad your okay"
"Me too babe" Nikki says
"Your not mad at me" ?
"It was purge night , it is what it is,I'm just happy your okay and safe , that's all that matters, I just wanted you to be truthful with me , because your my best friend"
"I know , I won't keep things from you ever again"
"Good, and I'll do the same"
He kisses my cheek.I had a huge smile on my face.

Prince POV

Me and Princess was cuddling in the bed, under the warm covers

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Me and Princess was cuddling in the bed, under the warm covers.
"You smell like strawberries" I told her
She giggles "you smell like chocolate cake"
I chuckled and kissed her cheeks, she licks my face.I licked her face back.She giggles.
"I'm so ready to bring a little life into this world"
"I know, me too"
"It's gonna be such a beautiful thing"
"It's gonna be surreal"
I filled her face with kisses "you beautiful woman you"
She smiles.I started to tickle her.
She laughs and playfully pushes me away.
"Stopppppppp" !
I continued to tickle her
"Babyyy stopppppp" !!
She giggles uncontrollably, pushes me away and flew off the bed and runs in the bathroom.I hopped off the bed and ran to the door.
"Bring yo pretty butt back here little girl" !
"No" ! She says in a baby voice
"You locked the door"?!
"Yes" !
"Open the door little girl, I'm not gonna tickle youuuuu"
"Liar" !
"I promise I won't, just open the door"
I hear the door unlocks, she slowly opens the door, she suddenly pulls me inside and begin to tickle me.
"Ah" !!!
We both fell on the floor laughing hysterically.I fell in her lap.
"Oh I'm so happy, I honestly can't wait to get pregnant " she said softly
I slid up and glared at her.
"Me too babe"
"Mhm" she says with a smile
"I love you so much , your so beautiful"
She smiles and tickles me again.
"Oh that's what we're doing again" ?!
"Uh huh" !!
She falls on top of me.
"Ooh I have an idea" !
"Okay what's up" ?
"Let's go on a night picnic date at the park, we can eat some snacks while we look up at the stars"
"Oh that sounds amazing, let's do it, I'll pack the lunches"
"And I'll bring the drinks and blankets"
"Sounds like a plan"
I smacked her lips.

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