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Caroline's POV +ATL RESORT+

"Wow I can't believe Latto is dead" ! "I'm in shock" Tyrone said "Well theirs nothing we can do about it, this is real life, rappers get shot all the time""Yeah it's very sad and unfortunate, but it is what it is" "Yeah well today is our last day,...

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"Wow I can't believe Latto is dead" !
"I'm in shock" Tyrone said
"Well theirs nothing we can do about it, this is real life, rappers get shot all the time"
"Yeah it's very sad and unfortunate, but it is what it is"
"Yeah well today is our last day, and Princess is throwing a yacht party before we leave"
"Yeah so I heard , that's gonna be exciting"
Simones POV
I was sobbing uncontrollably.
"Latto is deaddddddddd, she was my favorite rapper, who did this?! who did this" ?!
"I don't know, it could have been anybody in that club, it was packed"
I sniffled and wiped my tears.
"Omg it just dawned on me ....I remember Princess going to the bathroom, and I seen Latto going to the back"
"I really hope your not saying, what I think your saying" ?
"What if Princess killed her" ?
"Why" ?!
"Because Latto was flirting with Prince"!
"Where the fuck Princess get a gun from" ?
"She probably had it hidden under her clothes"
"Well in that case , that bitch stay strapped"
I gasped.
"What Simone" ?!
"What if she's the one that killed those people in LA , and she framed Cayla for it"
"Oh shit,maybe, and what if Prince is crazy too and he be helping her"?!
"Oh my gosh DJ! I ain't even think about that"
"And all these bank robbery's that's been happening in our city...what if she and Prince are the culprits" ?!
"Oh shit, that will explain why they so fuckin rich"
"Ohhhhh we are onto them" !
"Let's make sure we watch them at the yacht party"!
"Of course" I said nodding

what if she and Prince are the culprits" ?!"Oh shit, that will explain why they so fuckin rich" "Ohhhhh we are onto them" ! "Let's make sure we watch them at the yacht party"! "Of course" I said nodding Princess POV +COUPLES SPA DATE+

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Me and Prince was laid stretched out on our stomachs relaxing while we were getting massages.
"Oh this feels like heaven" I said smiling
"this is heaven" Prince said
I glanced at him , he glanced at me.
"excited for the yacht party" ? I asked
"You know I am" he said smiling
"Mmm , it feels nice to unwind"
"Yeah get this tension out my body"
"So are you enjoying ATL" ?
"Yes I think I am , it's nice"
"Me too, so I wanna ask you something...and it's really important"
"Hit me" he said
"Do you want children" ?
"Yes, wbu" ?
"Yasss, I really want kids"
"Me too"
"I was thinking....maybe in another year we can try"
"Wow really" ?
"Yes , only if you want to"
"I would love to"
"You would" ?
"Hell yes"
"Well maybe starting next year, I'll get off birth control and we can have us a planned pregnancy"
"Sounds like a plan to me, I'll be their every step of the way"
"Yeah because your amazing that's why"
"No your amazing"
"No your amazing"
We laughed. "I wanna kiss you but our beds aren't close enough"
"Air kisses"
We air kissed each other.
"How many kids you want" ? He asked
"6, 3 boys, 3 girls"
"Wow okay , that's a handful, but I think we can manage"
"I think we can, and plus with all the fuckin we do , 6 kids will come within seconds"
Prince laughs "gurl you so crazy"
"It's the truth, I love riding that big ole dick of yours"
"You saying that in front of these Li Chinese woman"
"I don't care, it's mine"
"You a trip li girl"
"But yeah bae, I just think we're at the point in our life's where maybe it's time for some little ones you know , we got a nice home, car , we rich, we got it made in the sun, our babies wouldn't have to want for nothing"
"Amen to that" !
"Right , like it's not gonna be peaches n cream and rainbows but we got this , we can do it"!
"Yeah and you are the strongest woman I know,and I'm gonna be right their by your side helping and supporting you through and through, whatever you need I got it"
"I appreciate you so much, like where the fuck have you been all my life" ?!
"I can say the same thing, gosh I love waking up to you every morning"
"i love waking up to you every morning"
"you bring a smile to my face every day"
"feelings mutual, even tho we get into fights sometimes, we always know how to communicate and work through our problems"
"Exactly, because that's what makes our relationship stronger, and it makes us closer, the ups and downs, the good moments , the bad moments, that's what helps our relationship to grow"
"All truth baby"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
After the massages , we got us some facials

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