Chap 16: Where We Stand

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Kelsey's POV:

Waking up the day after my date with Dean still felt unreal. All this time apart and suddenly we're a thing again. I know we both hashed things out and talked, but he hasn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend yet.

I'm not going to pry and ask him why he hasn't asked because I can tell he's giving me time to fully trust him again. I'm thankful him doing that for me. He's always been extremely understanding even when we were together back then.

I walked around my apartment and cleaned up some things while reminiscing about my date with Dean last night.

As I was cleaning, there was a sudden knock on the door. Who would be here at 2PM..

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Your best friend here to get the tea about your date with the lunatic!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Alexa. I've been meaning to update her about the date, but I lost track of time.

I opened the door and she ran inside.

"Well hello to you to Miss Bliss!" I laughed as I closed the door.

I turned around and saw her laying on the couch.

"Hey girl, sorry to barge in without calling! I was so curious about your date so I drove right over once I woke up." She said.

"It's okay! I've been meaning to tell you, but I really lost track of time." I replied.

"IT'S FINE! So... what happened?? Are you and Dean okay now?" She questioned.

"I think we're okay! The date was really beautiful! We went to this secluded location and he had this steak dinner set up for me! He actually had Roman and Seth prepare while we were on our way over." I explained.

"Aw that's so cute of him." She said in awe.

"Yeah! We sat and ate in silence for a bit. I could tell we both had a lot on our minds. I ended up asking him about the night that he cheated and he explained everything. It turns out that Tessa lied to him and said I was cheating on him the whole time. She somehow managed to convince him to take revenge on me by sleeping with her... He thought it was strange she spoke to him all of a sudden because they never really spoke prior to that night either." I recalled.

"See, I knew something was suspicious. Tessa really fed him fake news and because Dean was drunk, he believed it." Alexa said angrily.

"Unfortunately he did. I think I forgave him for real this time. I know being drunk shouldn't be an excuse for cheating on me, I'm well aware of that. But, I think it's finally time I put that in the past and leave it there. Dean and I are finally at a stable place where I feel like it's possible for us to get back on track." I explained to her.

"I'm glad you guys patched things up for real though! It sucked seeing the both of you guys in distress when you both saw each other again." She said as she gave me a hug.

"Yeah, it was definitely hard. Although if I'm being honest with you, I'm not sure where our relationship stands at the moment." I confessed to her.

"What do you mean? I thought everything was fine?" Alexa asked me.

"Well, we even talked a few times before the date yesterday too and no label was established? We both said we still loved each other, but that's about it." I elaborated.

"Do you think maybe he's giving you time and not rushing it?" She questioned.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. I guess it's kind of good we're not rushing into things? I was just kind of hoping he'd put a label on it even if we're still working on getting back on track. I'm just kind of unsure right now." I said.

"You and Dean are basically an item without the title girl, don't worry about it." She said as she comforted me.

"I guess so! I wanted him to stay over last night so we could talk some more, but I think he wanted to give me some space again. Do you think I should talk to him about it? I feel like he's worried I might say goodbye again so he's giving the both of us some time to see how things go." I pondered.

"That could be it! I'm sure he just wants you to make sure he's what you want. I think he's also nervous and afraid you'll leave again. He's trying to protect his heart and yours in the process. Just talk to him! I'll leave right now so GO!" She said as she made her way to the door.

"Ugh, you're right.. Thanks for coming by and I'll have a new update for you after Dean and I talk." I said to her as she made her way out.

"I'm counting on it babe!" I heard her say as she walked down the hallway.

I closed the door and texted Dean immediately.

~ (italics -> kelsey, bold italics -> dean)

Hey, are you free right now?

Hey and yes, what'd you need?

Do you think you could swing by my apartment?

For what?

Just come by, I wanted to run something by you! Do you need the address?

Nah, I know where it is. I'll be there soon, I'm down the street by the Starbucks anyways.

Okay, see you soon d ❤️

See you Kels ❤️

Seeing as the Starbucks is down the street, he should be here in less than five minutes.

I looked around the apartment and made sure everything was presentable. I don't think Dean has ever seen my LA apartment, so him coming for the first time definitely made me nervous.

I ran into my room and quickly cleaned up in there just in case he would want to come in there. Knowing Dean, he loves to make himself at home just about anywhere.

Right when I finished shoving all the clothes into the closet, the door bell rang.

"Hey Kels, it's the sexist man on earth!" I heard Dean shout.

He's not wrong about him being the sexist man that's for sure, but he's still embarrassing. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

"Hey Kels, you're looking good." He said as he checked me out.

I looked down at my outfit and sure enough I just had to be wearing the most revealing pajamas ever. I hate myself..

"Thank you, um come in! I hope everything looks okay." I said as he came inside and sat on the couch.

"This is a really nice place Kels, I love it." Dean exclaimed as I sat down next to him.

"Thank you! I appreciate that!" I replied.

"How come you invited me over today?" He asked me after a moment of silence.

"I just wanted to talk about something that's been on my chest lately..." I said as I trailed off.

"Lay it on me sweetheart." He replied as he smiled at me.

Here goes nothing...


hi guys!! looks who's back with an update for second chances!! im well aware that i suck at editing, i truly have no schedule so i'll upload whenever i have the time to do so!

idk where this story is headed, but i hope that you guys will stick by kelsey and dean's journey! they'd appreciate it greatly.

i'll try to update more soon, my schedule is really tight right now with my two jobs and school as well. but again, i will try my very best to update more often for you guys.

like always, please remember to vote, comment, and follow if you like my content. i'd really appreciate it :) i believe you get notified every time i update if you do follow so there's that! thank you all so much for the continued support on all my books! please check out i found you and unexpected if you haven't done so already! alright, see you guys soon <3 with love, jen x

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