Chap 10: Personal

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Kelsey's POV:

Today marks day one of twenty-one days of being Dean's personal assistant.

It was about 30 minutes before Raw until we'd start the show off once again. Kurt said that we got really positive feedback in the previous weeks, so he decided to let us start the show off once again.

I was currently in my locker room that I chose to share with Alexa once again, struggling to chose an outfit for tonight.

I heard a knocking on the door and opened it, revealing Dean.

"Dean! I'm kind of busy right now, I need to find an outfit for tonight." I said trying to close the door on him.

"Hey hey hey. Not so fast sweetheart. I have an outfit picked out for you." He said as he pushed the door open.

"Dean I swear..." I started off.

He closed the door once he made it inside. He then proceeded to lock it.

"Okay so here's the outfit." He pulled out of course a maids outfit from behind him.

"Dean I can't wear that. I'm not a maid, I'm a personal assistant." I complained.

"Yeah, and as your boss I command you to wear this. So put it on." He stated.

"Fine... but can you at least go outside please?" I asked him.

"No can do. Just change, it's nothing I haven't seen before." He commented.

I rolled my eyes at him and proceeded to take off my dress at lightening speed. Why lightening speed you may ask? Well to answer your question, I didn't want any situations happening like last week. I can't afford to get anymore hickeys from Dean.

I threw on the maid outfit and put on the little headband that came with it.

"There! Are you happy now?" I complained to him.

"Actually yes. You look fucking hot Kelsey. Reminds me of the old days." He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the mirror. "Look at yourself."

"Fine, I'll give it to you... I don't look half bad. I guess it does remind me of the old days haha." I joked as I spun around in front of the mirror.

"Alright, I think it's time to go to the front of the stage. We wouldn't want Alexa to be waiting any longer would we?" He said as I smacked him on his arm.

"What the! She was out there the whole time? I can't believe you Dean!" I said as I unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"Finally! I needed to change. Aw Kelsey! You look really cute." Alexa commented.

"Thanks Lexi! Sorry, Dean was being a jerk and wouldn't let you in. Okay we're gonna have to go but I'll see you later for our dinner date!" I responded.

"Okay! Have fun Kels!" She replied before she entered our locker room.

Dean and I walked to the front of the stage and waited for his music to play. I guess 30 minutes really flew by just like that.

Once it hit, we both came out, with me trailing far behind him.

"Introducing, Dean Ambrose and his personal assistant Kelsey!" Jojo announced.

"Hello WWE Universe! My personal assistant Kelsey and I are pleased to start off the show once again." Dean said once we got inside the ring.

I stood towards the corner as he spoke.

"Kelsey, why are you shy all of a sudden? Stand next to me right now." He commanded.

I let out a sigh and moved next to him. He pulled me into him and put his arm around my shoulder.

"I personally picked out this amazing outfit for her and I am in love with how she looks." He stated as the WWE Universe erupted in cheers.

I tried to move away and his grip only got stronger.

"For the next three weeks, Kelsey is not only going to act like a personal assistant, she's going to do everything I say. So for your first task, I want you, sweetheart to make out with me. WWE Universe, do you wanna see that?" He asked as everyone screamed.

I shook my head furiously and got out of his grip. I tried to leave but he pulled me back and started to kiss me.

I struggled around but he tightened his grip and I felt myself slowly kissing him back.

We broke the kiss for what felt like several long minutes.

"And that ladies and gentlemen, was the first task Kelsey completed. Really reminds me of the old days huh Kelsey?" He asked looking straight at me.

This was scripted but the look in his eyes made me feel like he was trying to tell me something.

I shook my head.

"Nod yes sweetheart." He commanded.

I nodded slowly.

"This is it for tonight, but tune in throughout the week on social media platforms to see what else Kelsey gets to do with me-- I mean for me." He finished as he chuckled.

He whispered to me, "Let's go baby." I nodded and got out as he held the ropes for me.

Once he got out, he put his arm back on my shoulders and walked us backstage.

We made it back and Alexa came up to me and pulled me away.

"Text me later Dean!" I told him as he gave me an ok with his signature smirk.

"How was the kiss?" Alexa asked once she pulled us back to our locker room.

"It was amazing actually. I think I'm officially ready to give us another shot." I told her truthfully.

"That would be so cute! Like you guys can be a couple on screen as well like you actually loving being his personal assistant." She said as she squealed.

"Yeah you're right! Well maybe not about the assistant part but for the most part." I responded as she laughed.

"Alright, as much fun as it is talking about your love life, let's go get ready for dinner since we're both done tonight." Alexa said enthusiastically.

"You had me at dinner." I replied happily.


hi guys! im back! i was busy this week because i had a concert to go to on Saturday and Sunday! but i finally have this chapter completed. it's kinda short but i will try to lengthen it when i have the time.

hope u guys enjoy this chapter kek. btw i have school coming up so chapter's may be coming slower than before! just a heads up for you all to know.

please remember to vote, comment, and follow if you enjoy my content! i really appreciate it! bye for now!

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