Chap 3: Unexpected Fun

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Kelsey's POV:

I was in the middle of a deep sleep when I heard whispering in my ear.

"Psst... Kels wake up. We should go get some food now. I'm starving." I heard a voice say to me.

I couldn't quite pick up who the voice belonged to so I continued to lay there, pretending to be asleep. Maybe the person would leave me alone after a while.

"I swear if you don't get up right now, I'm pouring a bucket of cold water on your face. Okay you asked for it. I'm counting down. One, two." The voice threatened.

I jolted awake before the person reached the count of three and saw Dean sitting at the corner of my bed.

"Dean, holy shit! How did you even get into my room?" I asked as I pulled my blanket up higher. I wasn't wearing the most appropriate clothes so I had to be cautious.

"Uh yeah about that. Actually it's quite a funny story, so basically I didn't remember what time you wanted to get some food so I decided to walk over here at 11. I knocked but no one was responding to me so I went down to reception and asked them for a key to your room." He explained.

"Okay, but why did they even give you the key? You could have been a stranger for all they could know." I exclaimed.

"I may have told them a little white lie. I told them you were my girlfriend and that you locked me out last night by accident." He blurted out quickly.

"Seriously? You really are something else. I said 12 o'clock not 11 Dean." I told him.

"Oh I forgot! I'm already here so go get ready! I'm still really hungry so hurry up Kels!" He shouted as he pulled me out of bed and pushed me into the restroom.

He is such a loser, I thought to myself. A really really cute loser.

I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and brushed my long blonde hair out.

I looked through my duffle bag for a simple outfit. After a while of looking, I pulled out a simple white crop fitted tank top and my striped Tilden pants. I put that outfit on and quickly did my makeup, my natural and everyday makeup look.

I put on some black Birkenstocks to complete my outfit and with that I was ready for to leave for some food.

I walked out and saw Dean looking on his phone.

"Hey Dean! I'm ready now!" I told him as I grabbed my phone and put it into a Michael Kors bag that was on my floor.

"You took literally fifteen minutes! A whole new record. I am shocked." He said teasingly.

"Shut up! I would've taken longer but I felt bad because you were practically dying of hunger out here." I stated.

"If you say so sweetheart. Let's go!" He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside of my room.


After we finished eating, we arrived at Smackdown, together.

We got off of the car and saw many eyes staring at us walking into the arena together. Maybe seeing Dean Ambrose with someone else other than his Shield boys is shocking to them. All these looks were beginning to make me extremely uncomfortable.

"Dean, everyone's staring at us." I whispered quickly.

"Who cares? No one knows our back story so if you run into anyone judging you, do not hesitate to tell me or the boys. You remember them right?" He asked me once we passed the crowd at the entrance.

"How could I ever forget? Your fellow hounds, Mr. Roman Reigns and Mr. Seth Rollins." I responded jokingly.

"You really haven't changed a bit babe." He teased.

I just shook my head and laughed.

Since we were here super early, he decided to drag me into the ring because no one was using it at the moment.

"You're probably not dressed up for it right now but I want you to try your moves on me and whatnot. A superstar should be able to wear anything and still accomplish the task at hand. You're debuting next week so I want you to practice on me rather than anyone else." He stated, urging me to practice with him.

"I guess? I'll try my best to do some? I only have two that I know for sure I'm skilled at. The other moves I don't think I could do now because these pants might rip so I'll practice those another time." I explained to him.

"Just try the two that you can do right now then." He said.

I nodded and then we started running at each other.

I ran under his arm and bounced off the rope. I ran back and gave him a sling blade, also known as "Swept Away."

"Okay so how was that?" I asked him, out of breathe.

"That was amazing actually. You do it just like Seth does it. It's one of his signature moves actually." Dean responded.

"Alright I'm going to try to do my finishing move on you. You can just stand there, I can do it from there." I told him.

He nodded and gestured for me to proceed.

I ran to him and kicked him in the stomach. Then I set him up for what I liked to call, "Lights Out." I did the move on him quickly, and got back up on my feet.

"Woah Kelsey! What do you call that finishing maneuver?" He asked surprisingly, once he got back up.

"Oh that old thing? I call it Lights Out." I answered.

"Funny thing, but I actually have the same exact finishing move. I just call it Dirty Deeds. How ironic we even have the same finishing move." He joked, giving me a quick peck on the forehead.

"What a small world. Out of all the moves you could have, you have the same one as me. You gotta stop copying me Dean." I said as I lightly shoved him away.

Once I saw him pouting at me, I said, "I'm kidding Dean! It's just a coincidence!"

"What ever you say, you're still a copy cat who has the same finishing move as I do. Let's go, get some water from catering." He replied as he pulled me out of the ring.

Needless to say, I had a lot of fun today with Dean and I shockingly did not regret a single second of it.


guess who has another chapter out! it's me! ahah! anyways I'm sorry it's really short, I'm actually writing this at 3 AM because I couldn't sleep! I'll update the chapter later today and add way more to it to increase the length by a lot. thanks for reading my book and my other book as well! you all are super supportive and that means so much to me! I hope everyone has a good night everyone! well actually I hope everyone has a good morning now! I'll probably be back with another update in a few days time or later today actually for both books! bye once again!

ps: happy July 4th everyone! I'm not doing anything this year. BIG SIGH. no fireworks for me guys! how sad! whatever I can just watch everyone's fireworks, who cares! oh wait, I actually care smh! bye once again y'all!

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