february 10th 2021

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I don't know what is wrong with me, but I cry when I hear sad or slow songs. Like right now, I'm listening to "the night we met". And I'm just crying. I don't know if it's about someone or what. But I try not to cry, I literally hold it all back. But tears just go down my face. I'm literally speechless, I just don't know what's wrong with me.

I just feel so alone right now. And like I'm just writing, I'm trying to write how I feel. But I don't know how well it's working, still tears going down my face. Feeling hopeless, feeling just empty. I don't know how to help myself anyone.

I just want to give up. But I know if I give up, then it will hurt some people. I can't hurt them, but I'm hurting inside and it's killing me. I don't know how to cope. I just need someone that will talk to me all the time, asking how I am. Literally just listening to me, 24/7.

But I don't really talk to anyone, I don't know who to talk to. Then when I need to get something off my mind and no one is helping me, I cry. I cry hopelessly.

I don't know what to do anyone. Should I give up?, I'm saying to myself right now... I think I need serious help before I don't something I regret. I'm in pain. I can't stop crying. I need help. One of these days, I know I'm gonna have a breakdown so bad, I'm just gonna end it all.

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