january 28th 2022

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it's 4:18am and i'm currently crying. so there's this boy i have been talking to online for almost a month. it'll be a month on monday.

we have talked in a party and played games together every single day all day long. i don't know how i feel about this boy but he makes me very happy.

he is different from anyone else i have ever met. he is just a very nice person, have a great personality, really funny, and well just something about him is different from anyone else.

he has that personality that will always make you smile. him talking just makes me smile. his jokes are something else. i love hearing him.

everyday that we talk there is always more to say. we always just talk until we both fall asleep. he makes me very happy.

i haven't been this happy in a very long time. i am terrified to lose him. i just can't. i need him. i know it's bad to say that.

but i just feel some type of way when we talk. it just makes me burst with happiness. i can be myself near him and he would never judge me.

i need him in my life and i will be heartbroken if anything ever happens to him. i don't know this feeling is. i really know. but he just makes me so happy.

i honestly don't know how to express my feelings. but that is all i have to say for now. i am going to text him for a bit longer before he falls asleep.

i also forgot to mention. i started crying whenever we said bye to each other. that work kills me inside.

i feel like it'll be are last time talking when we say that. we need to find something else better to say. anyways, cya

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