It's okay to be scared.

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"You need to pinpoint your target. Either it's the head, or the heart. Just breathe in, aim, and..throw. That's basically it", I explained, even if I had no idea what I was talking about. Bellamy had given me back the knife that I had dropped yesterday during the attack and now I was supposed to teach him and John how to stab someone within a 10 feet distance. Since I was right-handed, I was lucky to have my left shoulder injured. It didn't affect me that much. We had carved two crosses into the tree, one on eye level, the other one further down, to resemble our targets. I pulled my knife out of the bark and waited for Murphy to throw. As expected, he didn't make it.

"It's the damn kid, he's messing up my head", he justified himself.
Yeah, sure it was Jasper's fault, not his.
"He's not gonna last much longer, better think of a new excuse", Bellamy shook his head at his new friend, throwing the axe he had found into the tree. I smiled and pat his back, telling him he did a good job, especially for a first-timer. I knew John would be having trouble with this because he didn't want to deal with things like concentrating or learning, he just wanted to be able to do it. This is what was holding him back.
"We searched half-mile all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal", Atom told us, coming over with two other guys.
"Visit your special tree when you were out there?", John mocked and I sneered at them. Bellamy had hung Atom on a tree when he found him kissing his kid sister.
"Atom took his punishment. Let it go", Bellamy told, stepping in between them.
"Could be grounders", Atom guessed and Murphy pulled his knife out of the tree.
"Yeah, or they could be in pound town. Lot of that going around recently"
I snatched my knife and threw it again, only halfway listening to their conversation.
"Maybe Trina and Pascal are just lost. We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later", Bellamy promised. Of course, John wanted to come along and kill something, but he needed to stay here with me. Running the camp while our leader was gone.
"Fine", he growled, not satisfied at all:"Somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut"
I remembered the pain from yesterday and could only imagine how Jasper must have felt at the moment. I was really sorry for him, he had done nothing wrong. Life was a bitch.
It was only John and me now and I sat down on the ground, watching him practice. He growled and cursed every time he threw his weapon. He wasn't concentrating, I could clearly see that. He was pissed for not being allowed to go hunting. He needed to let out his aggression and hunting would have been the perfect solution.
"You really want to kill something?", I asked, leaning back on another tree. Murphy looked unsure about my intentions, stopped throwing and nodded. I could never go on a hunt with him when he was that bad in handling a knife, it would threaten both of us.
"Do you need help?", I laughed as he completely missed the target. Man, I really thought he was at least a bit better than that.
"I can do it myself", he rolled his eyes, definitely not in a good mood. He was always angry when others were better than him.
"How about we go hunting as soon as you hit the same cross, three times in a row?", I suggested and he agreed, really wanting to kill something. Typical. I told him one last time that he just had to concentrate and to my surprise, he had made it. I loudly cheered, causing him to chuckle. He pulled at my right arm, helping me up so we could go. John probably knew he would get in trouble when we were caught, he was supposed to look out for grounders, after all. Clarke, Finn, Octavia and Wells were still at the camp, I'm sure they were able to defend themselves..just in case.
"What do you want for lunch?", I asked, grinning. I quickly skipped off, desperately wanting to go hunting myself.
"How about a panther again?", he questioned, coming after me. I quickly shook my head, not wanting to see one of those animals again.
"What about a deer? Octavia told me they saw one with two heads. That'd be incredible!", I told him, stepping over a few bushes. I heard a horn and stopped dead in my tracks.
"Did you hear that, too?", John made sure, carefully taking my hand, in case he quickly needed to pull me away from something. For a moment, I actually felt safe but when I thought that the ones blowing this horn could (potentially) be the grounders, my heart stopped beating. Maybe it was some kind of war sign?
"What is this?", I wondered, furrowing my eyebrows together in confusion as I looked at the giant..yellowish cloud rushing towards us. The fog got closer and closer and I started to get scared.
"Run!", John yelled, tugging at my arm, which hurt since it was my left one. I was running as fast as I could but the mist had almost caught up with us as we had reached the camp.
"Everybody get inside!", I screamed, quickly climbing into the drop ship. Once we shut everything, I collapsed to the floor.
"What's going on?"
"Some strange yellow fog, I don't know", I breathed. Octavia panicked, her brother was still out there, hunting. The fog stayed out there for hours and honestly, I thought this was it. I thought that this time we'd actually die. I was laying next to my friend, keeping my eyes shut and desperately trying to fall asleep, like everyone else but Jaspers screams were too distracting. I tried everything to get him more quiet, but nothing had worked.
"That kid is driving me nuts!", I growled, holding my hands over my ears.
"Alright, that's it. I'm ending this", John declared, standing up from his hammock. I rolled my eyes at him, holding his leg:"You're not harming him. Bellamy gave him until tomorrow, you know that"
"Yeah, well, Bellamy isn't here, is he? The kids dying anyway, I'm just getting it over with"
Monty, who had heard our conversation, quickly climbed up the ladder to warn Octavia.
"I'm gonna kill him, okay? Let me in! Let me in, Monty! Both of you better open up this hatch right now!
Murphy's constant yelling didn't really help us to fall asleep, either.
"Hey, Kane, can you tell your boyfriend to shut up?", Kai yelled over, from the other side of the drop ship. I shook my head and pointed at the cursing guy who was rapidly pounding on the ceiling:"Not my boyfriend"
It was either John yelling or Jasper screaming, which made us all extremely tired and pissed.
"Come on, Murphy, let it go already! You can kill him tomorrow, just shut the fuck up!", a guy called out, but John didn't even listen. He must have been really angry. It was early in the morning, so I decided to stay up for now. Sleeping would be no use anymore. I opened the door, completely forgetting about the fog but luckily, everything was clear.
"I'm not taking this crap anymore. You coming?", I asked Kai and helped her up. She brought the fabric she used as a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders.
"Are you good at climbing?", I informed myself, looking up to one of the trees, surrounding the camp. She nodded, having a small smile on her face:"Damn sure"
I told her my plan and she was willing to help me. I wanted to build something like a tree house, a viewpoint to help us in case there was the fog again, or dangers anywhere near in general. I still had around three knives strapped onto my belt and gave her one. She had two now, which could help her climbing up the first 10 feet of the tree. Afterwards she could pull herself up on the thick branches.
"Use your blanket to build a hammock!", I shouted once she was on the top. Kai nodded and tied the fabric on the bark and a branch.
"Is there anything up there you could use as a rope? Lianas or something?"
Kai took a minute to reply:I can see some. Don't know if I'm able to get them, though"
"Try cutting them off, okay?"
She seemed a bit unsure but nodded anyways. I finally noticed that Bellamy was back again, talking to John. Octavia had run off and Monty probably was still with Jasper.
"My what? My what?!", Bellamy suddenly yelled, grabbing Murphy's collar. I was about to break these two apart, but he corrected himself and Octavia's brother calmed down again.

"You okay?", I carefully asked and he glared at me:"Just fuck off"
I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. I was frustrated because we didn't get along right now. He had told me that I was the only one that understood him, still he'd never talk to me about his feelings anymore

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