Yu laik kom Skaikru.

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My feet carried me away as I chewed on my bottom lip. I was so worried about my best friend. He was sick, he was supposed to stay in bed, now he isn't even at home. Where could he be?

I sprinted around the corners, almost running into the metal wall. I was out of breath as I almost tripped over something. I quickly turned around, causing my ponytail to whip into my face. I had found John, crouching on the floor, burying his head in his knees.

„John?", I carefully asked, not wanting to scare him. He slowly looked up, revealing his red nose and his puffy eyes. The wetness on his cheeks revealed that he had been crying. He didn't look good at all.

„What happened?", I asked, in horror, positioning myself in front of him. He didn't answer at first, he just pulled me into a hug, crying on my shoulder. I have never seen him like this. I had been friends with him for so long, yet I never even saw him frowning. There was always this little smirk on his lips, whenever I saw him at breakfast, at the halls or at my grandmothers speeches. He was cracking jokes all the time, some of them weren't even funny, there were also a few I never understood but he managed to make me laugh, whatever he did.

„Octavia?", a gruff voice asked, unzipping our tent. The bright sunlight was blending me, so groaning, I turned around and kept my eyes shut.

„Hey, have you seen my sister?", Bellamy asked, a stern expression on his freckled face. I shook my head and pushed myself up. I took a look around, and indeed: she was gone.

„Maybe she's already out, fetching water or being around the butterflies again", I guessed, running a hand through my greasy hair. I must have looked horrible, but so did everyone else. With a quick „Thank you", the older Blake sibling left me alone again. Alone. That word was haunting my thoughts. It's a simple word, kind of like a description. Being alone wasn't that bad. Lonely was bad. In my case, „alone" were 5 letters, that reminded me that I wasn't with John anymore. Knowing that I'd probably never get the chance to see my dad again didn't hurt as much as knowing I have lost my best friend. The worst thing was: I wasn't sure if he was really dead. He could have been alive, explaining why I had seen him yesterday. But he also could have been dead, and I was indeed hallucinating. I could stay here, where its safe and risk John getting lost or dying out there alone. On the other hand, I could go out looking for him and risk myself for trying to find someone that is already dead. The third option – that contained that little glimmer of hope- was that he was somewhere near the camp and I would find him. I would find him, and we would happily continue our life on the ground. I chose the last option. Was I being unrealistic and tired of life? Maybe. I didn't care. I had this plan in my mind, and no one could stop me now. I guessed it was still early in the morning, since the camp wasn't that crowded so I put on my jacket and my shoes and stepped out of Octavia's and my tent. I tied my hair to a messy bun and got myself some water. I also snatched a few rations, since I probably was gone for a few days. I was a bit nervous, yes, but I really needed Murphy at my side. I've felt so much better around him. I never had to worry about my behavior or something, I could just be myself. Maybe that's what love felt like, I had no clue.

I adjusted my improvised bag and secretly made my way out of the camp. The leaves and branches were crunching under my heavy boots, breaking the silence. I didn't know where exactly I was going, I was just thinking of walking about a mile around the camp, not going away too far. I didn't know what was awaiting me. Maybe some animal would attack me, maybe the yellow fog will get me.. I sighed as all the things that could happen to me came to my mind. I must have been crazy. Crazy for him. I was walking for what seemed like hours, I was tired, I was thirsty and I was hungry. I bent down, sitting between a few bushes. I placed my bag in front of me, looking at the things that I've got with me. A knife, some food, and a bottle of water. I didn't really feel good but decided to keep my nourishment for as long as possible. My feet were aching, it was probably time to take a break. As I rested my head on the tree behind me, I noticed the berries in the bushes next to me. They had a dark greenish color, almost black. There were at least 5 of them hanging on the small twigs near the ground. Since I saw footprints in the grass, I guessed they were edible. I plucked a few, letting them roll directly in my mouth. I carefully chewed on them, causing the fresh liquid to run down my throat. They tasted amazing, actually. I have never eaten anything like this. Food on the Ark tasted like nothing. It was mostly just mash or something like that. I took one little gulp of water and put the bottle and a few extra berries into my pockets. It was already dawn so I continued the search, also looking for a place to stay the night. I didn't look where I was going but I heard a clinging sound and quickly was being pulled back by someone. I held my breath, looking down at the ground. There was a bear trap, almost stabbing my leg. I put my hands over my chest and sighed in relief.

„You need to be more careful", I heard a rough voice behind me and whipped around. There he was. John Murphy, standing there, as if nothing had ever happened to him. There wasn't even a single scratch on his face. I almost tripped in shock, but luckily he caught me.

„Little clumsy, huh?"

I couldn't believe my eyes. John wasn't dead. He wasn't even hurt. He was perfectly fine, standing in front of me, smiling.

„Where have you been?", I asked, my eyes tearing up. I was so happy, I wish this moment would never end. John shrugged, opening his arms for me to hug him. He spinned me around, pressing a kiss on my forehead:"I thought I'd never see you again"

My cheeks were heating up, I'm sure I was blushing like hell. I wasn't able to say anything, I was way too nervous so I just nodded at him. We've been friends for so long and I never thought that I'd admit it but I've been having a huge crush on him. I had realized that once I had him back. I knew now how much I needed him in my life, and how much I wanted to be with him. Forever. He was the only one that mattered, he was the only one important to me. He needed to know that.

„John, I really need to tell you something", I quietly said, resting my hands on his chest.

„What, princess?", he asked in the same volume, tucking a loose strand of hair beneath my air. His face was dangerously close to mine and his soft breath on my lips irritated me.

„We've known each other for so long.. And..I'm completely in love with you", I quickly said, closing my eyes. I was too afraid to see his reaction. He didn't say anything. It broke my heart. I heard a twig snap and quickly turned around – ready to attack, if necessary.


A few feet away was a girl. A grounder, to be exact. She didn't do anything, she just looked at me, puzzled. I was too afraid to move.

„Beja", she said, raising her hands in surrender. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I guessed she was no harm. I also raised my hands, mimicking her. I carefully turned my head, looking for John. He was gone. Again.

She asked something, but I didn't know what. I didn't understand her grounder language so I just stood there, watching. She slowly came over to me and my heart beat increased. I had no idea what she was supposed to do. She pointed at herself and said:"Lexa"

„I'm Noah", I said, my voice shaking as I slowly put down my hands. She circled me, taking a look at everything that was on me. She probably checked me for weapons or something.

„Yu laik kom skaikru", she stated and I raised my eyebrows. I'm sure she knew I didn't understand her.

„You are from sky", she repeated, her English sounding bad. I nodded, unsure of what to say. I never belonged up there. I belonged down here, but that probably didn't matter to her.

„Where are your people?", Lexa asked, curiously looking around.

„I'm alone. I left them", I replied, halfway honest. I really left them, even though I was about to come back to them eventually.

„I take you with me"

A grounder offered me to go with her. They weren't as bad and evil as we thought. Not all of them meant harm. But it couldn't probably be good if I followed her, could it? Especially when I was leaving John.

I heard the rustling of the bushes, and suddenly Bellamy was standing in front of us, pointing a gun at us.

„No!", I screamed, stepping in front of Lexa, to protect her. She wasn't evil. She didn't want to kill any of us, so we didn't have to kill her, either. „We don't kill the innocent!"

„She is not innocent. She is a Grounder, the Grounders killed Wells", Clarke said, stepping out of her hiding place. Since when was everyone having guns?

„You were the one blaming Murphy for Wells' death and now, all of a sudden it's the Grounders again?! What's wrong with you people?"

„It's not us, Noah. It's you", Bellamy shrugged, releasing the safety catch of his gun. Lexa didn't even flinch when he shot me in the stomach.

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