May we meet again.

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I slowly opened my eyes, my hand immediately lifting up to touch my aching head. I was shivering because of the low temperatures but I was also sweating from the heat. I felt horrible. Everything was spinning. I was so dizzy.


I smiled as I saw Murphy entering what seemed to be a small hut. I felt safe now.

„John", I coughed, stretching out my arm, trying to get to him:"You came to look after me"

„It's the berries. They are poison", a female voice erupted and Lexa walked right through him. I scrambled up, roughly pushing my back at the end of the improvised bed. I tried to get away from her as far as possible.

„What did you do to him?", I asked, my voice cracking. Bellamy, who was suddenly standing next to me, looked down, smirking deviously:"You know she didn't do anything. It was me. I was the one who hung him, you saw it yourself"

„Go away!", I screamed, pulling my hair in frustration. Lexa was at my side, roughly grabbing my wrists so I was looking at her.

„It's only me. No other person", she told me, making eye contact. Immediately, I calmed down. Here eyes seemed to be telling a thousand stories, without her needing to say a single word. Her eyes were so honest.

„What is happening to me?", I panted, relaxing a little.

„They are letting you see your fears. You should not eat them", I followed her gaze, looking over to a self made wooden table. My bag was lying there, so were the berries, sprawled out on a cloth.

I nodded, understanding. If I was focusing on the grounder girl next to me, my nightmares seemed to be fading away could John possibly be a nightmare? Maybe him being dead was. My mind was drifting away and his painful screams pierced through my ears. I tried covering them with my hands, but that didn't help at all.

„Make it stop!", I pleaded, tears running down my face.

„I can't", she said, being sorry. I didn't know what it was that was telling me to trust her, but I did.. If she said she couldn't stop it then she simply wasn't able to. I pulled my legs close to my chest, hugging them. I rest my chin on my knees as I just looked straight ahead. The screams didn't stop yet. It was torturing me on the inside. It was driving me mad. Now I knew what John must have felt like the night Jasper was almost dying.

„Eat. It gets bad if you don't", Lexa instructed, placing a piece of tied up fabric in front of me. There was a knot, keeping whatever was in there, inside. I untied it, almost gagging as I saw the huge centipede in front of me.

„Don't chew"

I nodded, feeling my head getting dizzy again. I grabbed the insect, placing it inside my mouth. I had trouble gulping and almost threw up but Lexa placed her hand over my lips, holding me down with the other one. There were more tears rushing down my temples as the animal crawled down my throat and I had trouble breathing. It hurt so much. I wanted to stick my finger in my mouth, to be able to throw up but she prevented me from doing so.

„Good", she actually smiled once I relaxed again. I haven't seen her smiling before. It made me sort of happy and I smiled with her, a bit proud of myself.

„They heal almost everything", she explained, referring to the centipede.

„My mother used to say they eat pain. They die because they hurt themselves hurt, but that is not important"

That was kind of creepy but I nodded anyways, not being able to stop smiling. It got even worse when I started laughing. I didn't know what was going on with me but I didn't mind being happy for once. Lexa also laughed, not with me but at me. I must have looked so strange. Someone entered our hut, causing the grounder girls laughter to die down, her eyes widening. She almost jumped up, looking at the floor. There was another girl, more like a woman since she was a few years older than me. She looked terrifying, signaling authority. She asked something in the slang I didn't understand and boy, she didn't look pleased. The word „skaikru" left her lips and I knew she was talking either about me or my people. Great. I didn't dare looking at her, I was too afraid that she'd actually snap my neck or something.

„Yu ste kwelen", she spat before leaving. I was honestly relieved that she didn't hurt me.

„Who was she?", I asked carefully, still a bit afraid of her coming back.

„Anya", Lexa replied, quietly:"Our heda. She said you need to leave now"

I nodded, understanding. I was already expecting her to send me away. Well, first of all I expected her to kill me but being sent away was just fine.

„Take this", she said, placing a machete in my hands. I looked at the grounder questioningly and she nodded, being sure she wanted me to have it.

„Thank you"

„Mochof", Lexa taught me how to say it in her language. I smiled at her, repeating it. We were sneaking out carefully, not wanting to be seen by anyone. I noticed the screams had stopped, and sighed in relief. We jogged further into the woods and stopped as soon as we thought we were safe.

„Be careful of the skaikru", I warned her:"They think you're bad people"

„We are warriors. They are intruders. But not you... You are different", she said sternly and I shrugged. Maybe I was, but so was everyone else. No one was the same down here. Some of the prisoners may have shared the same opinions but they were still different. I heard leaves crunching and whipped my head around in fear of getting attacked.

„May we meet again, Noah kom skaikru", I heard and with that, she disappeared behind the trees.

„May we meet again", I mumbled before taking off as well, making my way back into the camp safely. I was giving up on finding John again. Everything was so confusing and I didn't understand how I could have seen him the other day without eating those poisonous berries. I just had to admit that he was dead and there was nothing I could do.

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