Since when are we in rescue business?

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"Noah, what are you doing?"
Immediately, I rolled my eyes as I heard Kai's voice. Honestly I didn't want to see her at all. She was an annoying smart ass and I couldn't stand her. Thought she was funny, but she wasn't.
"I'm making a knife, so I can finally cut your throat", I replied sarcastically while sharpening the metal I had found yesterday with a stone from outside. Bellamy, John and Mbege already had knives but since it was John's birthday, I thought I would five him a special one. Actually I didn't have anything else to give him and when I found out he already had one, I panicked. Luckily, his temporary knife wasn't that good, a few stabs and it would break apart. I'm working on a proper one all morning long and didn't really mind being alone.
"Geez, what got you so stuck up? Probably never heard the term 'having fun'"
Maybe Kai was right, maybe I was stuck up and didn't even notice. If I wanted to have a chance here, I had to have a reputation. With being the fun one, nobody thinks you can be serious, if you are the serious one, you're stuck up and end up being unpopular. Like Clarke was at the moment. Even I thought she was a bit annoying. Especially since she went t Mount Weather without me.
I mean, it's not that big of a deal but it's still annoying to get left behind. Didn't she think I was helpful? I wanted to be important.
"Can you show me how to make one?", the girl asked, looking down at the weapon in my hands. I probably should show her. I could help her survive, which would make me important.
"I'll show you", I agreed before telling her what to get. While she was searching for various things in the drop ship, I made my way outside to find John. My smile fell as I saw everyone's expression. Looks like nobody was having fun right now.
"... If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us!", Clarke angrily shouted. She was pissed at u for letting the Ark think we were dead. I couldn't understand her. I thought about this all night long and I've made up my mind. I really didn't want anybody to come down here anymore. This was our place. We were ruling the world now.
"We're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her, she's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm, that makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they forgive your crimes. I say, you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors. The grounders should worry about us!"
We were fighters. If there were any grounders left, we'd kill them. We were the survivors. We came back, to take what belongs to us. I walked over to Bellamy and complimented his speech.
"If we want to be fighters, we need weapons, though"
I picked up the knife that was lying in front of Wells feet and threw it into the bole of the next tree. I was relieved that I hadn't missed it, otherwise I would have killed the poor teenager who was standing behind it. I threw the new one, John's birthday present and it stuck a few centimeters over the first one.
"Pull them out", I instructed, watching Bellamy doing as I told, which felt great by the way. As I thought, the first blade got stuck in the tree while the holder was being ripped off. The second one was pulled out undamaged.
"Can you make more?"; he asked with a stern look. Of course I could make more, especially when Kai was willing to help me. I nodded, smirking before jogging back into the drop ship.
"Oh, that's yours by the way, John. Happy Birthday", I winked, pointing at the knife in Bellamy's hands. I even managed to carve his initials into it. J.M.
I heard Clarke talking to Finn about saving that Jasper boy and I decided to join them this time. I had to be as useful as possible and show them what they had missed. Quickly, I got into the space craft to get Kai:"Plans have changed, we're going out"
She grinned and caught the knife I was carefully throwing at her. Until she had her own one, she could use one of mine. I had about 5 prototypes until the weapon I could give to my best friend was flawless.
"Since when are we in rescue-business, huh?", John asked Bellamy as we had left the camp, walking off further into the woods.
"Since the day we like going on adventures. Come on, birthday-boy, it'll be fun. We get to see the world-"
"Maybe we even get to fight some grounders", Kai interrupted my attempts to cheer John up. I knew she was just kidding, but I got really excited at that thought. Were we strong enough to defeat them? I sure wanted to find out. In the meantime, Bellamy was having a monologue about getting Clarke's wristband off, no matter what it cost. Finn caught up with us and started to bitch around, so we were separated in small groups now.
Of course, Finn was with Clarke, probably flirting all the time. I was with John and the others had built a threesome. I enjoyed having a nice walk through the forest, even if it felt so surreal. One day, I was alone in a cell in the sky box, the next day I was on earth. With my best friend. I couldn't be happier, this was all I've ever dreamed off. Well, almost.
"Why were you in the drop ship, anyways?", John asked, breaking the silence.
"I don't know, why were you there?"
Probably shouldn't have asked that, because he wasn't even answering. John was a bit strange sometimes, he needed time to open up and even if I had known him for years, there were still parts missing in my 'John Murphy knowledge'
"Honestly, I went nuts without you, John", I admitted, playing with my fingernails. It was a habit of mine, I'm always doing that when I got nervous. He chuckled and waited for me to continue.
"Everyone was expecting me to be that nice little girl, always doing what her daddy told her to, and never even having eye contact with a criminal. When they had taken you away from me, I knew something was wrong. I knew this wasn't justice. Jaha is an asshole. I always thought what he and my dad did was the right thing to do, but that was a mistake. They thought killing innocents and locking them away from everyone else was solving their problems.. I don't know why I was attacking that guard, he was just in the wrong place, the wrong time. I was tired of watching everyone that can being assholes and those who couldn't afford to be jerks, getting floated. Life on the Ark wasn't fair and at that time I honestly thought that killing this one guard would make a difference. I thought like Jaha.. In the end, I didn't even manage to punch that man a second time, because he shocked me. I was being stupid but I didn't care. I didn't want to be in this damn place without you"
"You can't live without me, how cute", he mocked me and slung his arm around my shoulders.
"You're a dick, Murphy. I knew I shouldn't have told you in first place", I growled, pushing him away from me before trying to walk off. That was another problem with him, you never knew how he'd react. One moment, he can be the cutest person ever, the next he was being an utter asshole. You've probably already noticed the last part.
"Wait- I'm sorry, okay? I'm actually really lucky to have a friend like you. You were the only one that ever understood me", he said, quietly, in case the others were listening.
"Don't be gross, you sound like an eight year old girl", I joked, quickly running off to find Kai.
When we finally caught up with the others, we were walking along a little river. Finn and Clarke had found Jasper's goggles, and his blood on a rock. Apparently, he wasn't that far from here.
"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?", John asked, not trusting the outsiders.
"We don't. Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker", Bellamy replied.
Finn crouched to take a look at the stones that were lying on the ground. Clarke got down next to him and Bellamy told Wells something about being invisible.
"I really don't see how this is helping us. I don't know how the radiation had influence on these pebbles, but I don't think they are going to tell us where-"
Kai's ranting was interrupted by a scream. It was Jasper.
"Now it'd be a good time to take out that gun", Clarke said, before running off. Time for some action! I whipped out my knife and prepared myself for attacking. John stepped in front of me, so I didn't see the injured boy before but when I did I wanted to throw up. Who would do that to an innocent boy?
He was hanging up a tree, groaning in pain with his blood dripping down his chest.
Of course, Clarke didn't think and ran towards him, nearly into the trap of the strangers, but luckily Bellamy caught her in time. We rushed over to help him pull her up again. We had to be more careful around here. Since we needed to get Jasper down, Finn volunteered to climb up the tree and John was about to help him cut the straps off.
"There's a poultice on his wound", Clarke noticed, furrowing her brows. Why would someone stab him, bandage him and then hang him up like a Christmas ornament? Where was the logic? I heard something in the bushes and quickly turned around. My heart skipped a beat and I thought we were going to be attacked, but I couldn't see anything. I held my breath and slowly creeped further to the bushes, to look for any sign of movement. "I'll be right back", I mumbled absently, walking further into forest. I needed to take care of the group while they were busy. I needed to keep the safe. There was a growl and within the blink of an eye, a black figure lunged at me and my face began to sting.
"Bellamy, shoot!", I yelled, but nothing at happened. I felt the animal biting into my shoulder and tried to reach for the knife I had dropped accidentally.
There was one shot, two, three, then four and with the fifth one, the giant panther had stopped moving and fell to the ground. Tears were rushing down my face as I clutched my shoulder, trying to stop the horrible pain. John quickly picked me up and I sobbed into his chest because my shoulder hurt so much. I had thought that my life was over now, especially when Wells, who had taken Bellamy's gun, didn't manage to kill the animal at first.
"We need to get Jasper first", I insisted. I knew that he was having more pain than me, he was our first priority.
"No, I'm taking you back right now", he resisted, walking away from the others. I just hoped everyone would be fine. I remembered crying when I was five, because I had a paper cut. John was laughing at me back then, calling me a baby. Little did I know that I'd witness a pain a thousand times worse than a stupid little cut, that didn't even bleed. My shoulder was throbbing and even hurt while breathing.
"What were you thinking?", he asked, angrily. What was I thinking? Am I supposed to stand around and do nothing next time? Let stupid animals or grounders attack my friends without even warning them?
"I just wanted to help! I'm tired of being weak"
John just shook his head, not looking at me anymore. What was wrong with him? Obviously, I made a mistake, but if I had ignored that sound someone could have gotten killed. The panther could have attacked Clarke, or even John, without them noticing. It would have come from behind and they wouldn't even have been able to fight it off. I would at least have expected someone to thank me for being this attentive.
As we entered the camp, everyone was looking at us, immediately beginning to whisper to each other, making theories why it was only the two of us.
"What happened? Where are Bellamy and Jasper?", Octavia asked panically, limping in our direction. "They'll come back any moment", John explained, not even stopping to talk to her.
"But what happened?"
"Got mauled by a giant panther", I said, as if it wasn't a big deal. I had to hold back my tears, actually, but not everyone needed to know that. As I said, I needed a good reputation, or a bad one.. Depends on how you see it. I was brought back into the drop ship, where Monty was working with the wristbands. I just hoped he wasn't trying to send some signal to the Ark.
"Noah, you okay?", he asked, sounding worried and shocked at the same time. He probably thought we had to fight against the grounders in order to get Jasper or something like that. I knew he wasn't really worried about me, but who could blame him? He hasn't even known me for a few hours and Jasper was like a brother to him. They even sat next to each other during our landing. I held back a sneaky comment, because I knew that there was a thin line between being sassy and being an asshole. John was crossing it every day, but whatever. My best friend helped to take my jacket and flannel off, only to discover my shirt being soaked in my own blood.
Monty seemed as if he was about to puke. Exactly my reaction when I saw Jasper.
"I-I know how I can help! I'll be right back", he quickly said, climbing out of the drop ship. I carefully slid down the wall, resting my head against the cool metal. Even my face hurt.
"Take off your shirt", John instructed. That smooth little bastard.
I knew he only said that because my wound needed to be bandaged to stop bleeding. I awkwardly tried to slip my healthy arm through the sleeve of my shirt so that I could easily pull it off of my shoulder afterwards, but that didn't really work.
"Let me help you", he mumbled, biting his lips. I admit, that I got a bit nervous when he was so close to me. Carefully, he pulled the Grey shirt over my head and I winced in pain as I had to lift my arm. Murphy quickly apologized, which was a rare thing of him. I didn't dare to look at my shoulder, but by my friend's scrunched up face, it must have looked really bad. The cool air was a bit refreshing, but it still hurt like hell. "Rip off that sleeve and wipe away the blood", I commanded, quickly adding a "please" to make it sound more friendly. He softly dabbed away the remaining liquid, letting it soak into the fabric.
"You could have died", he reproached and I sighed. I know that I could have died, and for a second I thought that I would. I didn't know what to say about this stupid subject anymore, so I just nodded.
"Next time don't be so stupid, okay?"
I rolled my eyes at him, why did he have to be like that? I really liked him, but I was so unsure about him all the time. Monty came back with some leaves in one hand, and actual meat in the other. He told John that Bellamy was back and needed him.
"I brought you medicine and food", the Asian boy said, smiling at me:"Bellamy and Clarke had brought the panther that almost killed you"
I thanked him and he took a good look at my shoulder, telling me something about the leaves he had brought and that his father had showed them to him, saying that they had a healing effect.
After my wound was correctly treated this time, we were eating together and talking all evening long. Of course, we were also looking after Jasper and I tried my best to cheer him up

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