It's called antlers, stupid.

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I slowly opened my eyes, looking at the ceiling. My back hurt from sleeping on the floor but I didn't care. Nothing could bring me down now. Yesterday, I told John I loved him and we kissed. We actually kissed. A couple years ago I would have thought it's disgusting to kiss your best friend but boy, it was great. It was amazing. I knew the Grounders were on their way here but I had trust in Jasper and the others. I'm sure they would get us some time. I wanted to spend at least a few days with my boyfriend before viciously getting killed. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what was going on with me. I was so distracted by the thought of John and me together that I didn't care about the rest. Of course, I didn't want to get killed. I wouldn't let that happen. I was a fighter, I would get through this, just like I got through the virus.

„Good Morning, Sunshine", Tyler winked at me. Where the hell has he been during everything what had happened?

„Morning", I replied, letting him help me up. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining brightly, illuminating the drop ship. Everyone was up early, either working or enjoying the day- which was rather rare since war was coming. I couldn't believe that soon, all this would be gone. Everything would be destroyed. Not us, though. We were the tough ones, right?

„What are you thinking about?", Tyler asked, as I walked outside.

„War", I shrugged. I've been through so much, war wasn't even the worst. We would either die quickly, or survive.

„That's a great subject, you know?", He chuckled and I looked at him confused. He brushed it off, leading me into his and Jared's tent. It was rather big, the two of them had a good reputation by now. They were great hunters. Lean and quick, strong and brutal. Jared and John were sitting on the floor. I was surprised that he was so calm.

„We have saved you some guns", the buff one explained, sitting down in front of the others. My eye s widened, guns? For us?

„Are you for real?", I laughed as Tyler passed me one. They were incredible. Heavier than I expected them to be but still, really cool. I suddenly felt as if I could take over the world.

„You might want to know how these work before blowing this tent up", Jared joked, taking the weapon from me. He constructed us how to refill the ammunition and whatsoever. I was way to excited to listen. Also, John was sort of distracting me. He didn't do anything but sitting there, with that smirk of his I loved so much. He was also starting to look better. He still had multiple cuts and bruises but they were really starting to get better.

„Understood?", Jared assured and John nodded. I nodded also, pretending that my mind hasn't been drifting off.

„Let's go hunting then, shall we?"

I nodded, getting way too excited for this. We climbed out of their tent, and made our way out of the camp, leaving safety behind. War would be coming soon, so the woods probably were even more dangerous than before, but I had faith. And I had a gun. The leaves and branches were crunching under our heavy boots, other than that we were walking in utter silence. Not wanting the grounders or our prey to hear us. There was a fresh breeze running through my hair and I closed my eyes, enjoying the coolness. John watched me, smiling. I smiled back, taking his hand. I was glad to have him back. We were going to win this war- together.

With a swift move of his hand, Jared stopped us, looking behind some trees. I watched in awe as a two headed deer stood there, eating some berries from a bush. It was the strange berries I have eaten but it didn't seem to harm the animal.

„I wanna try something", I whispered, barely audible as I slipped the machete out of my belt, aiming. I didn't really want to kill this beautiful creature, but I had to. We'd be starving otherwise. It's killed or to be killed, right? Something along those lines anyway...

I swung my arm, sending the knife through the air, into the stomach of the deer. It screeched in pain, trying to hump away but John was faster and sent a bullet through its hard.

„Not bad", I complimented, skipping over to the dead animal. I pulled my machete out of it, watching the blood slowly drip from the blade. I wiped it off my jeans, putting it back into my belt. I ignored the fact that the deer could've run off with my machete because I didn't aim well enough. I guess it was still pretty good for a first time. You have to consider that machetes and knives are completely different, so it definitely was pretty good for my first time.

„I want the horns", John said, pulling out his knife to cut them off.

„It's called antlers, stupid", I corrected him and he rolled his eyes at me, huffing. So he cut the antlers off, sawing through it's bones before Tyler and Jared picked it up, bringing it back to the camp. At that moment, we weren't thinking about the blood trail that we left.

„If you're that good of a shooter during the war, I doubt the grounders have a chance against us", Tyler said, looking back at John, who had a proud smirk on his face.

I was proud of him, too. He was a bit clumsy at times, not really concentrating like back then we he tried to throw the knife into the tree but it seemed like he managed to do everything correctly now.

There were some kids on the outside of the wall, digging graves for the dead ones. I fell back, wanting to get separated from the others as I strut over to the diggers – that's what we called them-.

There were the diggers, the healers, the builders, the hunters and many more. Each of us had a job around here, it's not like the way we landed. We were organized now, knowing how to survive.

„Connor's dead, too?", I ensured myself as he was thrown into one of the graves. The boy nodded, quickly shoving the dirt back on his face, so he didn't have to see him anymore. I chuckled, shaking my head. That bastard deserved it.

„What a pitty", I whispered sarcastically, walking back into the camp. Tyler and Jared already brought the deer into the smokehouse and John was leaning against it, waiting for me.

„Guess who's dead", I said, lying my hands on his chest. He looked down at me, raising his eyebrows.

„Connor", I told him, smiling:"I wish I could've seen him die, though. Or rip out his throat with my bare hands. Gosh, I hated him"

He laughed, slinging his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I could feel his warm breath on my lips and got nervous again. I still couldn't believe we were a thing finally. I've been waiting for this for so long, without even knowing, but now I wanted to enjoy every second I had left with him.

„You know that I love you, right?", he chuckled, looking into my eyes. John's eyes were beautiful, you could get lost in them. They were a strange mixture between blue, Grey and green, shading differently in each light.

„Who doesn't love me?", I asked back, giving him a quick peck:"Everyone does"

„Everyone?", he asked, acting surprised as he raised an eyebrow. He was teasing me again and as much as it annoyed me, I loved it. Secretly I was hoping he'd never stop.

„Everyone", I dragged out, playfully biting my lip. He looked at me questioningly again, loosening his grip.

„Hey, Ty!", I called out for my friend. He 'hmm'd, peeking out of the door to the smokehouse. He raised his eyebrows, like John did, looking at me expectingly.

„You love me, right?", I asked, trying to keep a straight look. John turned around to get a look at him as he perked up, nodding:"Of course I love you, Noah. Doesn't everyone?"

I laughed and he disappeared, leaving us two alone again. Tyler was awesome, I hope I'd have him a little longer, just like Jared. They were close friends of mine, now. We were allies.

„Too bad that you're just mine", my boyfriend shrugged, pressing his lips on mine. We moved in sync, our tongues fighting for dominance again as I played with his hair, wrapping my leg around his. His hands wandered down to my butt as this started turning into a make out session.

Someone cleared their throat, causing us to break apart.

„Really? Don't you have a tent or anything?", Octavia asked, furrowing her eyebrows. She scrunched up her nose, looking disgusted as I shook my head at her, laughing.

„As if you wouldn't do that with your grounder-boy", I teased her, and she playfully punched my arm, blushing.

„Bellamy must not hear about this, right?", she reminded me of her overprotective brother. I nodded, I'd never talk to him about this. We were sharing our tent, we were loyal to each other.

„Sooo, are you..out now?", I asked her, still not letting go of John as I indirectly wanted to know if we could use our tent.

„Yes I'm out", she said, rolling her eyes. She knew what I meant:"Don't make a mess, though"

„I won't", I promised, grabbing Johns hand and pulling him along with me. He didn't have his own tent, he was temporary either sleeping in the drop ship where I kept him company, or in Tyler's and Jared's tent.

„So what are you upto, Miss Kane?", he whispered, a smug look on his face as he followed me closely. I could practically feel his eyes trailing up and down my body as I climbed into our tent.

„I don't know, I thought of inviting Bellamy to a threesome", I replied, biting my lip again. Of course, I was joking. Bellamy was annoying the shit out of me, I'd never have a fling with him.

Not even if my life depended on it.

„I'd rather bang his sister, to be honest", he shrugged, pretending he was serious.

„You're a prick, John Murphy", I laughed, crashing my lips onto his again. I quickly slid off his jacket, pulling his shirt over his head. Our lips only parted when they really needed to. He did the same to me, so I was only in my bra and my jeans as he placed hot kisses all over my neck, wandering down my cleavage as I was blinded by bright light.

„Oh Gosh, no! I'm so sorry! Eww, I wished I hadn't seen that. I need your help, Noah, it's important. I guess I'll be waiting for you in my tent then...", Raven rambled, quickly walking off.

I huffed, quickly slipping into my shirt again, this time, throwing Johns jacket over my shoulders.

„You don't move, okay?", I ordered, pointing my finger at him, leaving to find the mechanic.

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