Chapter 6

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A/N: hey guys i am so so sorry it's taken my so long to update this story!! i started like 4 other stories which should be posted soon as well!! ALSO: I do not own NCIS or the characters I only own Charlotte!!
~okay im done happy reading kiddos! :) ~

Once they got to the ER surprisingly they got Charlotte into a room fairly quickly.
"Hi. I'm Dr. Charlotte King. What's going on?" The doctor said washing her hands.
"We got to her grandparents house and she just seemed to be clingy and then started with a fever and had a cough for a few days but it wasn't nearly this bad and now it won't stop. She's also having trouble breathing." Ellie said quickly.
"Okay let me listen to her lungs." Dr. King stated.
"Charlotte baby I need to turn you around." Ellie said turning a lethargic Charlotte around on her lap leaning her back against Ellie's chest.
"Yeah she's very congested. It sounds exactly like croup. Does she have any lung issues like asthma? Or anything that runs in the family?" Dr. King asked Ellie and Nick.
"She's uhm she's adopted and we don't know her biological family history or anything like that. It's kind of a long story." Ellie tried to explain.
"Okay. I understand. I'm going to give you guys a prescription for her for an ear infection and then an inhaler to take as well." She said and left but quickly came back. "Okay guys you should be all set! Also if she gets more congested at night if you turn on the shower the steam can release some of the phlegm in her chest. And then children's Motrin for the fever."
"Oh okay Uhm thank you."Ellie said.
At Jack and Gibbs' house
"Jack thank you so much for coming with me and waking up at 02:00. You don't understand how much this meant to me." Ellie said hugging Jack.
"Of course, now let's go to bed and hope Charli sleeps through the night okay!" Jack said hugging Ellie back.
1 weeks later:
"Dada!" Charlotte yelled as she saw Nick walking through the gate.
"Charlotte!" Nick said as he ran to his toddling daughter. He picked her up and walked over to Ellie and kissed her, hard.
"Whoah." Ellie whispered while blushing.
"I know it's only been a week but damn. I missed my girls so much." Nick said.
"We missed you too. She asked for you constantly." Ellie said running her hand through her daughters dirty blonde waves. "Let's just say we really hope you don't have to leave again." 
"No bye bye!" Charlotte said gripping nick like her life depended on it.
"I'm not going anywhere bubs." Nick said kissing Charlotte's cheek making her giggle. They talked about Charlotte being sick and getting better they also talked about what was happening in New Orleans and how Pride's team is.
"Where's Gibbs?" Ellie asked.
"Had to finish something, don't worry Jacks picking him up. His flights scheduled for 21:00." Nick said grabbing Ellie's hand even though he was driving.
"I'm thinking we should uh put Charlotte to bed and 'talk' tonight. I missed you a lot." Nick stated.
"Ah yes. 'Talking'. Talking can be very good." Ellie said with a wink.
Later that night:
"Talking went very very well." Nick said running his hand up and down his wife's naked back.
"Mhmm." Ellie said cuddling into nicks chest more.
"So Charlottes really okay right?" Nick asked.
"Yeah the doctor gave us an inhaler and said that when she gets a bit older if she keeps wheezing when she gets sick or runs she probably has asthma and should be brought to her pediatrician." Ellie said.
"Okay." Nick stated.
"Also they asked if she had a family history of asthma in the family and i said she was adopted and we don't know about her biological family history. But uh nick, what are we going to say when she comes home one day asking about things or if she's in a biology class and needs family cheek swabs and ours won't match hers. Nick what do we tell her? Or when do we tell her?" Ellie said looking up at him with terrified eyes.
"First, Ell, stop acting like adoption is a taboo subject or something that's meant to be hush hush. When we tell her she needs to know how much we loved her from the moment we laid eyes on her and how we love her more than anything and she is ours maybe not our blood but us." Nick said. "She might be upset, but not at us probably at her biological family and will asked questions and we'll give her the best answers we can."
"Nick is she really gonna think that? Who knows what she'll look like when she's older. What if she hates and resents us because I didn't give birth to her?" Ellie asked with tears in her eyes.
"Babe that doesn't matter. Somehow she's got your gorgeous hazel eyes that will have the boys drooling over her and she'll be able to get outta trouble with batting her eyelashes when she tries to sneak said boys into our house. Her hair is wavy like your and is only a little darker than yours which complements her skin perfectly which almost matched mine. Ellie it's like God made her for us. She brought us close, Charlotte did that. She's our daughter Ell. We are raising her. We were there for her first bath, first steps, first words. We'll be there when she goes to kindergarten and when she first falls off her bike. We'll be there when she has her first kiss." Ellie interrupted. "Uhm I'll probably be there you'll be in jail for punching the poor kid." She joked.
"Hey don't interrupt I'm getting sentimental. Where was I oh yes. We'll be there for her graduation and then I'll give her away at her wedding when she's marrying someone loves her." He said kissing Ellie.
"We'll love her no matter what right Nick." Ellie asked thinking back to how her dad didn't and still doesn't approve of her being bisexual, he loves her but not that part of her. Nick knows and loves and accepts her for who she is, it doesn't bother him because he knows she loves him and he loves her more than she knows.
"Of course! That kid will never truly understand how much I love her." Nick said.
"I love you Nicholas Torres." Ellie said.
"I love you Eleanor Raye Torres." Nick said kissing Ellie. 

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