Charlotte was almost a year old now and Nick and Ellie were trying to decide between a "real" wedding or a courthouse one. Ellie wasn't sure if she wanted to do the big wedding with all the family and bands with the big gown but really wanted that with Nick.
"B, I will do whatever you want. I'm just happy we're getting married." Nick said while packing.
"I know I know. But Nick this is a team effort for planning and things. I would love to just say screw it and run to the courthouse but i also want our wedding photos hung up and Charlotte to wear a dress and I don't know. I just-" Ellie was cut off by nicks kissing her. "I was rambling wasn't I?" She giggled.
"Yeah, ya were but it's all good, it's cute." He said tossing socks at her.
"What if we go to the courthouse before we leave for Oklahoma? Oh my god! You could officially adopt Charlotte, I have all the paper work from CPS and Charlotte has a really cute light pink dress you have a suit and i have-" this time nick cut her off.
"That sinfully sexy white silky suit with the white strap heels." He said not looking up from his suitcase.
"Uhm yeah that." She blushed. "This could work, Jack and Gibbs would definitely meet us down there tomorrow! I'm gonna go call Jack." She stated.
"What about Gibbs who's gonna call him?" Nick gulped.
"Nick it's Gibbs and Jack they're definitely together in his basement." Ellie said matter of factually.
Courthouse December 22:
"Wow that went extremely well." Nick said.
"Yeah except for when Charlotte screamed when I tried to hand her over to Jack so in the pictures she looks extremely tired." Ellie said swaying with a now sleeping Charlotte.
"If it's any consultation you, Mrs. Torres, are looking extremely hot right now." He said kissing his now wife.
"Ooo. I really like the sound of that." She winked at her husband.
"We're all Torres' now! I know we were already a family but it's nice to make it official." Ellie said lightly bumping Nick with her arm careful of sleeping Charlotte.
"Okay I want one more picture!" Jack said.
"God I'm starving!" Ellie said. "And we're actually all packed, wanna stop at the diner for some fries and shake?" She said sounding hopeful.
"Yeah that sounds good. I'm sure munchkin here will wake up when she sees the fries." Nick said. Charlotte had really taken a liking to food just like Ellie especially in the weird chips Ellie enjoyed so much. "Gibbs, Jack. Wanna tag along?" Nick asked.
"Nah we'll let your little family go enjoy some dinner." Jack said. After giving hugs, Jack whispered to Ellie "after you get back if you want us to take Charlotte for the night for some alone time, just let us know we'd be more than happy!" Ellie nodded and blushed.
At the diner.
"Hey Elaine, order of fries and a large chocolate milkshake and a kiddie strawberry one with an extra cherry?" Ellie asked the waitress.
"Of course darlin' where were my favorite customers at before with these fancy outfits?" She asked.
"The courthouse. We're married and all officially Torres'!" Nick said.
"Well a congratulations is in order!" Elaine said smiling.
"Thank you. As you can see Charlotte is very excited." Ellie joked and Charlotte was staring to wake up.
15 minutes later:
Ellie was feeding Charlotte a french fry when she realized and said "oh my god Nick how'd we miss this! This'll be Charlotte's first Christmas!"
"Damn. It will be. Our first Christmas as a real family and our baby girls first Christmas!" Nick said.
"Am i terrible mom for just realizing this? Like it's just been crazy between us getting married, her birthday coming up on the 27th, this trip to see my family?!" Ellie spiraled.
"Babe no your are not a terrible mother! Like you said it's been bat shit crazy in our lives. So much has happened in the past year. And normally ell most parents have 9 months or more to plan for a baby and plan their first year, we didn't." He joked.
"Yeah it's crazy last year around this time we were still sneaking around and being very secretive now it's the total opposite like we have a baby nick! And Jack apparently knows about our sex life and offered to keep char when we get back" Ellie said kissing him.
"I know it's nuts. You girls are the best things that have ever happened to me you know that right? Wait what about Jack?!" Nick said eyes wide.
"Nothing. And you both are the best things to ever happen to me too." She said smiling. As if on cue Charlotte was waiting for a fry and yelled 'mama' and smiled knocking her shake off the table only nick but neither cared. They were stunned their baby girl had grown so much and now just said her first word.
"Charlotte! Oh my god! Yay Charlotte!" Nick said quietly clapping his hands. 
"Oh sweet girl! I love you so much, good job char!" Ellie said smiling with happy tears.
When Elaine came to check up on them Nick said "can we get a piece of apple pie?" Looking at Ellie with an all knowing smirk. "Charlotte here just said her first word, didn't you baby girl!"
"Wow! Big night for y'all huh!?" Elaine said going to get the pie.
"Thank you so much Elaine! We're ready for the check whenever." Ellie said smiling.
"Nope, it's on the house tonight." She said.
"What- no Elaine we can't- thank you for that but it's okay we-" Nick was saying.
"Nonsense. You guys come around a lot and I love seeing Charlotte seriously it's on us."
Nick and Ellie left a $30 tip and took a sticky sleeping Charlotte home after a very eventful evening.

December 24
"Mom!!" Ellie yelled running to hug her mom.
"Hi baby girl!" Mrs. Bishop said. "We miss you so much Eleanor."
"I know mom, I miss you too but you guys know my job." Ellie said.
"And now your family! Speaking of them where are they?" Barbara said.
"Nicks grabbing Charlotte now, she slept the whole flight and car ride so she should not be cranky at all." Ellie joked.
Ellie's mom gasped. "Oh my god she's even more perfect in person! And you must be nick! Hi!" Her mom pulled nick into a hug after Ellie grabbed a slowly awakening Charlotte.
"Hi Mrs. Bishop it's great to finally meet you in person." He said.
"Nonsense! Call me Barbara."
"Charlotte can you wave to grandma?" Ellie asked Charlotte who immediately just reached for her grandma realizing who she was from the many face time calls.
"Oh my god. Hi Charli! I'm your grandma I'll show you around." Barbara said walking into the house leaving nick and Ellie to grab their bags.
"I have a funny feeling Charlotte will be hogged by her this whole weekend." Ellie said grabbing her suitcase.
"I can't believe your moms the first person to call her charli." Nick stated.
"She was also the first person to call me Ellie and now calls me Eleanor so who knows if it'll stick Babe." Ellie said patting his chest and walking in side.
"Dad this is Nick, Nick this is my dad." Ellie said. "Be nice." She whispered to her father leaving to go find Charlotte and her mom.
"Hello Mr. Bishop it's great to finally meet you." Nick said giving Ellie's dad a firm handshake.
"Son, don't call me mr. Bishop makes me feel older than I am you can call me Micheal." He joked.
"Ellie has been so excited to come back home and really introduce Charlotte to everyone." Nick said.
"Well we miss her, but we're very thankful to you. She talked about you so much so when she finally told us y'all were dating and stayed with her and my granddaughter we knew you were a good one. Thank you for taking care of her son." Micheal said. "Oh and for asking permission to marry her, the asshole didn't." He said talking about Jake.
Meanwhile upstairs:
"There you guys are! I was ready to go to the barn." Ellie joked.
"I had to show my first granddaughter her moms room." Barbara said pointing out pictures to Charlotte.
"I still can't believe you haven't changed my room at all since I left for college." Ellie said looking around the room.
"Not our stuff to change." Barbara winked. "But this diaper of here you could change."
"Of course now it's convenient to hand her back." Ellie joked grabbing Charlotte.
"So Eleanor did you ever think next time you'd come home you'd have a daughter?" Barbara asked her daughter.
"Never crossed my mind. I mean nick and I had only been dating a few months when we found her that I'd thought about kids but was preoccupied with a semi new relationship." Ellie analyzed.
"Ah. I see. I'm still happy we got our girl back for Christmas this year." Barbara said and hugged Ellie.
"When do my annoying ass brothers show up?" Ellie asked swaying with Charlotte.
"Eleanore, Language! And around 3." Barbara stated.
"Oh my gosh mom I forgot to tell you Charlotte said her first word after the wedding!" Ellie said proudly about her daughter.
"Oh! Charli good job! What'd she say hon?" Her mom asked.
"Charlotte can you say it? Say mama!" Ellie said to her stubborn daughter. "Of course she's not going to say it because she as stubborn if not more stubborn than her father." Ellie said.

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