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5 months later
Nick Ellie's one year anniversary was coming up and Nick had something big planned.
"I'm home. How's my baby girl doing Nick?" Ellie quietly yelled as she walked in the door putting her gun away in the safe immediately.
"Better, fever's been about 100.3 all day and her cough isn't as bad." He said from Charlottes room. Charlotte had been to the doctors Wednesday and said she had croup and Ellie felt awful when she got called in to help Jack on Friday leaving her sick baby girl with her boyfriend.
"I feel terrible I wasn't home with my sick girl." Ellie whined walking into charlottes room ready to hold her daughter. Ellie kissed nick and took Charlotte from nicks arms. "Did daddy take good care of you sweet girl? Cause momma missed you all da-" that's when Ellie paused and looked at charlottes onesie.
In bold lettering it said
~mommy will you marry my daddy? Link to the onesie 😉 https://hello-handmade-goods.myshopify.com/products/mommy-will-you-marry-my-daddy-marriage-wedding-engagement-surprise-proposal-baby-onesie-kids-shirt-infant-toddler-youth-shirt

"Ell don't drop our kid!" Nick joked a bit embarrassed when Ellie didn't say anything right away.
"oh my- oh my god! Nick, yes of course I'll marry you!!" Ellie said through tears of joy as she walked over to kiss her now fiancé.
"Char, should we go grab mommas ring?!" Nick asked his daughter 'booping' her on the nose. Nick came back a few seconds later holding a black velvet box and showed Ellie the ring. A silver band with a small diamond in the middle, simple the way she liked it.
"Nick god it's gorgeous, I love you." She told him.
"Uh Charlotte wanted to get you something too... " he said and pulled out a necklace with a gorgeous blue topaz stone on a silver chain and on the back was engraved Charlotte Bishop.
"The chains long enough that you can put the engagement ring on it while we're working so you don't lose it." Nick said.
"I love you." Ellie said grabbing Charlotte back. "And i love you too baby girl, it's getting late and you need your sleep and  your dad and I need to do a lot of uhm 'talking' tonight so how bout you sleep super good and tomorrow dad will get you any toy you could ever want?" Ellie joked with her daughter. Charlotte just babbled away.
After Charlotte was asleep and Nick and Ellie had 'talked' and were lying in their bed still breathless Nick joked "we should 'talk' more often ell."
"Mmm yeah we should... Oh wait we have a 5 month old who doesn't like to sleep unless we sit in the room with her till said 5 month old falls asleep holding her fathers finger." Ellie said kissing nicks cheek.
"So when do you wanna tell everywhere?" Nick asked.
"Oh I don't care, I mean Sloane's going to know right away and Gibbs probably already knows." She joked. "Oh my god my parents!" Ellie said sounding freaked out.
"They know." Nick whispered. "I called and asked permission and promised a visit soon, including Char."
"I love you so much. But you ready to meet my crazy family?" Ellie said with a smile.
"I guess, last time I saw your brothers I said 'you weren't my type' yeah I lied are they gonna kill me?" Nick said trying to joke.
"No! They'll be happy I'm with someone who loves and cares for me and who loves their niece Charlotte." She said.
"My moms going to freak. She already loves you and tried to convince me to tell her we were dating before we were." Ellie giggled. "My family uh never really liked Jake and they made that known, I guess I should of too huh?"
"Babe what happened with that asshole wasn't your fault. You know that right?" He asked pulling her close.
"Yeah." She said resting her head on his chest.
"I love you ell." Nick said dropping a kiss into her hair.
"Good night" Ellie said looking up at him with a big smile.
"Sweet dreams." He smiled back remembering.
"I love youuu." She said in a sing songy say.
"Go to sleep goof." He said kissing his fiancé again. 

AN: sorry it's so short :( more to come soon!!

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