Chapter 8

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2 months later:
"Jack!" Ellie yelled from downstairs. Jack came rushing down from her mad Gibbs' room to find Ellie leaving on the counter cradling her belly.
"What?! Are you okay?" Jack said sliding across the floor.
"I- I don't know! It feels weird. Like a flutter. Somethings wrong." Ellie said with tears.
"What?!" Jack said placing her hand on top of Ellie's belly. "Oh... oh sweetie. This isn't 'wrong' honey." Jack said with a look of awe in her eyes.
"What? What is it then?" Ellie said relaxing a bit.
"Honey your baby is kicking!" Jack said.
"What?! Oh my god." Ellie said. "Nick missed it." She said with tears welling up.
"Honey he'll get to feel more I promise you that." Jack said.

About 1 months later:
"Charlotte do you know who we get to pick up today?" Ellie asked her daughter in the backseat.
"I no know?" The 1 and a half year old answered.
"Dada and Bibbs!" Ellie said.
"Dada and Bibbs?!" Charlotte yelled.
"You excited Charli?" Jack asked from the drivers seat.
Charlotte nodded excitedly.
"Jack I'm freaking out." Ellie said.
"I know, it'll all be okay once you see Nick I promise." Jack responded.
"I feel terrible you've had to like take care of my pregnant ass for the past like 3 months, when you have been going through the same things and I haven't let you process it." Ellie stated.
"Don't feel like that, you were a good distraction and I love you girls!" Jack said.
"I cannot believe I haven't talked to him in like 3 months and now I'm almost a week away from being six months." Ellie said rubbing her pregnant belly. Jack and Ellie noticed about 3 weeks ago you could tell she's got a bump now.
"He's going to be shocked." Jack said pulling into a spot. 
Once they got into the airport Jack was the first to speak.
"Gibbs!" Jack practically yelled running to him.
"Dada!" Charlotte yelled toddling over to her dad.
"Charlotte oh my god! Sweet girl I missed you so much." Nick said picking up his daughter with tears in his eyes.
"Let's go see mama!" Nick said walking over to Ellie who had just hugged Gibbs not giving him a clear view of her front side.
"Ellie- whoah. Oh my god." Nick said with wide eyes.
"Surprise?" She giggled but was ultimately terrified. 
"How far? When? How- i Ellie oh my god this is amazing." He said kissing her.
"I'm almost 6 months." Ellie said with a smile.
"6 months wow. Ohhh." Nick said with a laugh. "Yeah I guess when we talked we uh talked pretty well."
"Nick!" Ellie said hitting his chest.
"So girl or boy?" Nick asked in the car. Nick Ellie and Charlotte sat in the back while Gibbs drove and Jack sat in the passenger side.
"I wasn't going to find out but a nurse accidentally let it slip because she thought I had known." Ellie said while looking down at Charlotte holding nicks finger in a death grip while she slept.
"So...?" He said.
"Oh sorry uhm it's a girl!" Ellie said grabbing nicks hand to where their daughter was kicking.
"Oh my god. She moved!" Nick said.
"Shhh." Ellie said nodding toward a still sleeping Charlotte.
Gibbs pulled up to Ellie and nicks house.
"Thank you for dropping us off Gibbs we really appreciate it! And Jack I can run by tomorrow and grab the rest of my stuff, thanks again." Ellie said.
"O'course see ya tomorrow Ellie goodnight Torres family." Jack said with a wink.
"I cannot believe I missed so much Ellie." Nick said looking down at a sleeping Charlotte. "She looks so much bigger."
"I know. She talks more now too." Ellie said pulling Nicks arm around herself. "She asked about you every day, Nick." Ellie said.
"Wait really?" Nick asked.
"Yep. She asked to talk to you so much so I made up a lie that if we said 'good morning dada' every morning and 'good night dada' every night you'd hear us. So we did that and then she started with 'goodbye bubs' and bubs is this little girl." Ellie said rubbing her round belly. "And you can imagine how many people we had to say good morning and goodnight to every day." Ellie joked.
"You are the best mom ever Ellie." Nick said kissing his wife.
"I try. Really don't wanna screw either of them up." Ellie joked while feeling her daughter kick against nicks hand that was lying on top of Ellie's belly.
"Let's go to bed." Nick said kissing her cheek. After brushing their teeth and Ellie pulling one of nicks shirts over her head they got into bed. 
"This is still so crazy to me." Nick said. "Like i left a father of a one year old and came home the father of Charlotte and now this little one it's insane." He said
"I know it crazy for me too. I just kept thinking god he's gonna be home before she's born right." Ellie said.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't here. I guess it's true though that we cannot do anything the 'conventional' way." He joked. 
"What do you mean? You implying it's not normal to find a baby in a box, adopt said baby and then get married, then your husband get you pregnant then leave for about 6 months and come home to find he got her pregnant?" Ellie said pretending to sound stunned.
"Yes. That's not normal." He said kissing Ellie.

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