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Ellie and Nick had just gotten to Ellie's house after a night at the bar. They were still "just friends" to everyone at work but had been secretly dating for about 7 months. Nick and Ellie were both a bit buzzed.
"Nick stop with the roaming hands." She stated as they walked from nicks jeep to the front porch.
"Babe you know I love these jeans and" Nick was cut off by Ellie's squeak and looked down. There on Ellie's front porch was a box with a blood covered newborn lightly crying.
"Oh my- oh my god Nick! Open the door!" She yelled and grabbed the baby and the blanket.
"What the hell ellie! I'm calling 911" He said as they ran inside.
"Nick go grab the throw blanket off the sofa and some towels." Ellie said as she started to unbutton her shirt.
"Ellie this is not the time for your shirt to come off." Nick stated.
"It'll be warmer with skin to skin contact dumb ass, now go!" She said trying to joke.
After Nick had grabbed towels and the blanket he looked in the box, and grabbed the post-it note and read it aloud:
Eleanor Bishop,
I'm sorry to drop her off like this but I can't take care of her. You have the rights to my baby now care and love her. I won't contact you again.
"B, who the hell is 'JD'?" Nick questioned.
"I have no idea." She said as she rocked the baby, just then they heard the sirens.

8 hours later:
"Hello agents Bishop and Torres, I'm Ms. Carmichael with social services."
"Hi." Ellie said.
"Okay so I've seen the note left with baby jane doe and it seems this child was left to you. Now I have no problem working for you to try to foster or potentially adopt said child, as I'm aware you passed the emergency foster  parent training. As well as the child was left directly with you." Ms. Carmichael said.
"Okay. What does this really mean though?" Nick questioned.
"With the holidays were completely swamped and foster homes are pretty full. With that being said agent Bishop would you take this child until further notice? CPS will provide the necessary items and the hospital has cleared the child to go home so all I need is a signature." She stated.
"Uhm okay I just have a few things to think-" Ellie was interrupted by Ms. Carmichael's phone ringing.
"Pardon me." She said and excused herself.
"Nick. Oh my god! I can't do this! She's only a few hours old I can't do this alone Nick! And she was talking about adoption that's so much to take in." Ellie said biting her thumb nail.
"Whoah Ms. level head is freaking out. Bishop you are more than qualified for this, you passed everything. I know we haven't had 'that talk' yet, but I'll be here for you in whatever you decide." Nick said kissing Ellie's forehead. 
"Nick I mean I can't just leave her, she was left to me by god knows who. But I cannot ask you to give up your life for me and a baby. I love you but this is your out and I won't blame you or hate you." Ellie said looking down.
"I'm not taking the easy way out B. I'm in it for the long haul." He stated.
"Were you going to tell me about passing the foster care stuff?" Nick asked.
"Uhm yes but i also never though this was going to happen!" She said and gestured around the hospital with her finger.
"Oh my god. I'm going to sign for these papers and have a kid. A daughter. Jesus I should not be doing this I should think this over I always think things over. This is the biggest decision of my entire life. And I just-" she was interrupted again but by Ms. Carmichael walking back in.
"Okay agent Bishop forgive me for that. Okay where were we ah yes surprisingly because of how qualified you are and the time of day I can have a judge sign off on the adoption in 13 hours." She said bluntly.
"I uhm. Okay?" Ellie said smiling.
"You just made my job 10 times easier agent Bishop. You can take her home whenever. You passed background and house check so I won't need to swing by your house." Ms. Carmichael said giving Ellie her number and left. 
Nick pulled her into a hug "Nick I'm adopting a kid in 13 hours. This is scary as hell!" Ellie said as nick kissed the top of her head.
"Oh my god, Gibbs! What is he going to say?!" Ellie all but screeched.
Because of course it's Gibbs he knocked on the hospital door and walked in.
"I just got a call from CPS about a recommendation on agent Bishop and if she's fit to adopt a child. Know anything about that?" He said.
"Gibbs. I- uhm. This baby was left on my door step for me and I couldn't leave it- her" she corrected. " so we immediately called 911 and left with her to the hospital than Ms. Carmichael came and knew I passed the  emergency foster parent stuff and with her being left to me asked if I'd thought about adopting her and now I-" she was stopped by Gibbs.
"Bishop take a breath. I gave a good recommendation, you'll be great parents, I don't want to see you two for 3 weeks. Oh and your kid, she's perfect." He said looking at nick and Ellie then he left.
"He knows?!" Nick said.
"That's what's running through your mind?" She laughed. "Nick we're gonna be parents."
2 hours later at 23:27 a nurse came in and said "okay guys, she's all ready for home. Does she have a name yet?"
" uhm no not yet." Nick said. The nurse then handed the 6 pound 12 oz baby over to Ellie.
"Oh my god Nick! I don't have a car seat, a crib, diapers, bottles, formula! We're not ready for this oh my god." Ellie said pacing the small hospital room with the baby still in her arms.
"Mcgee! He can help and Palmer. Okay we have a car seat from CPS, she can sleep in that for the night and the hospital is giving us diapers and formula for the next 2 days." Nick said.
"How are you so calm? That's normally my thing." Ellie said with a smile.
"I've Uh thought about this before." He said quietly.
"About what?" She said seriously.
"Kids. Kids with you. Our own, ya know having a family. A girl and boy and a dog with a swing set in the back." He said shyly.
"Niiiick. Aww. Come here." She said and pulled him close with one arm and lightly kissed his lips.

"She does need a name Ellie." Nick said as he looked in the review mirror barely making out Ellie's smile as she looked at the baby in the backseat with her.
"Oh my god what about Charlotte? Gives a hint back to our undercover days when we first really got together." Ellie said blushing.
"I love it." He said.
10 minutes later they pulled into Ellie's driveway where Mcgee was already parked with supplies. Ellie carefully grabbed Charlotte's car seat and the diaper bag, while Nick went to open the door.
"Well welcome home I guess baby Charlotte." Ellie cooed at the baby. The babies response was to lightly gurgle, which made nick laugh.
"Cute name." Said mcgee when we walked through the door with extra diapers and a pack'n'play. "Delilah said this'll work for the night until you can buy a bassinet or a crib." Mcgee said as he popped open the play pen.
"Thank you so much Mcgee! You're a life saver." Ellie said
After Mcgee had left Ellie was sitting on the couch rocking Charlotte while nick was trying to set up the playpen.
"God damnit! Okay Mcgee said this opens and you connect this bassa- bass- what ever the hell you call it is supposed to connect here and then pop open!" Nick yelled.
"Nick, honey, whoah calm down. It's all good just relax I'll work on it, here take Charlotte." She said trying to hand him the baby.
"Whoah wait Ellie I haven't held a baby since Cody and he was older and i- I don't wanna hurt her Ell." Nick said shyly.
"Babe stop your not going to hurt her. Here put your left arm like thing under her head, yeah good job. Now just hold your right arm under her back and perfect! Now let me figure this thing out." She joked.

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