chapter 10

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"Yes. That's not normal." He said kissing Ellie.
"That's us." Ellie said giggling while trying to get comfortable. As soon as she laid her head on the pillow Charlotte started crying. Ellie went to get up when Nick said "I got her. Been gone awhile figure I can help somewhat." He joked.
15 minutes later nick came back with Charlotte holding his hand and toddling next to him with her stuffed cow.
"Hi mama." Charlotte said having nick lift her onto the bed.
"Hi Charlotte. It's really late so we have to go to sleep." She tried to tell Charlotte. "That included you too Mooz." She stated jokingly to Charlotte's stuffed cow making her giggle and curl into nicks side.
"Goodnight sweet dreams I love you." Nick said winking at Ellie.

2 1/2 months later:
"Ahh. Okay girlie you gotta stop doing that." Ellie told her belly while giving Charlotte a bath.
"Mama okay?" Charlotte asked splashing around in the tub.
"Yep. Your sister is just moving around a lot." Ellie said rubbing her abdomen.
"Stop bubs." The almost 2 year old shouted.
"Charlotte it's okay mama's okay." Ellie said with a quiet chuckle.
"Kiddo you good in there? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier. The moving was fine... please move." Ellie tried pleading with her round belly.
"Dada!" Charlotte squealed seeing nick walk into the house.
"Char!" Nick said back putting his gun and badge away safely and picking her up. "Where's your mom?" He asked. Charlotte wiggled around in his arms so he put her down and she led him to the babies nursery, where Ellie was.
"That's one hot mama I see." Nick joked Ellie just rolled her eyes.
"How was your day?" She asked when he leant down to kiss her.
"Fine. Gibbs is less on edge now that he doesn't have to worry about you ignoring him and questions suspects." He said with an eyebrow raised.
"Shut up!" She said with a big smile.
"And how was your day?" He asked touching her belly.
"We're fine. She was moving a lot and hasn't in a while." Ellie said almost worriedly.
"She's sleeping." He joked.
"What do we want for dinner tonight my wonderful family?" Nick exclaimed while walking into the living room.
"Tacos!" Charlotte yelled.
"You always want tacos." Nick and Ellie said at the same time causing them to all laugh.
"Oh Jacks calling be right back, taco monster." Ellie told Charlotte with a smile.

"Hey Jack what's up?" Ellie said.
"Just checking in on ya. How's everything." Jack asked.
"Okay. She was moving a lot and now hasn't since like 09:00. It's freaking me out Jack she never stops moving." Ellie said pacing the nursery.
"Ooo. Ellie!" Jack said.
" 'ooo' what?" Ellie questioned.
"She sleeping before her big debut! Babies do that." Jack said smiling at Gibbs.
"I'm not do for like another 3 weeks." Ellie said.
"And? That doesn't matter. Baby comes when she wants too!" Jack said with a chuckle.
"Dada! Not right!" Charlotte yelled from the kitchen.
"No Charlotte this is right?!" He told her.
"Oh lord. I gotta go help the chefs before the burn down my kitchen." Ellie said with a giggle.
"Okay. And Ellie don't freak out everything will be okay!" Jack said before hanging up. 
"Oh god." Ellie mumbled sitting up in bed. "Nick." She whispered and no response. "Nick." She said louder. "Oh good god! Nicolas Torres!"
"What?!" He said sitting up quickly.
"It hurts, bad." Ellie said holding her belly.
"Oh god. Like how bad?" He said.
"Nick, it hurts really bad." She said with tears in her eyes. "And my water broke."
"Okay. Everything's fine! Everything's fine!" He shouted.
"Nick! Shhh! Charlottes asleep." She said and then paused then gasped. "Charlotte! What's are we gonna do with her?" Nick said.
"Contractions are like 13 minutes apart we can get her to Jack and Gibbs'." Ellie suggested.
"If you have this child in the car, Ellie." Nick said.
"I'm not gonna have her in the car calm down." She said with a smile. "My go bags by the door everything ready, so relax."
"You're in active labor mi amor. Your lucky I haven't slipped into full Spanish at this point." He joked.
20 minutes later:
"Ohhhh. Ahhhggg. Nick! Drive a little quicker please." Ellie all but screamed.
"Trying!" He said. 3 minutes later they pulled up to Gibbs' house. They both immediately came outside. Jack grabbed Charlotte while Gibbs took her back pack and toys.
"I love you Charlotte we'll be back soon. Be good for Bibbs and Jack please." Ellie said trying not to groan in pain along with the fakest smile she's every used since Jake.
"Bye Char." Nick said kissing her forehead. And off to the hospital they went!

Authors Note: sorry this is so short!! I'm working on more of this story right now 😚 xoxo. Don't forget to be nice to one another and wear a mask!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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