4- first birthday!

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They spent Christmas with Ellie's family but ultimately decided to leave early on the 26th of December to spend charlottes first birthday at home.
"Good morning birthday girl!" Ellie cooed to her daughter as she and Nick walked into their daughters room.
"How's our big one year old?" Nick jokingly asked. Charlotte just yelled mama at Ellie and Nick. Around 9 am they got a call from Jack wishing Charlotte a happy birthday and couldn't wait to see her at Gibbs' house for her party. Somehow sloane was able to convince Gibbs to host charlottes birthday at his house!
"Oh nick! We need to run to target or something to grab plates still for tonight." Ellie said while getting Charlotte into her tutu.
"Okay give me 15 minutes and I'm ready!" He called from the bedroom.
"What is your dad doing in there, char?" Ellie asked Charlotte with a wink.
"Charlotte don't lick that, that's yucky!" Ellie told her daughter who tried to eat the handle of the cart. "Nick can you grab milk please I forgot to pick it up last week."
"Yeah babe be right back." He said kissing her cheek.
"Alright Charlotte let's go grab some princess plates huh?" Ellie said 'bopping' her daughter on the nose. As soon as Ellie got into the aisle she heard a familiar voice.
"Ellie?" A man asked.
Ellie's eyes widened when she realized who it was.
"Jake." Ellie said turning around with the fakest smile she thought she'd ever make.
"Uhm it's been a while." He said shifting nervously.
"Yeah. Last time was when you signed the divorce papers, third best day of my life." She mumbled the last part.
"So babysitting?" He asked.
"No. This is my daughter." Ellie said dryly but with a look of pure love talking about her daughter in her eyes.
"Oh. Who'd you sleep with now?" He berated her. "Tell my not that new partner of yours! Or better yet you don't know?" Jake stated while holding back a snort. Charlotte did resemble both nick and Ellie in the sense she had a bit lighter than nicks skin tone but Ellie's hazel eyes and beautiful light brown curls.
"Don't talk to my wife that way! Especially not in front of our daughter." Nick scolded coldly.
"How're you even sure she's yours! Ha!"Jake asked rolling his eyes.
"Because unlike you I don't sleep around." Ellie told jake.
"Wow of course gotta bring up Taylor." He said.
"Charlotte forgive me for this but yeah i have a right to bring up the bitch you slept with while I was worried sick about you!" She practically yelled.
"If anyone's the bitch it's you!" Jake said getting close to Ellie.
"I suggest you leave her the hell alone." Nick said.
"Of course Ellie can't even fight her own battles." Jake said and laughed.
"Oh she can but I'd rather my daughter grow up with a mom who wasn't put in jail for homicide." Nick said.
"Babe you know they'd never find out it was me." Ellie joked.
"Stay the fuck away from us Jake." Ellie said. As if in cue Charlotte spit bubbles and stuck her tongue out as Jake walked by.
"Good girl Charlotte!" Nick joked.
"Nick I'm really sorry about that and my behavior, I shouldn't have acted so childish." Ellie told Nick carefully grabbing a sleeping Charlotte from the car.
"Babe, don't worry about it. It was kinda hot seeing you all protective." He said kissing her neck.
"Nicolas Torres. Not while I gave out sleeping daughter in my arms!" She said pulling away.
16:00 Gibbs' house.
When they arrived Ellie was walking with Charlotte holding her hands as she toddled into the house.
"Charlotte look who it is! Bibbs and Jack!" Ellie said to Charlotte using the nickname McGee's kids had used for Gibbs. Charlotte toddled all by herself over to 'Bibbs' who picked up and kissed her cheek before putting her on his shoulder and walking over to Jack, who shocked everyone by kissing Gibbs.
"What the hell was that!" Nick said which got him a slap to the chest from Ellie.
"My little Charli bug are you ready for cake!?" Jack said completely ignoring the kiss.
"I still can't believe it's been a year since we uhm found her." Nick said.
"It's crazy how so much has changed." Ellie said looking at their sleeping daughter.
"I guess we should go back downstairs, Jacks making hot chocolate and coffee." Nick said.
"I'm gonna go make up the guest bedroom, I cannot believe it snowed this much and now we're stuck at Gibbs'. Are we ever gonna be able to be home on her birthday? Last year we got stuck at the hospital and now Gibbs and Jacks place huh?" Ellie joked.
"So how does it feel to officially have a one year old?" Jack asked Ellie while they watched Gibbs and Nick getting more wood for the fire.
"Crazy. Surreal. Wonderful. Everything. It's crazy how one little girl can change my life so much and make me smile on the worst days." Ellie gushed over her daughter. Ellie held in her hands the picture frame nick had made Ellie for charlottes first birthday. It was a picture of nick and Ellie who was holding Charlotte at the adoption/wedding day a few days prior.
"So..." Jack nudged Ellie shoulder with her own "have you and nick thought of having another?"
Ellie slightly blushed "I don't know. I mean we haven't really talked about it? We both want more kids but this past year has been batshit crazy so who knows."
"Let's talk about you and Gibbs! You gonna need a grandma nickname soon? Hmm MiMi? Nah gammy?" Jack jumped in "definitely no to that one!"
"Yes I knew it! So y'all are a couple now huh?" Ellie stated.
"Yes. We are Ellie we sleep in the same bed kisses good morning and good night and worry sick about each other during the day." Jack said. 
"I can relate." Ellie stated thinking about her and nick. "How long?"
"Honest?" Jack asked.
"Duh! Jack, every little detail" Ellie joked.
"Alright alright! You want this just remember that. Gibbs and I were 'sleeping in bed'." Jack said with a sly look in her eyes and quotations around sleeping in bed. "And he got the call about you guys at the hospital with a baby."
"Oh my- oh my god! Sloane! A whole year you guys have been together a whole year and we didn't know. Damn I thought we were better investigators than this." Ellie said sounding shocked.
"You guys were a bit preoccupied. We got lucky." Jack said. 
Later that night while nick and ellie were in bed Ellie said "Nick we haven't really talked in depth about this but uhm. Do you want more kids?"
"I want whatever you want. Your body, you do all the hard work." He said kissing the top of her head that was lying on his chest.
"Babe." Ellie said softly. "Okay but honestly do you want more?"
"Yeah of course. We'd make some gorgeous kids, B. And you come from a fairly big family and i Uh kinda always wanted that"He replied.
"I love you." She said kissing his lips. "But Charlotte would be like okay with us giving her some siblings right? She won't feel less loved or anything?" Ellie analyzed.
"We'll love all our kids the same but Charlotte will always be special to us I think babe." He said calming her nerves.
"What if she like hates us?" Ellie said looking him in the eyes.
"She probably will say she will when she hits like 14, all teens do love" he reminded her. "We can talk about it again soon, but I'm willing to start trying anytime but preferably not in our bosses spare bedroom." Nick joked.

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