chapter 7

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4 months later: (may)
"Gibbs, are you sure I have to go?" Nick asked Gibbs on the phone, trying to whisper. It didn't go well because Ellie immediately looked up with a terrified look in her eyes.
"Okay I'll meet you at the airport in 3 hours." Nick said.
"Uhm. You leaving?" Ellie said in a watery voice, while getting up from the floor with Charlotte to go hug nick.
"Yes." Nick said holding her tighter.
"Where?" Ellie asked looking at her daughter playing on the floor while Nick was still hugging her.
"Mexico, all I can say." He whispered.
"How long?" She asked and got no reply. "Nick. How long?" She asked more sternly.
"Couple a months. They aren't sure yet, Ell." He said kissing her.
"Months. Nick, oh my god." Ellie said starting to silently cry.
"I swear I will talk to you every chance I get, babe." Nick said dropping a kiss to the top of her head. "I have to go pack and then we're snuggling on the couch, watching a movie, and eating junk food."
2 1/2 hours later:
"You sure you have to go?" Ellie asked holding Charlotte on her hip.
"Yeah I have too." He said kissing Ellie again. He grabbed Charlotte and hugged her small frame. "Te amo, Charlotte." He handed a crying Charlotte back to ellie.
"Charlotte shh. It's okay daddy will be back I promise." Ellie told Charlotte
"Don't let her forget about me Ellie." He said blowing a kiss.
"Never." She said with teary eyes watching her husband walk away with Gibbs towards security at the airport.
"Why don't you come home with me tonight we can eat junk food and get our minds off our someone specials, okay?" Jack asked Ellie.
"Uh. Yeah sure that sounds good." Ellie said wiping tears away.
"Our men'll be okay." Jack said driving Charlotte and Ellie back to Jack and Gibbs'.
"I know I just can't help but worry." Ellie joked. "I don't know how to feel about him leaving and with Charlotte being so young... I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not."
"What are you worried about?" Jack asked.
"Like what if she doesn't remember him when he gets back. But then I start thinking because she's still so young she probably won't remember him leaving, and then I start overthinking. Like what if he has to leave when she's 5 and then 7 I don't want her to resent Nick for leaving all the time." Ellie stated.
"You're probably overthinking it, but coming from a 'head doctor' I understand. But the good thing about now like you said is she is so young but then if there comes a day when Nick has to leave when she's older at least you can try to get her to understand dads always come back home." Jack said.
"Dada?" Charlotte whimpered from the backseat which just about made both women in the front seat tear up.
"Member Charlotte dada had to go bye bye just for a little bit but he'll be back so soon!" Ellie tried to explain to the 1 year old.
Once they arrived at Jacks and Ellie and Charlotte got settled in Ellie said "Jack I really wanted to thank you for letting us stay it means a lot."
"Of course. You guys being here is like my support because we both somewhat understand what the other is going through. Normally they both leave together what if when that happens you come stay with me so neither of us are alone?" Jack asked.
"I am very open to that idea." Ellie joked. "And so is Charlotte." She said nodding towards a napping Charlotte on the hardwood floor of the kitchen.

3 weeks later:
"Ellie, you okay?!" Jack asked in a concerned tone. Jack had been woken about about 10 minutes ago by the sound of throwing up coming from the bathroom in the hall.
"Mhmm." Ellie groaned only to get sick again.
"Okay ell I'm coming in." Jack said opening the door to find a paler than normal Ellie with sweaty hair sticking to her face and neck wiping her mouth with a towel. "How long have you been in here?"
"40 minutes or so. I didn't think I was gonna get sick, I've felt nauseous for a few days so I just figured but this time I actually had to run to the bathroom." Ellie said as Jack helped her stand and lean against the sink. "I'm so sorry I woke you up Jack."
"It's not big deal, I just wanted to make sure your okay? No fever or any other like flu symptoms?" Jack asked.
"No just been nauseous for about a week." Ellie said washing her hands. Jacks eyes immediately found Ellie's in the mirror.
"Uhm." Jack coughed. "You don't think you could be like-" Ellie cut Jack off.
"No. No way. Preg- Pregnant, uhm." Ellie stammered really thinking about things. "No I can't be. I- we... once it happened once I- there's no way." Ellie said and then covered her mouth and started to throw up again while Jack held her hair and rubbed her back.
"Let's go get a test." Jack said. "I'll get Charlotte ready, go get a glass of water and sit on the couch." She stated.
38 minutes later:
"Oh my god. They're all positive." Ellie said with tears but a smile.
"We happy about this?" Jack asked running Ellie's arm.
"Uhm yeah." Ellie said wiping tears. "Just really wish Nick was here. I mean he hasn't even been gone a month and now he's missed this and is gonna miss the first ultrasound and." Ellie then starting crying.
"Aw ellie. Don't think like that honey." Jack said pulling Ellie into a hug. "Think about the good things. You're gonna be a mom again! And nicks going to be a dad again and oh! Charlotte gets to be a big sister."
"I know. I need to stop throwing pity parties." Ellie joked while sniffling.
"I'll be here with you for absolutely everything! Obviously until our men get home." Jack said with a smile. "But every appointment and through the morning sickness but don't worry Nick and Gibbs will be home soon anyway so he won't miss much." Jack stated trying to sound confident.
"If he calls do I tell him?" Ellie asked.
"Positive thoughts- when- he calls you do whatever you want. Personally I'd wait until the OB/GYN appointment just to I know for sure." Jack said.
"I hope he'll be excited." Ellie said picking up Charlotte from the floor.
"He will be don't worry Ellie!" Jack said in a baby voice while looking at Charlotte.
1 week later:
"Here comes mommy." Jack told Charlotte as she watched Ellie get out of the car and come to the door. "Hey Ellie! How'd everything go?" Jack asked while cutting up vegetables for Charlottes dinner.
"Uhm good- what are you-" Ellie got cut off by the urgent need to throw up. She ran to bathroom.
"Uh. Carrots and broccoli?" Jack answered making a funny face at Charlotte.
"Sorry about that. Everything went good! Wanna see the sonogram?" Ellie said in a giddy tone.
"Of course." Jack said wiping her hands on the nearest dish rag.
"Ohh Ellie! This is so exciting." Jack stated. "How far along did she say you were?"
"About 10 weeks." Ellie laughed. "She said that it was probably normal I knew later because of my job and then nick leaving. But baby Torres is healthy and growing!" Ellie gushed over her news.
9 pm:
"Charlotte is finally asleep." Ellie stated as she walked down the stairs. "She has never been that hard to get to sleep ever."
Jack laughed quietly and said "You just made it! The bachelor is starting."
15 minutes into the episode Ellie's phone rang and it was nick.
"Nick oh my god hi!" Ellie said.
"Hey sorry it's so late the only time I've gotten to call. How are you guys I miss you." Nick said but it was crackly.
"We're good. Charlotte is still stubborn as hell took me an hour and half to get her to sleep." Ellie joked.
"Course it did." Nick laughed.
"How are you?" Ellie asked.
"Tired and i miss you. But we're doing good. Ready to be home." He said quietly.
"Ready for you to be home too." Ellie said with teary eyes.
"I have news." Nick said.
"Me too!" Ellie stated. "Uh you go first."
"Okay. We're stuck here for about another 3 months or so baby." Nick said.
"3? 3 months? Damnit." Ellie said as she started to lightly cry.
"Shit. I gotta go I'll try to call you again soon." Nick said.
"Oh Uh okay bye nick I love you." She said wiping her tears.
"Love you too." He said and the line when dead.
When Ellie walked back into the living room the tv was still paused and Jack still had tears running down her face.
"Guess you heard?" Ellie said.
"Yeah. Sorry I didn't mean to cry." Jack said with a watery laugh. "Just miss him."
"I know exactly how you're feeling." Ellie said pulling Jack into a hug.
"Oh so is he excited about baby Torres?" Jack asked.
"I didn't get to tell him." Ellie said.

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