New victim

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I was working on the platform with Jack, Temperance and Zack, as we went over the new remains that were located.
"Dog are so cute. I would not have been able to focus if I was with you and Seeley." I stated
"Who knew dogs distracted Ash." Jack told
"Edgar and Edith have dogs and when I was younger they were helpful distractions when everything was too much for me to handle."
"Who's Edgar and Edith?"
"Dental records confirm that this is Eve Warren." Zack told as he held the x-Ray up.
"Insect activity confirmed she died around the same time as wall man." I told
"Guess it's another mystery." Jack told before he continued to work
'Life is crazy. Glad he doesn't push.'
"Where did Booth go? I gotta give him the news." Temperance asked
"His girlfriend brought him a change of shirt." Jack told
"They're up in the lounge." Zack stated
"Angies talking to them." I added
"Wha...Zack, clean the bones." She told
"We've already got cause of death and identity. What am I looking for?"
"It might be grasping but that odd mark we found on Mount's skull? See if you can find anything like it on Eve's remains." She told before leaving.
"So why is it you mention random people yet never explain how you know them?" Jack asked
"I mention people when it's needed to explain something. But I don't explain who they are and my connection to me because it's an old habit from my PI days. Make someone an enemy, they go after who I care about. It's why I've never changed my last name to what I want to change it to. To keep my cousin safe."
"Do they know?" Zack asked
"No. She'll tell me I'm stupid." I told making them smile.
'They are the best.'

"Ash let's go." Seeley told
"Don't call me Ash."
"Ashley, let's go. Your with us."
"I am?"
"Yes. We are going to interrogate people."
"Fine. I'm getting a drink first."
"I got you coffee in a travel cup." Zack told as he handed it to me as I walked past.
"Thanks Zack. See you when I see you next." I told before drinking some as we continued to head to the door. "Hopefully I don't punch anyone!"
"Please don't! Your my ride home tonight!"
"No promises!" I told giving him a salute as we finally left.
"He gets you coffee?"
"Something he does. No one else but him gets me coffee, and it's kinda an unspoken rule that only he gets me them."
"What if I got you coffee?"
"I would not accept it and Zack would be upset."
"One time Jack got her coffee and Zack didn't speak to him for half a month." Temperance told
"He really got upset because Jack got you coffee?"
"He likes bringing me coffee. After that no one else has brought me coffee."
"And you say he doesn't have feelings for you."
"We are just friends dude."
"Just saying."
'He doesn't know what he's talking about.'

I was drawing again in the interrogation while Temperance and Seeley talked to Rulz.
"You did not murder Eve Warren." Temperance told
"This is a weird kind of interrogation, huh? Cops telling me what I didn't do." Rulz questioned.
"Actually she's a forensic anthropologist. She works with bones and works out their life history and how they died."
"That's actually cool. You some type of artist?"
"I do draw but I prefer music and bugs and slime and what not." I told making Seeley give me an annoyed look.
"Well, then do me a favor. Tell me Bones is wrong and confess to a murder." Seeley told
"Hell, no, man. What do you think, I'm some type of idiot?"
"Do me a favor, deny it."
'This is stupid.'
"See, you got tricks. You're gonna twist all my words around, so I'd better not say anything at all."
"Smart move my man."
"See, she knows what's up."
"But you didn't kill Eve Warren." Temperance told
"So you say. The Rulz says say nothing."
"Respect." I told making him hit his chest and give me a peace sign.
"He wants us to hold him." Seeley stated
"Give them leverage with things." I told
"Why? Because every time some rapper gets murdered, his business goes straight through the roof." He told
"You know, why should Deejay Mount get the bump, huh? Maybe it's my turn." He told as Temperance watched us interacted with him.
"Do you know Marcus?" I asked
"Know him? The whole music industry knows who he is. He works with those Monroe siblings."
"I've got a hookup from back in the day. Could get some of your music set to him if you help us."
"You not pulling my leg or nothin'?"
"Wouldn't lie about this."
"My man. But I need something from the suit guy as well. You feel?"
"Booth, you sweeten the deal." I told
"I'll tell you what. I'll make you a better deal. You tell us what we need to know and I'll have those charges laid against you. Put you in the remand center?"
"For how long?"
"Oh, that depends on what you tell us."
"Wait, wait. You're negotiating to put this guy in jail?" Temperance questioned only to be ignored.
"To sweeten the pot, I'll charge you with Mount's death too. But you hire one of those moron lawyers and you'll be thrown in lockup for what, maybe a month?" He told making Rulz nod as he smiled.
"Sweet, all right."
"Where am I, in Backwards World?"
"Brennan just let it happen."
"What do you got?" Seeley asked
"Look, I could tell y'all why Mount got killed, but y'all have to figure out the rest on your own."
"Uh, we have to figure it out just from motive?" Temperance asked as she sat down.
"Ok, look, Bones, this is, you know, sort of my thing."
"You know, Mount was gonna jump." Rulz stated
"You mean commit suicide?" Temperance asked
"Where did you find her?" He asked
"Museum." Seeley told
"No Brennan. He means that Mount was gonna jump labels. In the music industry they just call it a jump, sometimes it can be a suicidal thing cause you could end up leaving a great label company for a shitty one."
"Yeah you get it. It's why a lot of people try to get with Marcus, since he's known for making the right choices and can make your music greater."
"Wait, you're saying that Deejay mount was gonna leave Basement Records." Seeley asked bringing us back to the discussion.
"Look, all he needed was the money to buy himself back. That's why he got himself killed. Now, if Hall even finds out that I told y'all that much, I'm gonna end up some dried-out mummy in a wall." Rulz told
"But what about Eve?" Temperance asked
"Man, Eve couldn't kill nobody. You know, sex 'em to death maybe, but that's about it. There's one more thing. The next day, Hall built me a new studio. He took it out of my money too." He told making the three of us exchange a look. "So, you gonna put me in jail?"
"Well, you know, hey, it's the least we can do, hmm?"Seeley stated making Rulz chuckle from it.
Once we were done I gave him the picture I drew of him to take before we left.
"So why do you know so much about music and have a connection to Marcus?" Seeley asked
"One of my siblings knows someone who works for him so I can pass on a hey give this music a listen to. He probably won't be picked up by him though."
"Ash you are full of surprises." Seeley told
"For starters. Don't call me Ash, Seeley. And Secondly, I know I am."
'If only my life was simple.'

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