I don't like the name.

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I was walking with Temperance and Seeley in the tunnels again, but this time we were being guided by Helen who helps these people out.
"Marni came to the shelter. She heard I worked with what she called 'the mole people'. She asked me to introduce her to them." Helen explained as we walked through the tunnel.
"Spend a lot of time down here?" Seeley asked.
"Mmm. It's kind of my beat, I guess you'd say."
"It's peaceful, I'll give them that." I told making her smile.
"I guess it is."
"Did you resent Marni's intrusion?" Temperance questioned.
"Why do you ask?"
"It's an ordered society. Marni and her cameras might have been disruptive in some way." She stated.
"Well, these people are here for a reason. And in my opinion, they have a right to their privacy. I respect that. I'm not sure a documentary filmmaker does." She told.
"She disruptive enough to make any enemies?" Seeley asked making her think a bit.
"Perhaps. It's tough to know these people."
"Well, isn't that what Marni was trying to do? Get to know these people? Explain them to the rest of the world?" Temperance questioned seeing Marni's side of the project.
"Well, no offense, Doctor Brennan, but I find that a bit naive. Her job was to sell her films. What she was doing was exploitive. Maybe one of these people agreed with you. There's the man you're looking for. Harold Overmeyer. Marni called him 'the mayor of Mole Town'. I imagine she thought that was clever."
"I don't like them being referred to as mole people." I stated.
"Neither do I." Helen told.
"He's mediating a dispute. He has alpha male status." Temperance explained talking about Harold, when I noticed Seeley acted a little off at the name.
"Doc, you do know the whole alpha, beta and omega shit is false right? The dude who came up with it was studying wolves, and when revisiting it he realised they were a family and the 'alpha' was just the dad. No one will listen to him going 'I fucked up. I was wrong, there's no such thing as alpha, omega and beta.'. Cause people are dumb." I stated.
"Why do you know that?" Seeley asked.
"Bitch, I read." I told making him give me a confused look before talking to Helen again.
"How did Harold respond to her?"
"My impression was he liked her. But again, nobody really knows these people." She told.
We walked down some stairs and went towards the man that Temperance had seen earlier, which was Harold.
"I brought you some food, Harold." Helen told offering it to him.
"Eh... I have enough food. What do you want?" He asked.
'I like him, already.'
"I'd like to ask you a few questions." Seeley told.
"Well, I'm not required to answer any questions. I'm not required..." he told and Helen jumped in.
"That's correct. Harold has rights."
"Ms. Bronson, you want to please take a step back? You're interfering with a criminal investigation." Seeley told
"Just a few questions, then we will be out of your hair." I told smiling towards him before Seeley spoke.
"Did you know Marni Hunter? You saw what happened to Marni, didn't you?"
"You guys are trespassing. Go away." Harold told but Seeley didn't listen.
"Okay, buddy, that's it. Let's go."
"Seeley da fuck?!"
"Whoa... Booth. This man is obviously someone important down here." Temperance stated to try and have him cool.
"Important? He lives in a cardboard box underground." Seeley shot back.
"That is so offensive and rude." I argued before Temperance continued.
"In this society he has status. Give him his due. Treat him with respect."
"Okay, Mr. Overmeyer. We got off on the wrong foot. I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and I would appreciate it very, very much if you would grant us the advantage of your expertise as we investigate Marni Hunter's death." He told
"Fair enough." Harold told surprising him a little bit.
"Mr. Overmeyer, I saw you in the tunnel over near where we found Marni Hunter's remains." Temperance stated.
"Checking the tunnels."
"Checking the tunnels, or checking on Marni?" We both asked.
"I warned her."
"That was kind of you." I told smiling a small smile towards him.
"So... you two were friends beyond being observer and observed?"
"You talk like her. Are you making a documentary, too?" He questioned.
"No, but there are things I need to understand." She told but couldn't really ask due to Seeley walking to observe Harold's belongings.
"That's my stuff." He told Seeley but it was no use with what Seeley brought up.
"Bones. Harold, is this, uh, Marni's video camera?" He asked him.
"You'd better go now. You can go now!" Harold told but it didn't work.
"Booth, this clothing has blood all over it." Temperance told.
"Give him his due, huh?"
"I think it belonged to Marni Hunter." Temperance stated.
'Oh no.... This is going bad.'
"You know what? Afraid you're going to have to come with us, pal." Seeley told.
"What?! No! I- I can't leave!" Harold exclaimed.
"Bone fragments." Temperance told as Seeley began to arrest Harold.
"I can't leave!"
"Let's get this back to the lab." She told me, making me nod and help collect the things.
"I'm sorry Harold." I told.
"No! You don't understand! She would have wanted me to have that stuff. She would have wanted me to have that." He exclaimed.
'I wish I stayed at the lab.'

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