The terrible interview

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{Disclaimer: some of the dialogue used was appropriate for the time the show was first started and created and this episode was aired. From January 28th of 2013, it has now been changed to a more appropriate term and a less negative connotation one, that has a clear understanding. I am making this announcement to warn people about it incase they either forgot or don't know and that I am aware of the situation. I don't approve the use of the word but understand that at the time it was used and so I have decided to leave it in since it is apart of the script. I hope you understand my point of view and accept the decision. I don't mean to offend anyone with this decision and I'm sorry if you are and hope you will continue reading the fic. On with the story.}

(Zack p.o.v)

'I now fully get why Rio hates interviews.'
I tried to do my work as Pickering attempted to interview me.
"Could we start, please?" She asked though I didn't give her my full focus.
"Anytime. I can do two things at once." I stated.
"Mr. Zach Addi I require your full attention."
"No you don't but I'll give it to you." I told before walking to her side of the table in the bone room and leaned back onto the table.
"I need to establish that you are not a threat to the security of this country." She told.
"I'm getting a degree in forensic anthropology another in engineering. What are you afraid of? That I'll build a race of criminal robots who'll destroy the world." I told before moving to keep working.
"Do you have that kind of fantasy often?" She asked.
"Very often."
"Does it concern you that such adolescent are a sign of emotional retardation?"
"I've been told. I'm working on it." I told as I stood across from her.
'Rio is not going to like that being said about me. Or Ash.'
"And can you understand why that concerns us?"
"Not really."
'I really wish the lawyer thing would've worked.'
"What about this having a connection to The Heartless Killer?"
"I don't know who that was nor does anyone." I stated.
"But you still have a connection through one Dr. River Finley. Who was also your teacher for a few years and then later house mate, with the band known as Midnight Zombies."
"I'm a threat due to being friends with her and her family was involved with the killer while she was eight?"
"Not exactly. It's just a concern we have."
"She was involved with a famous killer."
"Her mother was murdered by said killer and her father was the police officer apart of helping locate the killer. That's how she's connected, nothing more nothing less."
"What about Nickolas Finley?"
"Never met him."
"You've grown defensive."
"I don't like my friends being used like this. Besides she doesn't work here so she shouldn't be the governments concerned, or have them use her like this."
"Even when she's related to...."
"I know who she's related to. He knows that I know. What has this got to do with making sure I'm not a threat to the government?"
'This has turned into a terrible interview.'
"Hypothetically, you have a piece of information." She told moving on.
"Secret and meaningful information?" I asked leaning on the table towards her.
"Yes. The security of the nation is at stake. Could I bribe you to give it to me?" She asked leaning a bit towards me.
"Threaten you?"
"What if I made a rational argument, very persuasive?"
"Merely persuasive?" I asked leaning a bit more towards her.
"Irrefutable. I make an irrefutable argument as to why you should give me this piece of information. Would you do so?" She asked making me stand back up.
"Not without checking with Dr. Brennan, Ash or Angela first. See what they'd say, maybe Agent Booth if he talked to me, he probably wouldn't. Can always ask for Rivers view on things, since the other three we know often focus on other things most of the time. I'd check with Dr. Hodgins but he'd say it was all part of a conspiracy so I mostly only take his advice on women." I told as I looked away from her since I worked something out. "480 volts 350 amps."
"I beg your pardon." She asked making me focus on her again.
"It's sort of secret information. I probably shouldn't tell you. Any other questions? Good." I quickly told not giving her time to answer before rushing off.
'Thank god I have a reason to leave that.'

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