the beginning

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dabi POV:

Right now I'm walking aimlessly in the dark alleys with my hands in my pocket.
I'm pissed but I'm keeping my resting face it's not like I can do anything about it I'm just getting faraway from my purposes . In fact I was doing nothing turning some assholes to ashes actually I was doing them a favor giving an end to their worthless life's and making them something more useful at least. doing some small crimes here and there but that's not what I was aiming for after all those horrible years.
I was so deep in thought to recognize I have walked to center of city .
Ah crouds they annoy me to death how they stare at my appearance some covering their children eyes some avoiding eye contact like I care .an old woman starts praying under her breath that was kinda funny watching her freaking out and shaking. Stupid.
I was walking pass a small shop when something caught my eyes .
Reporter: this is the third attack in this week by a organized group of villains called L.O.V the league of villains. The leader is tomura shigaraki if you get in any member's way prevent physical contacts find a safe shelter and hide. And wait for the heroes to arrive. Have a safe and good day.
No way I'm......
What if ........
:move your sorry ass you old man.
I turn and blinked few times. Did I just get insulted by a 6 year old kid? Damn that truly hurts .
When the kid saw my face he start screaming nonstop .
oh shit I'm going to get deaf in such a young age and a virgin. What the hell did I just say.
The kid:mama...mama..
.I promise I would never bully tura again please don't kill me. I would never steal sweats wait I take that back .but I wouldn't call mom old hag again. I swear from this moment no one would hear me curse.
Before I could open my mouth the kid ran away. Okay guess I'm not the only one with mental problems.
I continue walking to my small apartment in the slum area.
As I walk further the alley's become smaller and dirtier although I live most of my life in this places but I never get use to them.
There was a time when I watch happy kids through the windows how they laugh with they're families like there is nothing to worry about and I wonder .would it be a day when someone hold my hands and tell me everything's gonna be alright cause now I'm here you don't have to suffer alone anymore?
Then I would see my reflection and the reality crash me lies are sweet dreaming is nice but not if you have more important things to focus on like surviving this are for past.
But I swear I'm gonna make it cause I know that there is a little child which I own a lot toward.

Guys I'm sorry I swear I didn't mean to bring the dark past  in the first chapter 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭And the problem is I can't make it up to you cause the next chapter is probably going to have fight scenses But I'm a fan of dark humor and I'm...

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Guys I'm sorry I swear I didn't mean to bring the dark past  in the first chapter 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And the problem is I can't make it up to you cause the next chapter is probably going to have fight scenses
But I'm a fan of dark humor and I'm going to use it and I like some funny scenes in my story . I still didn't find the right time to use my hidden skills (  you can't imagine how horrible is this guy at writing funny stuffs  and a disaster at making jokes)
😑just ignore this creep.
You can't imagine how writing the first chapter is hard but I promise I would be better when I write my favorite parts😭(sorry for tallerating this pain) meanie 😭
Ba bye

the kid I lost (Dabi Is Touya)Where stories live. Discover now