you are mine.

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Forgive me father for I have sinned.
Smut. cursing.
Keigo and touya are classmates and roommates.

Touya POV:
Uh~it feels really good. So warm fluffy and comforting. Like I'm hugging a cloud. My lovely blanket. Nothing can destroy this moment.

Keigo:touya its getting late wake up.
Damn I'm not going to give up this easy.
I pull my dear blanket on my face trying to block the annoying sound.

Keigo:come on look how beautiful and clean the sky is today. Do you want to miss this wonderful weather by staying in bed doing nothing.

Touya:yes keigo this is exactly my intention now leave me alone.
I cuddle my blanket feeling my eyes getting warm slowly and drifting in the peaceful world of dreams.
Keigo:rise and shine.

I open my eyes shocked from the unexpected attack and I see a floating keigo with my blanket in his hand.
Touya:I give up.
I climbed the bed down lazily not really wanting to leave. I walk to the bathroom with half open eyes having some hard impacts in the way but not really caring.

Keigo:are you done.
Touya:yeah I'm coming. Are you going to brush your hair.
Keigo:no I look hotter with messy hair don't you think so?
I look at his hair. I really wouldn't be shocked if I figure a bird is using his hair as a nest.

Touya:not really you look more like an idiot.
Keigo:you are just saying this because you are jealous of my hair style.

I just shook my head. I had give up on him after our first meeting.
We walk to our school chatting mostly keigo speaking and telling jokes and me nodding and sometimes giving him a thumbs up.

Keigo:so if we suppose that evolution theory is right do you think my ancestors were monkeys or hawks?

Touya:I really don't know keigo.
Keigo:so if I figure it out I would be count as a scientist.
Touya:probably. Why all of a sudden this get important for you.
Keigo:oh my innocent friend this days womans get attracted to smart mans easily.

I just look at him disappointed he is never going to change.
Touya:smarty we reach the school are you ready for todays exam.
Keigo:wait what exam?why didn't you tell me about it.
He start whining at climbing up my arm.

Touya:alright I will help you pass the exam but this is the last time.
He start cheering and choking me with hugs while I stand still until I see a familiar face so I pushed him of me and leave him confuse.

Touya:hi fuyuko how are you doing.
Fuyuko was a very sweet girl she has dark blue eyes matching with her dark purple hair. She is a bit short which I find it cute. I meet her once she was getting bullied by her classmates and I did what my heart told me to I jumped in the middle of fight which it wasn't very clever of me but I did what a gentleman would do and I don't regret it although I got a long hard detention.

Fuyuko:I'm doing fine thank you senpai. I'm very sorry about the trouble I made last time.
I laugh shyly she for sure is a sweetgirl .
Touya:oh I'm happy for you but if they cause you any problem tell me okay?

She hold my hand calmly. Oh my God I think I tern as red as keigo's wings.
Fuyuko:thank you it alright for me to call you by your first name.
Touya:yeah it's actually better this way I feel more comfortable.
Keigo:and why should you exactly feel comfortable with a stranger .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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