never wanted

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Hey👋how you doing sinners for better experience I recommend you to wear headphone and read the story in a dark and quite place .(I don't know if you prefer the Male version or female version so i would send the male version at the end of the chapter. The song name is never enough. )
Anyway before we start I have a challenge for you guys. try not to cry.

Dabi POV:
the only thing I can see is dark.
I feel so numb like all of my memories were deleted.
:touya you cheated.
:no I didn't.
:yes you did admit it.
:get off me you are heavy.
:so you choose the hard way so I will tickle you till you admit the truth.
:no you won't....Hahahaha ...d-don't
Stop it .Haha
:not until you admit your defeat.
The kids start laughing and screaming again. This feel familiar. Where, where did I see this before.
I start running to where I think the voices come from.
Dabi:pleas wait. Wait I'm coming.
I freeze in my place. I feel my body shaking rapidly.
Dabi:mom where are you.
Her voice something I will never forget. No matter where I am or how many years past I will always recognize her voice.
Mom:touya come here.
Dabi: mom I'm coming. Please wait. Mom where are you.
She was giggling. Why can't I find her my legs. They are shaking. I think they're going to give up.
Damn it not now I have to find her I have to tell her the truth. I'm not weak anymore I can do it I have to.
Mom:touya it's way past your bedtime.
B-bedtim. What is she talking about.
Dabi:mom where are you please answer me . What do you mean.
:mom but I don't want to sleep. I'm not tired please can I stay up a little longer.
I'm so confused. What's happening. Who are this voices I only can recognize mom's voice between them.
Is this a dream.
Mom:honey you know you can't stay up it's past's not good for your health.
: pretty please .
Mom:fine don't give me that puppy eyes.
:yay. Mom you're the best
:how about I sing you a lullebay.
:yes. Mom I like your voice it's beautiful.
Mom: thank you sweetie. Now close your eyes.

Or maybe an old memory. I sit on the ground. What was I expecting?
How many times I have to make a fool out of myself. Really what was I thinking even if this was real she would never forgive me I don't think even if she remembers me.
I let out a dry chuckle.
I always tell myself l regret none of my decisions I made in past.
So why can't I move on?
Why can't I forget the pain why can't I let go of memories?
Why tears are forming in my eyes?
Why every little sign of past can tear me apart?
Why I was never wanted?
I was shouting. Letting my emotions take over me. It's not like someone can hear me I'm all alone in the dark like all my life.
No no no I'm not going to cry .
What the hell I just have to wake up and forget all this.

Mom: little kid

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Mom: little kid. Time to sleep. Don't force your eyes open.
Let them take you to the land of dreams.
You have two wings. Behind your back.
And a guardian to keep you safe and sound.
Don't believe the demons under your bed.
Cause mommy is always here.
My little child. Close your eyes.
We will look after you all the times.
But mom you lied. You couldn't keep me safe. And the demons under my bed are my only friends.
You can never heal the scars I have.
And you can never heal my broken heart.
I have changed a lot and now I'm not the little boy who would run to your room when the sky get full of thunders.
But I still can never hold back my tears. Guess I'm still your little crybaby.
Touya: so you finally admit it.
Dabi: why?
Touya: because you deserve it .you told me you would take revenge from all people that hurt us.
Dabi: how showing our old memories Is ganna help the situation.
Touya: do you know why you can't let go of the past.
Dabi: no.
Touya: it's because you forget about the pain we suffer in the past. You only remember the sweet memories. But our past was a living hell. Let me show you.

the kid I lost (Dabi Is Touya)Where stories live. Discover now