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While a family were sitting in the front parlour of their town house in London on a beautiful spring evening, spending some family time together; a knock on the door interrupted them, their butler Elijah went to answer it.

"Hello and how may I help you?" he asked to the person on the door stop, "yes, I'm here to see the Alpha of the London pack" said the man and he said nothing more until he was asked to come inside.

"This way please" ushered Elijah to the man, "who may I say is looking for my Lord?" asked Elijah, the man looked and then hung his head and after a long while he finally said "Professor Randolph Lyall, Kingair Beta".

"I'll have to ask you to wait here while I inform my Lord and Lady about this" said Elijah and so the professor stayed in the lobby while Elijah went to inform his Lord.

Inside the parlour a young family of five were spending some quality time together, the family consisted of the parents and their three handful of children; all three years old, almost four.

A slight knock on the parlour door stopped the family's activities, "my Lord, a Professor Randolph Lyall is here to see you" said Elijah to his Lord that looked only to be 25 years old while his wife was only a year older than he was; he in fact was 185 years old and he hadn't aged a day.

Once he heard this, Elijah's Lord got up right away and said "show him in right away" this surprised his wife and kind of startled one of his children but nothing more was said until Elijah showed in the professor.

"Biffy!" was all that professor Lyall could say once he saw who was now the Lord and Alpha of the London werewolf pack. Right away Biffy smiled towards him and said "Elijah please can you get us some tea and something for the children, please" and right away Elijah went to do what he was asked of.

"Well this is a surprise Lyall" said Biffy making his son look towards him, and then he knew what he had said and just smiled towards his son who was sitting next to his mother on a two seat sofa next to the chair his father was sitting on.

"Papa?" was all this son asked and then looked towards the man who was standing in the doorway. "Lyall, son don't worry this is an old friend of mine back when I was a very young werewolf and you're named after him" trying to explain everything to a three year old.

"Professor Lyall, please come and sit down and then I can introduce you all" said Biffy and right away the professor sat down in a chair opposite him. "It has been a very long time, Biffy" said the professor towards him and Biffy smiled and then said "yes, almost 200 hundred years if I had my guess" said Biffy "but enough of that please let me introduce everyone".

"Professor Lyall, this is my wife Sumire and our three children; Luna our oldest, Lyall our only son and our youngest Unmei and this my darling family is Professor Randolph Lyall, ex Beta to the London pack and the Beta of the Kingair pack in Scotland" said Biffy introducing everyone.

Afterwards Elijah came in with the tea and some fruit juice for the children, "thank you Eli" said Sumire to him and he just bowed towards her and headed back out of the room having Luna follow him out of the parlour and into the house further.

"What brings you back to London?" asked Biffy to the professor trying to not call him by the name that had brought so much love to him and now that his son also had that name.

"I did what I said I would do, I came back" said the professor to him ignoring the others in the room, "papa" came the reply from his daughter. At the very moment everyone turned to her surprised that she had spoken up quite loudly even for her.

"Unmei, darling what is the matter?" asked her mother only to turn towards the door right when a wolf cub came bursting through the door.

"RAAAR!" screamed the cub as she ran in only to make both of her parents sigh and her siblings hung their heads in shame as their sister went about running amok in the parlour.

"You little monster get back here" said an angry voice only to stop when he saw the professor sitting there. "Why hello Channing" said the professor ignoring the cub running around.

"Luna, stop that right now" said her mother only to make her child stop for about a minute but then carried on with what she was doing. "I take it that you know him as well Channing" said Sumire towards the man who had come in.

"Yes my Lady, I was Gamma when he was Beta back when Lord Maccon was Alpha" said Channing still standing there, "could you perhaps... get the young miss to..." continued Channing keeping an eye on the cub and the other on the professor.

Right away Luna happened to go in front of her mother and right away touched her reverting her back to herself. "Thank you my Lady, I'll be going now" said Channing casting another eye over the professor and the family and then left the parlour.

"I see that Channing is doing rather well" said the professor, Biffy just smiled at this "he's now Beta" was all he said as his wife said "Lio?" making him turn towards her.

"Yes, my love?" he asked her and she just said "you two look like you know each other very well and at the same time you're both ignoring the other people in the room, I think, Lio my love, that you would rather prefer his company over your own family" she said getting up slowly and walked over to him and touched him slightly turning him mortal for a few seconds.

"Biffy, you didn't tell me that your wife is a Preternatural" said professor Lyall and both him and his wife turned to him. "I'm more than just a Preternatural, I can chose who I turn mortal not like my great-great-great grandmother Alexia Tarabotti Maccon" said Sumire and she walked out leaving her children with her husband and his friend.

"Well that's more than she usually says, she's normally very quiet like Lyall and Unmei while Luna is hyperactive as you saw, all three of them are completely different but Luna and Unmei are identical twins" said Biffy to the professor once his wife was out of the room.

"So a Preternatural for a wife and what I saw earlier you have a Flayer for a daughter, am I right?" asked the professor towards his friend. "Well not exactly all three are Flayers really and they can share the supernatural state with each other if the others haven't touched someone with supernatural abilities" said Biffy.

"Papa is mama o.k.?" asked his son and he touched his father's arm turning him mortal and not turning himself into a werewolf. "Lyall your mother will be fine, she'll be back later I promise" said his father towards his son and right away he let go of his father and he turned back to normal.

"It's like a Preternatural touch" said the professor and he looked towards the three children now playing together. "They are very much alike they all have the same ability, all Flayers but they can chose who they turn mortal" said Biffy looking at his children.

"I have best go and check on her, I'm sorry to ask this of you my dear Lyall but could you perhaps keep an eye on these three for me, I'll send Elijah in as well as they can be quite a handful if there is someone new" said Biffy getting up making his children look at him.

"Papa?" they all said at once, "I'm going to check on your mother, the dear professor here has said he will look after you for a few minutes along with Elijah, ok my sweeties" said their father and he walked out bumping into Elijah right away.

"Sorry, my Lord about that, the Lady has asked me to find you and bring you to the back parlour where she is waiting for you" said the butler. "Thank you Elijah I have another task for you... the triplets if you may" said Biffy as he walked off to the back parlour.

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