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She went back home and told her husband that the vampire had said he would babysit but they had to wait half an hour to do so they waited forty five minutes and finally went over.

"Ah brandy sugar snap I hear that I have two roses to look after today while you're out" said the vampire and he bent down to Luna and Unmei, "and I see that you've dressed them up in the same outfit, so adorable" as he commentated on their dresses.

"I hate being like this" said Unmei under her breath but both her father and the vampire could hear her. "Oh sugar plum you look wonderful, the colours match you perfectly" said Lord Akeldama as he ushered the two girls inside.

"I repeat behave I don't want to come back and find out that either of you have become a vampire" said their mother as she walked down the steps, "thank you again, my Lord for doing this at short notice" said Biffy.

"Biffy my darling boy, I don't mind at all, they are such sweet little things" said Lord Akeldama, "I might add that you must go otherwise your wife will leave without you" smiled the vampire making poor Biffy turn to face his wife and right then the door was closed.

They headed to the hospital were Biffy was fidgeting the whole time in the car, "I prefer to run" was his reply and his wife laughed "I know you do but we are a Lord and Lady and I don't really want to turn up with a chocolate brown wolf next to be instead of my perfect husband" and she laughed again.

Inside the hospital Lyall was seen to right away and they were told that he had to stay in so they could keep an eye on him due to this fever of his, his parents were heartbroken but they knew it was for the best.

"O.k. doctor that will be fine and you said we can visit him tomorrow is that right?" asked Biffy to the doctor, "yes my Lord that is right but you should of brought him to us sooner, but at least he's in the best place now" said the doctor as he started to leave.

"Papa?" was all his son said before he cried "Lyall we aren't going to leave just yet and plus the doctor said you'll be fine, you'll just have to stay here until you get better that's all" said Biffy to his son while his mother hugged her husband.

Back at Lord Akeldama's Luna was now completely bored out of her mind and thought it would be a good idea to annoy the drones but she gave up after an hour or so. Unmei on the other hand was having fun playing with the vampire's hair; trying to plat it the best she could before she got bored as well.

"I think my darlings that we had better go out for a walk before your parents come back, you all look so utterly bored being cooped up inside on this fine evening" said Lord Akeldama to the two girls.

"YAY!" they cried and so before they left Lord Akeldama made a few changes to their wardrobe, changing their outfits completely to match his own which was periwinkle blue and magenta pink.

He grabbed a hold of each of their hands which he found kind of difficult with Unmei holding onto the doll that she found in the parlour but he managed it without them taking his supernatural state at all.

"Akel look a bird" pointed Luna into the nearest tree that she could find, "yes honey suckle you're right and it's a most beautiful bird. It's called a starling, such a beautiful thing indeed" said the vampire as he looked up to where Luna pointed, he didn't notice that Unmei had let go of his hand and was now walking off.

"Akel where's Mei?" asked Luna after they had finished looking at the bird, "she was here a moment ago, we had better find her" said the vampire taking hold of Luna's hand tightly and he followed her scent towards the duck pond.

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