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They followed her and held on tightly to her hands so then they wouldn't get separated from her. "Unmei how did you know your father was coming through the door?" she asked to her but she just said "I could smell him, that's all" said Unmei, not saying much else.

They entered the police station and walked up to the commissioner in charge, strangely enough it happened to be a relative of the London's commissioner.

"Ah the Rabiffano family, I assume?" she asked and all Sumire did was nod, "well please this way" and they followed her into her office, closing the door and blinds as she went.

"I hear from my cousin that your oldest child has been kidnapped and that she is here in Illinois, do you have a picture so then we can post it everywhere and inform the rest of the police force here?"

Sumire just rummaged through her bag and pulled out a family picture of the family; "here" said Sumire looking at the picture and then at Lyall and Unmei. "She's the one in her father's arms, Lyall's in my arms and Unmei's in the centre" explaining who was who in the picture and handed over the picture.

"I see you have a beautiful family, Mrs. Rabiffano" said the commissioner to her, "I prefer Lady Rabiffano" said Sumire to her. Just then the commissioner realised what she had said and what was written in the documents sent over from London.

"I am sorry Lady Rabiffano, we will get onto this right away and hopefully we'll be able to find your daughter..." and she looked at the picture again "... can I ask for some more details on your daughter?" she finished with but it was Lyall and Unmei that gave her what she wanted.

"Her name is Luna Alice de Rabiffano; she's our sister, the oldest out of us triplets, she looks like papa, chocolate brown hair and has mama's eyes their green. She likes to dress in aqua colour clothes why we like pink and lilac and we are four on Sunday" they said to her, Sumire was happy that they didn't mention anything about supernatural's.

"Well I can tell that you love your sister but can I ask you something else?" she asked them, and they looked over at their mother and when she nodded they nodded to the commissioner.

"Do you know who it was? If you do can you tell me more about it?" this was namely directed at Sumire but Unmei just said "a police officer with red hair and green eyes. She helped me when I was lost in the park when I was with Akel and Lu" and she began to cry and Lyall hugged her tightly.

"Well I must say that your children know who it was and I understand that you Lady Rabiffano know as well". Sumire didn't answer as Unmei's head again bolted up right and said "papa's here" and at that moment he walked in.

"Papa!" they said and ran over to him and crashed into him but they knew not to take his supernatural state when they were in the present of someone they didn't know.

"Commissioner this is my husband Sandalio de Rabiffano" said Sumire looking towards her family. The commissioner smiled towards him and said "my Lord and Lady I understand that you know who it was and the only police officer that fits that description at that time who went to England is Amelia Phillipa Roland" and she showed them a picture of her.

"That's her" said Unmei from her father's arms, "but she called herself something else" said Biffy, "I think it was Janice Stevens" this made the commissioner look at them and then looked more into the information that was gathered for her.

"Well I must say! Something is very strange we know her as Amelia Roland but it says here that she also goes by the name of Alice-Rose Watkins. It appears that she has many different names and we don't know what ones are false. We can't do anymore until we gather more information" said the commissioner to them and so they left.

Luna was still chained to the cage in which she was living in, Janice Stevens had started conducting experiments on the poor girl to see if the information that she had gathered; information on the Tarabotti and Sakurai families were true.

At first she had found a weak werewolf and had thrown it into a cell and then had thrown poor Luna in there as well to see if the information was true and that she could take a supernatural appearance and when she had looked into the cell a few hours later she noticed that now there was a pitch black wolf standing there next to a whimpering man.

"Ah so it is true" she smiled towards the cub who was picked up by the scruff of her neck. Luna growled to her but she was just thrown into her cage and was just given a bit of stale bread and water to eat and drink.

Luna whimpered all night until morning came when she changed back to herself and was crying. "I want to go home" she said in between sobs, little did she know the room that she was in was fitted with cameras.

"So it works like that, then" said Janice to herself and then into a microphone she spoke to Luna. "Well child it looks like your something special indeed and I hope that your father comes sooner rather than later" and she switched off the microphone and laughed.

Luna just cried and cried and kept saying "papa come and get me", "papa please rescue me but please be careful, and she's after you" and she cried until she fell asleep.

In a few hours Janice threw a vampire in who was mad with thirst and once he saw her he want to attack her right away but Luna managed to dodge him and lightly touch him turning him mortal and her into a vampire.

She tried to escape from the cell but it was no use, Janice had predicted this and made special precautions and zapped her with electricity that she screamed with surprise and shock and the pain that she was in.

Janice was watching all of this from the safety of her home laughing as she saw this. "That girl is much stronger then I gave her credit for, it must be the Tarabotti lineage in her or it could be that she's more than a normal supernatural" and she carried on watching the girl in pain.

At the hotel Sumire were holding her children tightly and said "so you knew who it was all along my sweets. I wish you told us sooner and not hold back like you did. I'm disappointed in you for that but I can understand why you did".

Biffy just looked at them and said nothing and kept looking out of the window most of the time but kept on turning to them every time he heard a noise coming from his family.

When it was sunset and his children had finally fallen asleep he said something so quiet that Sumire almost missed what he had said. "I picked up on her scent, when we came here", she just looked at him with wide eyes.

"Oh Biffy really!" she said slipping up again but they both knew it was more out of shock then anything. "Yes but I'm not happy that all my family has to go through this, something isn't right and plus full moon is tomorrow and I won't be of much help to you" and he hung his head.

"I know my love and plus it just so happens to be their birthday as well and here we are on a rescue mission and not eating cake and opening presents" said Sumire leaning into her husband.

They both sighed and just nodded to each other and they too headed to bed, sleeping together with Lyall and Unmei in the middle of them just in case something else happened.

Janice had had her fun and was now prowling around looking for the Alpha of the London pack, she knew he was near but couldn't work out where.

"I will find you, trust me Alpha I will find you" and she carried on looking and just before midday the following day she had found out where the family was staying. She managed to drug the two children as well as Sumire but she found it a lot harder with Biffy but she knew the concoction that she had mixed up would work.

"Huh??" moaned Sumire as she was waking up in darkness, "is it night time already?" she asked still half asleep and then over a microphone "no it's still morning and now that I have you all, a complete collection of supernatural's" laughed the voice.

"Janice Stevens" moaned Sumire to the voice and all it said was "why yes, but that sadly isn't my name, I have many others but this is my name at the moment, but enough of me I want to know what you are" and she said no more.

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