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On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth...

This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began...

Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible...

He got 8 of them...


17 years ago...

Alarms are blaring throughout the street as crowds and reporters surround the bank to get the inside scoop of the hostage situation going on. Dovie thrummed with excitement as they waited for their cue to invade the bank. She was humming her favorite song as they waited when she was startled by Diego, "Someone looks excited." "Of course I'm excited. I have a new power to test out!" Dovie smiled, excitedly, making Diego chuckle at her excitement before Sir Reginald commands through coms, "Number one, time to get into position." "Yes, sir." Luther said through the coms before he began to climb to the roof as the rest sneaked to the back door of the bank.

Everyone gathered around Dovie when she pulled out her lock pick and picked the lock with ease. She opened the door ushering the others inside..... well beside Klaus. Dovie raised an eyebrow, "K'norka, you coming?" "After you Bumgorf." He smiles, pushing her inside. She turns, smirking, "You're going to be the look out... again." "Pfft, no! I'll be right behind you! Save a bad guy for me." Klaus exclaims, not convincing the petite girl when Diego rushes over, "Songbird, we need to get a move on!" Without letting the girl get another word in he grabbed her hand and dragged her where the others were waiting. Finally it was time for the others to strut their stuff with Sir Reginald commanding, "Now number three!"

They all give Allison a nod before she walks up beside the robber, who's arguing with the police over the radio. He notice's Allison before barking, "Hey, get back with the others!" "I heard a rumor." Allison says, making the robber give her a confused look, "What? What did you say?"
Allison gave him a smile, leaning closer, "I heard a rumor, you shot your friend in the foot." And with that he was instantly taken over by Allison's powers. He turned to his friend with his gun cocked back, making his friend's eyes scrunch in confusion, "Hey, dude! What the hell?" Suddenly a shot rang through the bank, following the sound of the friend groaning in pain. He fell to the floor shooting some shots above some hostages as the shooter was released from Allison's powers and confusedly stared at his gun, wondering what just happened.

Allison headed back to the group giving Dovie a high five, saying, "Your turn sis!" Dovie smiled wide before sneaking her way out into the open when she smiled, "Hello boys!" Two robbers turned to her and immediately started shooting at her, which didn't do any good since it hit her shadow shield.

Songbird [An Umbrella Academy Story]Where stories live. Discover now